Photo Gallery: Fourteen Estate Planning Lessons From ‘Game of Thrones’ #tcot #EstatePlanning #OC
— $David Robert Duringer (@guntrust) May 27, 2016
My unauthorized email server wasn't private at all. I shared all the info on it with hackers around the world.
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 27, 2016
And who could blame them!
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 27, 2016
At Hiroshima O sees "shared respon" 2 prevent another nuclear weapon being used. What abt his defense cuts that invite anthr Pearl Harbor?
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 27, 2016
Hard to make out in this photo all the Syrian rebels Obama says these brave men are "advising"
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 27, 2016
Your Republican nominee, ladies & gentlemen
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 27, 2016
Understandable given the immense fees she got for her secret Wall St speeches.
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 27, 2016
If my mustache remembers correctly, @CoachQsMustache has 3 Stanley Cups in Crosby's 7 empty years. #Hello
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 27, 2016
@DavidNakamura @whpresscorps Except those are not helicopters. They're Osprey VTOLs
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 27, 2016
Food for Thought
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 27, 2016
Obama aides wud point out these boots are not technically on the ground; they're in the back of a pickup. #pathetic
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 27, 2016
RT @TheEconomist: Hillary Clinton's handling of her e-mail mess is an indictment on her political skill
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 27, 2016
RT @ReutersWorld: Al Qaeda still reaping oil profits in Yemen despite battlefield reverses
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 27, 2016
Garland Nomination is a Torpedo Aimed at Second Amendment, Gun Orgs Firmly Oppose #tcot #2A #NRA #CCW #OC
— $David Robert Duringer (@guntrust) May 26, 2016
Breaking: Jairam Hathwar and Nihar Janga co-champions of Scripps National Spelling Bee. They successfully spelled each other's names.
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
Front Sight PRIVATE ONE-ON-ONE Firearm Training Normally $3000 RARE!! Save Time/Money!!! #tcot #2A #CCW
— $David Robert Duringer (@guntrust) May 26, 2016
Time for some R&T--Trump vs Sanders Rumble & Tumble Debate
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
RT @JonahNRO: "Trump doesn't need you, fool! But if he loses, you will be to blame." = my email and Twitter 10X a day.
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
Woman hit in face, knocked down stairs, grabs gun from cabinet, scares off intruder #tcot #2A #CCW #OC
— $David Robert Duringer (@guntrust) May 26, 2016
RT @realjennya: @laura_lrnzo I stopped listening months ago after listening every day since 2006. He's just entertaining himself, at this point.
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
How #Hillary Clinton’s gimme turned into a struggle #tcot #p2 #sanders
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
Fallon: TSA security head let go, told 2 turn in badge, uniform, shoes, belt, keys, bottles over 4 ozs, laptop & any coins in his pockets
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
Fallon: So 90% of Native Americans aren't bothered by the Redskins team name. Turns out the name they dislike the most is still the Cowboys.
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
RT @paulbenedict7: Video Catches McAuliffe with Chinese Donor He Never Met at Hillary Dinner #ClintonCash #tcot
— $Bret Baier (@BretBaier) May 26, 2016
64 yr old homeowner on dialysis uses gun to ward off burglary suspect in #OrangeCounty #tcot #2A #CCW #OC
— $David Robert Duringer (@guntrust) May 26, 2016
Video Catches McAuliffe with Chinese Donor He Never Met at Hillary Dinner #ClintonCash #tcot
— $Paul Benedict (@paulbenedict7) May 26, 2016
Fri #CSPAN Live-DefSecy Carter speech to Naval Academy grads 10amET; Trump SanDiego rally 5pmET.
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
Painfully true.
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
DIY #EstatePlanning May Be Dangerous to Your Wealth! http://Protect.LIFE #tcot #OC
— $David Robert Duringer (@guntrust) May 26, 2016
@guypbenson Maybe Mormon is autocorrect for moron?
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
Is It Time to Increase Defense Spending? McCain Proposal Sparks Debate: At a time when the U.S. is in c... #tcot
— $David John Shestokas (@shestokas) May 26, 2016
First, the IRS Took $68K From Connecticut Bakers. Now, It’s Investigating Them.: For nearly 100 years, ... #tcot
— $David John Shestokas (@shestokas) May 26, 2016
Battle Over LGBT Amendment Threatens to Stall Entire Appropriations Process: An LGBT measure derailed a... #tcot
— $David John Shestokas (@shestokas) May 26, 2016
@guypbenson @SuicidalAltruis @ConservativeLA You actually expect them to process your words?
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
RT @charlescwcooke: Amazing how many people who can usually detect insidious secret messages in a bowl of cereal are stumped by the Couric evidence.
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
#EstatePlanning for Gun Owners!! - Why You Need to Plan Now!!! Webinar schedule: #tcot #2A #CCW #OC
— $David Robert Duringer (@guntrust) May 26, 2016
Florida Grandmother Attacks Robber Holding Toddler at Gunpoint #tcot #2A #CCW #OC
— $David Robert Duringer (@guntrust) May 26, 2016
This makes me laugh every time.
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
Finally, #Hillary #Clinton comes clean.
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016
RT @JanieVelencia: Great to know Donald Trump stays informed by reading the @HuffingtonPost! cc @hil_fung
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) May 26, 2016