RT @Inc: If You Move Your Startup to One of These Countries, They'll Pay You http://bit.ly/1qFB3uO @ajalumnify
— $Jeffrey Alan Peek (@PeekAndToland) June 7, 2016
The $7 Million #Startup With Zero Managers http://buff.ly/1t5vM1d @Buffer #businessmanagement
— $Andrew Saul Traub (@AustinAttorney) June 7, 2016
Picture perfect night to celebrate #startups and world changers at #1776Challenge Festival! https://t.co/y5xkCV1aIt
— $Vishal Sharma (@vishne0) June 7, 2016
Startup activity and venture capital are moving from the suburbs to the city http://trib.al/ldoju1j https://t.co/vyu7BEZx3y
— $CityLab (@CityLab) June 7, 2016
You don't have to be a startup to be innovative http://s.hbr.org/1U66BEF
— $Harvard Biz Review (@HarvardBiz) June 7, 2016
#business #entrepreneur #success One Foolproof Way to Achieve the Goals You Set, Backed by Science: http://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/one-almost-foolproof-way-to-achieve-the-goals-you-set-backed-by-science.html
— $Brett A Cenkus (@bcenkus) June 7, 2016
RT @4dabledotcom: "There is no force equal to that of a determined woman." ???????????? #startup #entrepreneur #empowerment https://t.co/P4fQBZzbpo
— $J.D. Houvener (@Bold_IP) June 7, 2016
"There is no force equal to that of a determined woman." ???????????? #startup #entrepreneur #empowerment https://t.co/P4fQBZzbpo
— $4dable (@4dabledotcom) June 7, 2016
#socialmedia #marketing #business 5 Up-and-Coming Social Media Tools You Should Know About: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/276704
— $Brett A Cenkus (@bcenkus) June 7, 2016
The Japanese startup with man-made shooting stars in its eyes http://on.wsj.com/1svn7VO
— $Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) June 7, 2016
RT @WSJD: Salesforce is investing $50 million in startups and launching an incubator for early-stage cloud startups http://on.wsj.com/24x3UPo
— $Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) June 7, 2016
Salesforce is investing $50 million in startups and launching an incubator for early-stage cloud startups http://on.wsj.com/24x3UPo
— $WSJ Tech (@WSJTech) June 7, 2016
60 Second Answer: Should I Register My Startup Business in Delaware? - http://cenkus.com/register-startup-business-delaware/
— $Brett A Cenkus (@bcenkus) June 7, 2016
6/8 StartupLaw CLE: startup structures, seed financing, crowdfunding. Spkr: @DLA_Piper http://ow.ly/vhHd30117Pf https://t.co/TrTLurF69t
— $The Bar Assoc. of SF (@sfbar) June 7, 2016
RT @CityLab: Startups are increasingly moving to dense urban areas that are more walkable and served by transit http://trib.al/pKRFSR2
— $Richard Florida (@Richard_Florida) June 7, 2016
Startups are increasingly moving to dense urban areas that are more walkable and served by transit http://trib.al/pKRFSR2
— $CityLab (@CityLab) June 7, 2016
"True Innovation Demands Innovative IP Strategies" @IPStrategist https://goo.gl/tlDEmf #startups #patents
— $Jackie Hutter (@IPStrategist) June 7, 2016
#iot Faraday Future to test autonomous cars in Michigan - Autonomous startup Faraday Future wants to begin test... http://ow.ly/GutH50186le
— $ReadWrite (@RWW) June 7, 2016
RT @PaulNemitz: #Startups gain traction by making #privacy and #security a selling point - http://CSMonitor.com http://nzzl.us/W0L1UkN #EUDatap #GDPR
— $Ryan Calo (@rcalo) June 7, 2016
#Startups gain traction by making #privacy and #security a selling point - http://CSMonitor.com http://nzzl.us/W0L1UkN #EUDatap #GDPR
— $Paul Nemitz (@PaulNemitz) June 7, 2016
RT @Timeline_Now: To be successful in Silicon Valley just call your startup "the Uber of" something. http://bit.ly/1UDHDMT https://t.co/wy2K35paB0
— $casey butler (@casebut) June 7, 2016
To be successful in Silicon Valley just call your startup "the Uber of" something. http://bit.ly/1UDHDMT https://t.co/wy2K35paB0
— $Timeline (@Timeline_Now) June 7, 2016
3 Ways Messaging Will Transform Marketing: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/275118
— $Brett A Cenkus (@bcenkus) June 7, 2016
Checklist After Starting A Business - Bellatrix PC http://bit.ly/1tB6OPY #startup #business #entrepreneur #smallbiz
— $Alicia Irene Dearn (@aliciadearn) June 7, 2016
Don't miss Startup Law CLE tmrw (6/8) 12p, w/ featured speaker Curtis Mo @DLA_Piper http://ow.ly/lQJ730116ZN https://t.co/NRcyVS4phY
— $The Bar Assoc. of SF (@sfbar) June 7, 2016
I liked a @YouTube video from @jeffbrice http://youtu.be/ElWQ_1U0MkI?a New Bloom 2015 Music Pack - New Bloom (Startup) [Dota 2]
— $Brian Christopher Rowe (@Sarterus) June 7, 2016
Can Fintech Startups Carry Out Crowdfunding in Hong Kong? http://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/can-fintech-startups-carry-out-crowd-83939/
— $JD Supra (@JDSupra) June 7, 2016
11. There is a huge cluster of VC investment & startups around MIT.
— $Richard Florida (@Richard_Florida) June 7, 2016
RT @bgurley: Seattle is an amazing startup city. All four pillars (Costco, Starbucks, Amazon, & Microsoft) were VC backed. https://twitter.com/trengriffin/status/739978604994387968
— $Kyle Hulten (@KyleHulten) June 7, 2016
Startups and venture capital are going urban http://trib.al/yfkY82c https://t.co/H4ncTDJ4oT
— $CityLab (@CityLab) June 7, 2016
6. 25% all venture capital startups are located in urban neighborhoods where more than 50% of workers walk, bike or take transit to work.
— $Richard Florida (@Richard_Florida) June 7, 2016
5. 1/3 of all venture-capital startups are located in neighborhoods with more than 30% of workers who walk, bike, or use transit to commute.
— $Richard Florida (@Richard_Florida) June 7, 2016
4. Startup neighborhoods have considerably greater shares of commuters who walk, bike, or take transit to work (16.6% v. 8.4% nat avg).
— $Richard Florida (@Richard_Florida) June 7, 2016
Across the US, 57% of startup companies & 54% venture-capital investments located in urban ZIP codes.
— $Richard Florida (@Richard_Florida) June 7, 2016
Seattle is an amazing startup city. All four pillars (Costco, Starbucks, Amazon, & Microsoft) were VC backed. https://twitter.com/trengriffin/status/739978604994387968
— $Bill Gurley (@bgurley) June 7, 2016
1. The Urban Shift in Startups & Venture Capital - My latest @CityLab - http://www.citylab.com/tech/2016/06/startups-and-venture-capital-are-going-urban/485978/ https://t.co/BKKTPDPdZ9
— $Richard Florida (@Richard_Florida) June 7, 2016
Finding Your Life’s Passion Today - http://cenkus.com/finding-lifes-passion-today/
— $Brett A Cenkus (@bcenkus) June 7, 2016
#LLC: protects owners' personal assets; can sell ownership interests to third parties. #startup @wsj #smallbiz
— $Galia Aharoni (@AharoniBizLaw) June 7, 2016
7 Email Marketing Best Practices http://hubs.ly/H038b_Z0 by @Entrepreneur https://t.co/r9Dl1JuhyC
— $Brett A Cenkus (@bcenkus) June 7, 2016
A registered agent is a person/corp agreeing to accept service of process for #LLC, sign contracts, negotiate deals. #startup #entrepreneur
— $Galia Aharoni (@AharoniBizLaw) June 7, 2016