San Bernardino’s residents resist Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric in the name of their city’s terror attacks.
— $Foreign Policy (@ForeignPolicy) June 8, 2016
RT @Taniel: 60 GOP governors, senators & representatives are actively holding out on Trump. I analyzed what distinguishes them:
— $Greg Dworkin (@DemFromCT) June 8, 2016
60 GOP governors, senators & representatives are actively holding out on Trump. I analyzed what distinguishes them:
— $Taniel (@Taniel) June 8, 2016
Want to welcome "Switzerland" (AKA @hughhewitt) to the Resistance. Who's next? When does @WSJ see the light?
— $Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) June 8, 2016
"Stop resisting," the Parties growled.
— $Edward Snowden (@Snowden) June 8, 2016
ForeignPolicy: San Bernardino’s residents resist Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric in the name of their city’s terro…
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 8, 2016
San Bernardino’s residents resist Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric in the name of their city’s terror attacks.
— $Foreign Policy (@ForeignPolicy) June 8, 2016
See Update:APSCU meets w WH! Tries to gut #studentdebt relief rules!"We need to resist ideological agendas!"Uses !!!
— $David Halperin (@DaHalperin) June 8, 2016
Italy celebrates Israeli apartheid with pizzas and denunciations of nonviolent Palestinian resistance, BDS
— $Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) June 8, 2016
RT @mollymotoole: How San Bernardino,which suffered worst terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11, is resisting Trump's terror politics
— $Foreign Policy (@ForeignPolicy) June 8, 2016
Bob Kerrey should resist calls to quit. But he should send back that medal, writes @NYTimesCohen
— $NYT Opinion (@nytopinion) June 8, 2016
How San Bernardino,which suffered worst terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11, is resisting Trump's terror politics
— $Molly O'Toole (@mollymotoole) June 7, 2016
thenation: RT naomi_dann: "When the system of inequality ends in Israel-Palestine, resistance to it will be looked back on as a badge of ho…
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 7, 2016
RT @naomi_dann: "When the system of inequality ends in Israel-Palestine, resistance to it will be looked back on as a badge of honor"
— $The Nation (@thenation) June 7, 2016
RT @Amanda_Zurface: "Jesus can't resist us when we give him a YES!" #GIVEN2016 @ The…
— $Kathryn Jean Lopez (@kathrynlopez) June 7, 2016
"Jesus can't resist us when we give him a YES!" #GIVEN2016 @ The…
— $Amanda Zurface (@Amanda_Zurface) June 7, 2016
Jesus can't resist us when we give Him a yes. --Sr. Mary Gabriel #Given2016
— $Kathryn Jean Lopez (@kathrynlopez) June 7, 2016
'Breathalyzer' Slows Antibiotic Resistance...
"When the system of inequality ends in Israel-Palestine, resistance to it will be looked back on as a badge of honor"
— $Naomi Dann (@naomi_dann) June 7, 2016
Breams have ordered! After hearing original story way back when, couldn't resist t-shirt ; ) cc: @DocThompsonShow
— $Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) June 7, 2016
ForeignPolicy: San Bernardino’s residents resist Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric in the name of their city’s terro…
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 7, 2016
San Bernardino’s residents resist Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric in the name of their city’s terror attacks.
— $Foreign Policy (@ForeignPolicy) June 7, 2016
RT @susie_c: John Oliver's debt buy was inspired by a project that went totally unmentioned on the show.
— $Natasha Lennard (@natashalennard) June 7, 2016
RT @PatentlyApple: Apple Granted 45 Patents Today Covering Touch ID, Liquid Resistant Devices, Apple Watch +
— $Patrick Thomas Reilly (@ipsociety) June 7, 2016
RT @susie_c: John Oliver's debt buy was inspired by a project that went totally unmentioned on the show.
— $Clay Shirky (@cshirky) June 7, 2016
RT @fatimurriet: Dismantling begins with discrediting our leaders, we gotta resist! #FreeJasmine #blacklivesmatter @BLMLA
— $ (@ColorOfChange) June 7, 2016
RT @NoahCRothman: Take a minute to absorb the exceptional nature of continued GOP resistance to Trump in the Senate. It's intensifying
— $Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) June 7, 2016
Take a minute to absorb the exceptional nature of continued GOP resistance to Trump in the Senate. It's intensifying
— $Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) June 7, 2016
Dismantling begins with discrediting our leaders, we gotta resist! #FreeJasmine #blacklivesmatter @BLMLA
— $Fátima A. Murrieta (@fatimurriet) June 7, 2016
RT @BillKristol: One can understand thinking Vichy might be the lesser evil right after France fell. But decent people soon hastened to join the Resistance.
— $Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) June 7, 2016
RT @jaynordlinger: After all this is over, everyone will say he was with the Resistance. "'Trump'? Name rings a faint bell, but ..."
— $Max Boot (@MaxBoot) June 7, 2016
After all this is over, everyone will say he was with the Resistance. "'Trump'? Name rings a faint bell, but ..."
— $Jay Nordlinger (@jaynordlinger) June 7, 2016
#WILU2016 "I think teaching the catalog can be a way to teach about power, dominance, hegemony, and resistance more broadly." - @edrabinski
— $Lyonette Louis-Jacques (@montserratlj) June 7, 2016
And to think, people wondered why Paul Ryan was resistant to accepting the speakership.
— $Mike O'Brien (@mpoindc) June 7, 2016
One can understand thinking Vichy might be the lesser evil right after France fell. But decent people soon hastened to join the Resistance.
— $Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) June 7, 2016
Apple Granted 45 Patents Today Covering Touch ID, Liquid Resistant Devices, Apple Watch +
— $Patently Apple (@PatentlyApple) June 7, 2016
RT @susie_c: John Oliver's debt buy was inspired by a project that went totally unmentioned on the show.
— $Rose Eveleth ???? (@roseveleth) June 7, 2016
RT @BiellaColeman: Disappointed @iamjohnoliver made it seem like he had invented the idea of debt eradication.
— $Scott Rosenberg (@scottros) June 6, 2016
RT @andrewselsky: Finnegan's Wake. Sorry, couldn't resist.
— $Nicholas Thompson (@nxthompson) June 6, 2016
Finnegan's Wake. Sorry, couldn't resist.
— $Andrew Selsky (@andrewselsky) June 6, 2016