17-year-olds who get to vote in this year's NM primaries share who they're voting for any why: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/hundreds-of-17-year-olds-register-to-vote-in-this-years-june-primaries/ #nmpol #YouthVote
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) April 19, 2016
RT @commoncausenm: 100s of 17-year-olds register to vote in June primaries! http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/hundreds-of-17-year-olds-register-to-vote-in-this-years-june-primaries/ via @NMPoliticsnet @haussamen #nmpol #everyvotecounts
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 18, 2016
100s of 17-year-olds register to vote in June primaries! http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/hundreds-of-17-year-olds-register-to-vote-in-this-years-june-primaries/ via @NMPoliticsnet @haussamen #nmpol #everyvotecounts
— $Common Cause NM (@commoncausenm) April 18, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: 17-year-old excited to vote, "change the course of the nation and my party in the direction that I see fit." http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/hundreds-of-17-year-olds-register-to-vote-in-this-years-june-primaries/ #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 18, 2016
17-year-old excited to vote, "change the course of the nation and my party in the direction that I see fit." http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/hundreds-of-17-year-olds-register-to-vote-in-this-years-june-primaries/ #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) April 18, 2016
When you realize the 17-year-olds who get to vote in this year's primaries were born the year after you graduated from high school. #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 18, 2016
RT @susanmbryanNM: Latina governor's fundraising prowess on display at GOP gala http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Latina-governor-s-fundraising-prowess-on-display-7251172.php?cmpid=twitter-desktop by @AP's @mleeAP #nmpol #nmleg #election2016
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 15, 2016
Latina governor's fundraising prowess on display at GOP gala http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Latina-governor-s-fundraising-prowess-on-display-7251172.php?cmpid=twitter-desktop by @AP's @mleeAP #nmpol #nmleg #election2016
— $Susan M. Bryan (@susanmbryanNM) April 15, 2016
RT @NMreport: Regent involved in UNM Hospital shake up deleted emails http://nmpoliticalreport.com/40051/ #nmpol
— $Mark Rosch MCLE (@MarkRosch) April 15, 2016
Regent involved in UNM Hospital shake up deleted emails http://nmpoliticalreport.com/40051/ #nmpol
— $NM Political Report (@NMreport) April 15, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Sen. Mary Kay Papen continues to question the Martinez Administration's health-care related actions: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/another-ill-conceived-move-that-threatens-health-care-in-nm/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 15, 2016
Sen. Mary Kay Papen continues to question the Martinez Administration's health-care related actions: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/another-ill-conceived-move-that-threatens-health-care-in-nm/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) April 15, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: A man working to elect @HillaryClinton has 'defanged' a watchdog group that has a history of focusing on NM: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/group-that-has-watchdogged-nm-politicians-defanged-by-clinton-ally/ #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 15, 2016
RT @DanBoydNM: Scott Darnell, a deputy chief of staff and Gov. Martinez office stalwart, leaving next week: http://www.abqjournal.com/757393/news/a-top-adviser-to-martine-zis-leaving-her-administration.html via @ABQJournal #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 15, 2016
A man working to elect @HillaryClinton has 'defanged' a watchdog group that has a history of focusing on NM: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/group-that-has-watchdogged-nm-politicians-defanged-by-clinton-ally/ #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) April 15, 2016
Scott Darnell, a deputy chief of staff and Gov. Martinez office stalwart, leaving next week: http://www.abqjournal.com/757393/news/a-top-adviser-to-martine-zis-leaving-her-administration.html via @ABQJournal #nmpol
— $Dan Boyd (@DanBoydNM) April 15, 2016
RT @anrubio: And how many stories like this are we missing elsewhere? -> Why I missed the Flint story http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/why-i-missed-the-flint-story/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 15, 2016
And how many stories like this are we missing elsewhere? -> Why I missed the Flint story http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/why-i-missed-the-flint-story/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $Angelica Rubio (@anrubio) April 15, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Holloman community will miss German Air Force, families, @RepStevePearce says: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/holloman-community-will-miss-german-air-force-families/ #nmpol #military
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 15, 2016
Holloman community will miss German Air Force, families, @RepStevePearce says: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/holloman-community-will-miss-german-air-force-families/ #nmpol #military
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) April 15, 2016
RT @andrewboxford: Judge gives ousted Española City Council member 30 days to review ballots amid voter fraud investigation http://goo.gl/HRhyP9 #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 14, 2016
Judge gives ousted Española City Council member 30 days to review ballots amid voter fraud investigation http://goo.gl/HRhyP9 #nmpol
— $Andrew Oxford (@andrewboxford) April 14, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Washington group that has watchdogged NM politicians ‘defanged’ by Clinton ally: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/group-that-has-watchdogged-nm-politicians-defanged-by-clinton-ally/ #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 14, 2016
Washington group that has watchdogged NM politicians ‘defanged’ by Clinton ally: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/group-that-has-watchdogged-nm-politicians-defanged-by-clinton-ally/ #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) April 14, 2016
RT @nm_uprising: "Everywhere I go I talk about the New Mexico walkouts." -Jesse Hagopian, author of MoreThanAScore #nmpol #OptOut2016 https://t.co/JkgySk99KF
— $Trace L Rabern (@trabernlaw) April 13, 2016
"Everywhere I go I talk about the New Mexico walkouts." -Jesse Hagopian, author of MoreThanAScore #nmpol #OptOut2016 https://t.co/JkgySk99KF
— $Javier Benavidez (@nm_uprising) April 13, 2016
Some 17-year-olds can vote in the June primaries in NM. Learn more here: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/secretary-of-state-confirms-some-17-year-olds-can-vote-in-june-primaries/ RT to spread the word! #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 13, 2016
RT @nmfog: FOG's Susan Boe talks #transparency with @1015TheVoice - listen to the #podcast http://santafe.com/thevoice/podcasts/susan-boe-executive-director-new-mexico-foundation-for-open-government #opengov #nmpol #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 13, 2016
FOG's Susan Boe talks #transparency with @1015TheVoice - listen to the #podcast http://santafe.com/thevoice/podcasts/susan-boe-executive-director-new-mexico-foundation-for-open-government #opengov #nmpol #nmleg
— $NMFOG (@nmfog) April 13, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: "Apparently, sightseeing is frowned upon in Southern New Mexico" by U.S. Border Patrol, says area resident. http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/some-feel-anxiety-about-border-patrol-checkpoints-others-defend-them/ #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 13, 2016
"Apparently, sightseeing is frowned upon in Southern New Mexico" by U.S. Border Patrol, says area resident. http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/some-feel-anxiety-about-border-patrol-checkpoints-others-defend-them/ #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) April 13, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: 17-year-olds who will turn 18 by Nov. 8 can vote in this year's D and R primaries in NM on June 7: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/secretary-of-state-confirms-some-17-year-olds-can-vote-in-june-primaries/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 13, 2016
17-year-olds who will turn 18 by Nov. 8 can vote in this year's D and R primaries in NM on June 7: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/secretary-of-state-confirms-some-17-year-olds-can-vote-in-june-primaries/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) April 13, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Secretary of state confirms some 17-year-olds can vote in this year's June primaries: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/secretary-of-state-confirms-some-17-year-olds-can-vote-in-june-primaries/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 13, 2016
Secretary of state confirms some 17-year-olds can vote in this year's June primaries: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/secretary-of-state-confirms-some-17-year-olds-can-vote-in-june-primaries/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) April 13, 2016
RT @NEANewMexico: Columnist Swickard hits the spot- student love of learning undermined by test obsession http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/the-evil-obsession-with-educational-testing/ #nmleg #nmpol #education
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 13, 2016
Columnist Swickard hits the spot- student love of learning undermined by test obsession http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/the-evil-obsession-with-educational-testing/ #nmleg #nmpol #education
— $NEA - New Mexico (@NEANewMexico) April 13, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: "The majority of people in this country are Libertarian, but they just don’t know," @GovGaryJohnson says: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/libertarian-gary-johnson-eyes-a-third-party-presidential-chance/ #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 13, 2016
"The majority of people in this country are Libertarian, but they just don’t know," @GovGaryJohnson says: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/libertarian-gary-johnson-eyes-a-third-party-presidential-chance/ #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) April 13, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Tuesday's Border Patrol union vote was close — 14-13 in favor of continuing to support @realDonaldTrump: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/04/local-border-patrol-union-votes-to-support-trump-endorsement/ #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) April 13, 2016