Why this Chicago startup wants to bring Facebook-style social networks to healthcare providers http://buff.ly/210TY0n
— $Michael Brennan (@thevirtualatty) April 22, 2016
OCR Releases Updated #HIPAA Audit Protocol and Business Associate Listing Template http://ow.ly/4mX2Zf #healthcare
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 22, 2016
RT @GtwnLawIronTech: Students built iHEAL to guide non-citizens/immigrants about healthcare coverage eligibility @NeotaLogic @probono https://t.co/37aKrol3CA
— $Pro Bono Net (@probono) April 22, 2016
there's a Colorado ballot initiative to try single-payer again, and the healthcare industry is flipping out https://theintercept.com/2016/04/22/colorad-single-payer/
— $ryan cooper (@ryanlcooper) April 22, 2016
St. Louis Healthcare Workers Exposed to Workplace Violence #stlouis #nurses #healthcare https://www.hoffmannworkcomp.com/st-louis-healthcare-workers-exposed-to-workplace-violence/ https://t.co/r9naO3C1No
— $James M. Hoffmann (@hoffworkcomp) April 22, 2016
Phase 2 HIPAA Audits Underway http://ow.ly/4mXvuZ #HIPAA #healthcare #privacy #HIPAAaudits
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 22, 2016
ICYMI > On Making Patient Reviews of Physicians More Useful http://j.mp/1MDYAFj #healthcare #hcldr #HITsm https://t.co/vIdTshOTuA
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) April 22, 2016
RT @MCBA_ny: Shout out to Healthcare Attorneys! @theflabar @CTBar @StateBarofGA @AMSL_Library @NYSBA @lawprofblawg #fridayhumor https://t.co/TYWklL5Xzc
— $lawprofblawg (@lawprofblawg) April 22, 2016
RT @JoanneKenen: he's not alone. Expect more skeptics once rule comes out and they have specifics to gripe about (soon) #healthcare https://twitter.com/JcantorWeinberg/status/723535642441977857
— $Paul Demko (@pauldemko) April 22, 2016
Shout out to Healthcare Attorneys! @theflabar @CTBar @StateBarofGA @AMSL_Library @NYSBA @lawprofblawg #fridayhumor https://t.co/TYWklL5Xzc
— $MonroeCountyBarAssoc (@MCBA_ny) April 22, 2016
he's not alone. Expect more skeptics once rule comes out and they have specifics to gripe about (soon) #healthcare https://twitter.com/JcantorWeinberg/status/723535642441977857
— $Joanne Kenen (@JoanneKenen) April 22, 2016
Congrats to CLT #startup @NovarusHealth on raising its recent funding! https://www.charlotteagenda.com/47933/charlotte-healthcare-company-just-landed-venture-capital-investment/
— $Justin Evan Agans (@QCStartupLawyer) April 22, 2016
RT @uscensusbureau: In majority (56%) of congressional districts #healthcare &social assist. employed more ppl than any other sector: http://go.usa.gov/curV9
— $Journalist'sResource (@JournoResource) April 22, 2016
MT: Why Do So Few #Americans Have #AdvanceDirectives? #EstatePlanning #healthcare http://m.wealthmanagement.com/high-net-worth/why-do-so-few-americans-have-advance-directives via @wealth_mgmt
— $Aquanetta J. Betts (@AquanettaBetts) April 22, 2016
RT @GtwnLawIronTech: Students built iHEAL to guide non-citizens/immigrants about healthcare coverage eligibility @NeotaLogic @probono https://t.co/37aKrol3CA
— $Joshua P Kubicki (@jkubicki) April 22, 2016
In majority (56%) of congressional districts #healthcare &social assist. employed more ppl than any other sector: http://go.usa.gov/curV9
— $U.S. Census Bureau (@uscensusbureau) April 22, 2016
Students built iHEAL to guide non-citizens/immigrants about healthcare coverage eligibility @NeotaLogic @probono https://t.co/37aKrol3CA
— $Georgetown Iron Tech (@GtwnLawIronTech) April 22, 2016
More proof the Dem Party is pro-health-insurance-company, not necessarily pro-healthCARE. Theres a big distinction. http://www.coloradoindependent.com/158926/michael-bennet-coloradocare-single-payer
— $David Sirota (@davidsirota) April 22, 2016
RT @MiamiHerald: New tool to help Floridians learn more about healthcare prices http://www.miamiherald.com/news/health-care/article73059252.html https://t.co/WuuyB1jMY4
— $Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) April 22, 2016
Workers in #healthcare most likely to have certifications or licenses http://go.usa.gov/cuxTB #BLSdata @BLS_gov https://t.co/ohZVu93IcA
— $BusinessUSA (@BizUSA) April 22, 2016
New tool to help Floridians learn more about healthcare prices http://www.miamiherald.com/news/health-care/article73059252.html https://t.co/WuuyB1jMY4
— $Miami Herald (@MiamiHerald) April 22, 2016
RT @dgrahamltc: "CMS proposes raising payment rates for hospice, skilled nursing and rehab" http://buff.ly/1Sz4fAA #healthcare
— $Jeffrey A. Marshall (@ElderLawGuy) April 22, 2016
Alibaba healthcare arm to form China-facing online insurance JV http://on.ft.com/1r3uaEw
— $Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) April 22, 2016
"CMS proposes raising payment rates for hospice, skilled nursing and rehab" http://buff.ly/1Sz4fAA #healthcare
— $Drew Graham (@dgrahamltc) April 21, 2016
ICYMI > An avalanche of unnecessary medical care http://j.mp/1GTqgz5 #healthcare #hcldr #HITsm https://t.co/Y4Wou1aI2j
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) April 21, 2016
Phase 2 HIPAA Audits Underway http://ow.ly/4mXvoN @CovingtonLLP #HIPAA #healthcare #privacy #HIPAAaudits
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 21, 2016
#HealthLaw symposium featured healthcare innovators using technological advances to improve traditional practices http://ow.ly/4mUhPY
— $DePaul College of Law (@lawdepaul) April 21, 2016
OCR Releases Updated #HIPAA Audit Protocol and Business Associate Listing Template http://ow.ly/4mX2Wo @FoleyandLardner #healthcare
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 21, 2016
Healthcare News from the National #Law Review @NatLawCheckUp @NatLawReview #healthlaw #healthcare http://bit.ly/1SUu6Nj
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 21, 2016
Insurance consultant Robert Laszewski's grim assessment of the exchange markets: http://healthpolicyandmarket.blogspot.com/2016/04/united-healthcare-leaving-obamacare.html
— $Paul Demko (@pauldemko) April 21, 2016
5 Reasons Cybercriminals Target Healthcare http://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/5-reasons-cybercriminals-target-healthcare/d/d-id/1325210 via @DarkReading
— $Daniel J. Solove (@DanielSolove) April 21, 2016
ICYMI > HIPAA Audits: OCR Finally Announces Phase 2 http://j.mp/1VEld1w #healthcare #hcldr #HITsm https://t.co/lG3tDQmDbC
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) April 21, 2016
Yellow Card or Red Card? OIG Updates Criteria for Exclusion from Federal #HealthCare Programs http://ow.ly/4mUO0l #health
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 21, 2016
Neal Gabler is broke: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/05/my-secret-shame/476415/ Maybe he should apply for a job on Politico's health care team: http://www.politico.com/employment/healthcare-reporter-politico-pro-edi0012
— $Paul Demko (@pauldemko) April 21, 2016
Pennsylvania CARE law requires updates to Advanced Health Care Directives (Living Wills) http://tinyurl.com/j6enkdu #healthcare #estateplanning
— $Gross McGinley (@GrossMcGinley) April 21, 2016
FROM THE BLOG Health Wonk Review is Up – Join Health Wonks on Blab #healthcare http://tinyurl.com/gwultgd
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) April 21, 2016
Five of the eight largest healthcare cybersecurity breaches since 2010 occurred in 2015 https://shar.es/1jUmYA via @HealthITNews #HIPAA
— $Daniel J. Solove (@DanielSolove) April 20, 2016
FDA Active on Device Front for Q1 2016 http://ow.ly/4mREyu#FDA #medicaldevices #healthcare #cybersecurity
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 20, 2016
RT @heatherr_parker: #Mentalhealth is health. #mentalhealthcare is #healthcare. Making it harder / impossible to access mental health care further stigmatizes >
— $Charles Thomas (@charlesthomas) April 20, 2016
#Mentalhealth is health. #mentalhealthcare is #healthcare. Making it harder / impossible to access mental health care further stigmatizes >
— $EmpressofComeuppance (@heatherr_parker) April 20, 2016