Paul Ryan making pitch to Georgetown students on why support GOP ticks off taxes, healthcare, college affordability, criminal justice reform
— $Alex Moe (@AlexNBCNews) April 27, 2016
Is the OIG’s 2016 version of Yates for permissive exclusion? #healthcare
— $Mary Cheatham (@haynesboone) April 27, 2016
RT @GtwnLawIronTech: iHEAL helps immigrants navigate healthcare eligibility in English/Spanish #IronTechLawyer @
— $Ed Walters (@EJWalters) April 27, 2016
iHEAL helps immigrants navigate healthcare eligibility in English/Spanish #IronTechLawyer @
— $Georgetown Iron Tech (@GtwnLawIronTech) April 27, 2016
Up next is the Immigration Healthcare Eligibility Application Liaison (iHeal; Alivio) #IronTechLawyer
— $Pro Bono Net (@probono) April 27, 2016
Next month, California will start to offer free healthcare to immigrants younger than 19 who are here illegally
— $Los Angeles Times (@latimes) April 27, 2016
Discussing healthcare with LaVarne Burton of @KidneyFund
— $Albio Sires (@RepSires) April 27, 2016
RT @BillTheobald: Sen. McCain unveils reform legislation for VA healthcare. Calls for permanent unrestricted access to outside health care for vets
— $USA TODAY Washington (@USATWashington) April 27, 2016
Sen. McCain unveils reform legislation for VA healthcare. Calls for permanent unrestricted access to outside health care for vets
— $Bill Theobald (@BillTheobald) April 27, 2016
ICYMI > All Payor Claims Databases: ERISA Pre-emption and the Tr #healthcare #hcldr #HITsm
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) April 27, 2016
#Illinois Governor Initiates Fight Against Health Care Fraud amid Growing Deficit @Polsinelli #healthcare #fraud
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 27, 2016
Solution: Trump! Who opposes entitlement reform and thinks healthcare & education are top 3 federal functions. Okay.
— $Guy Benson (@guypbenson) April 27, 2016
IMO, I'd rather look in the mirror & see a sell out who can support his family, rather than seeing a moral hero who cant pay for healthcare
— $David Sirota (@davidsirota) April 27, 2016
IMO, I'd rather look in the mirror & see a sell out who can support his kids, than see a moral hero who cant pay for his kid's healthcare
— $David Sirota (@davidsirota) April 27, 2016
FROM THE BLOG Comprehensive Primary Care Plus – Medicare Doubles Down #healthcare
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) April 27, 2016
Could You Spot Medicare Fraud If You Saw It? - #medicare #fraud #healthcare #quitam #whistleblower #falseclaimsact
— $Ryon Michael McCabe (@SoFLLitigators) April 27, 2016
He *is* to her Left on healthcare...
— $Guy Benson (@guypbenson) April 27, 2016
A New Decision Under the #FCA Could be of Great Help to the Healthcare Industry #Health
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 26, 2016
If playing the "woman card" means, for example, getting more support for women's healthcare "then deal me in," Clinton says.
— $Amy Davidson (@tnyCloseRead) April 26, 2016
It's egregious that in 2016, e-cigarettes can be sold and marketed to kids w/virtually zero regulation #ActOnTobacco
— $Senator Jeff Merkley (@SenJeffMerkley) April 26, 2016
RT @mbender17: "Access to reproductive healthcare shouldn't depend on your zip code" - @CecileRichards speaking at @HarvardIOP #CecileRichardsForum
— $InstituteOfPolitics (@HarvardIOP) April 26, 2016
"Access to reproductive healthcare shouldn't depend on your zip code" - @CecileRichards speaking at @HarvardIOP #CecileRichardsForum
— $Melissa Bender (@mbender17) April 26, 2016
RT @emmorse3: "We are proud to provide reproductive healthcare to everyone" @CecileRichards @JFKJrForum #CecileRichardsForum
— $InstituteOfPolitics (@HarvardIOP) April 26, 2016
"We are proud to provide reproductive healthcare to everyone" @CecileRichards @JFKJrForum #CecileRichardsForum
— $Emma Morse (@emmorse3) April 26, 2016
ICYMI > Third Time's a Charm: Triple-S and its Data Breaches #healthcare #hcldr #HITsm
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) April 26, 2016
RT @bradheath: New from @USATODAY, @bykevinj: Federal prisons, facing big healthcare problems, are putting nurses on guard duty.
— $Charles Ornstein (@charlesornstein) April 26, 2016
New from @USATODAY, @bykevinj: Federal prisons, facing big healthcare problems, are putting nurses on guard duty.
— $Brad Heath (@bradheath) April 26, 2016
Good to see CO @PPFA clinic reopening after tragic shooting in November. I applaud their commitment to women’s healthcare #standwithPP
— $(((Steve Israel))) (@RepSteveIsrael) April 26, 2016
RT @NYCMayorsOffice: Mental health matters for all NYers. That's why we're tripling mental healthcare units on Rikers. #NYCBudget
— $Gus Michael Farinella (@lawgmf) April 26, 2016
RT @JillFilipovic: If it "violates the spirit of service" to help a woman at an often vulnerable time, you can shove your "service."
— $Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) April 26, 2016
McCarthy casts doubt on emergency Zika funding
— $Scott Wong (@scottwongDC) April 26, 2016
Mental health matters for all NYers. That's why we're tripling mental healthcare units on Rikers. #NYCBudget
— $NYC Mayor's Office (@NYCMayorsOffice) April 26, 2016
Healthcare's Four Forgotten Virtues #business
— $Robert Rogers (@SmallBizCounsel) April 26, 2016
If it "violates the spirit of service" to help a woman at an often vulnerable time, you can shove your "service."
— $Jill Filipovic (@JillFilipovic) April 26, 2016
Single-payer healthcare makes a lot of sense because getting coverage should not depend on employment.
— $Alex Cacioppo (@lexiconstable) April 26, 2016
The future of industry, healthcare, education, creativity, all fundamentally entangled with access to high speed internet, says @scrawford
— $Berkman Klein Center (@BKCHarvard) April 26, 2016
ICYMI > LabMD & FTC: "I Know it When I See It" No Longer Cuts It #healthcare #hcldr #HITsm
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) April 26, 2016
Harlow on Health Care is out! #healthcare #hcldr #hcsm #HIT #healthreform #HIPAA
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) April 26, 2016
#hillary #democracy #girlpower #healthcare #civilrights #happiness #love
— $Eric Hard (@E_Hard) April 26, 2016
RT @IONTB: Kitchen fire at the Clearwater Center Healthcare facility at 1270 Turner Street. Residents appear safe.
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) April 26, 2016