RT @billmon1: Even 41% of REPUBLICANS & leaners told Gallup they'd support replacing the ACA with single payer. http://www.gallup.com/poll/191504/majority-support-idea-fed-funded-healthcare-system.aspx?g_source=Politics&g_medium=newsfeed&g_campaign=tiles
— $Greg Dworkin (@DemFromCT) May 16, 2016
RT @billmon1: "Only 22% of Americans say they want ACA repealed & do not favor replacing it with a federally funded system." http://www.gallup.com/poll/191504/majority-support-idea-fed-funded-healthcare-system.aspx?g_source=Politics&g_medium=newsfeed&g_campaign=tiles
— $Greg Dworkin (@DemFromCT) May 16, 2016
RT @billmon1: When those who say they could support either ACA or single payer are asked to choose: Single payer: 64% ACA: 32% http://www.gallup.com/poll/191504/majority-support-idea-fed-funded-healthcare-system.aspx?g_source=Politics&g_medium=newsfeed&g_campaign=tiles
— $Greg Dworkin (@DemFromCT) May 16, 2016
Even 41% of REPUBLICANS & leaners told Gallup they'd support replacing the ACA with single payer. http://www.gallup.com/poll/191504/majority-support-idea-fed-funded-healthcare-system.aspx?g_source=Politics&g_medium=newsfeed&g_campaign=tiles
— $Billmon (@billmon1) May 16, 2016
"Only 22% of Americans say they want ACA repealed & do not favor replacing it with a federally funded system." http://www.gallup.com/poll/191504/majority-support-idea-fed-funded-healthcare-system.aspx?g_source=Politics&g_medium=newsfeed&g_campaign=tiles
— $Billmon (@billmon1) May 16, 2016
When those who say they could support either ACA or single payer are asked to choose: Single payer: 64% ACA: 32% http://www.gallup.com/poll/191504/majority-support-idea-fed-funded-healthcare-system.aspx?g_source=Politics&g_medium=newsfeed&g_campaign=tiles
— $Billmon (@billmon1) May 16, 2016
Poll: Majority of Americans support universal healthcare http://bit.ly/1R4a0iv
— $Briefing Room (@briefingroom) May 16, 2016
Poll: Majority of Americans support replacing Obamacare with a universal healthcare system http://hill.cm/pWRjWmv https://t.co/dvRvMqLcBG
— $The Hill (@thehill) May 16, 2016
April digital health funding hit $220 million http://mobihealthnews.com/content/april-digital-health-funding-hit-220-million #healthcare #investment #digitalhealth https://t.co/1Q9smpESeK
— $RX4 Group (@RX4Group) May 16, 2016
RT @commonwealthfnd: The US spent 17.1% of GDP on #healthcare in 2013. See how that compares internationally. http://buff.ly/1X77G1o https://t.co/acEuhFA8FV
— $Harvey Zeytuntsyan (@HarveyZey) May 16, 2016
The US spent 17.1% of GDP on #healthcare in 2013. See how that compares internationally. http://buff.ly/1X77G1o https://t.co/acEuhFA8FV
— $Commonwealth Fund (@commonwealthfnd) May 16, 2016
TheTakeaway: LIVE: jrovner on the role of healthcare in the presidential race. http://wny.cc/o1aN300eRTU
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) May 16, 2016
Poll: Most Americans support a federally-funded healthcare system http://hill.cm/BIu32W6 https://t.co/4NHRoPgRGN
— $The Hill (@thehill) May 16, 2016
RT @OffbeatChina: Wei Zexi & Baidu = healthcare; deadly forced demolition = private property; Death of Lei Yang = personal safety; New Gaokao quota = edu
— $Felicia Sonmez (@feliciasonmez) May 16, 2016
Why it is Crucial to Designate a HSA Beneficiary: #hr #healthcare #insurance http://bit.ly/1sq0rq7
— $Renee Gerstman (@Jaburg_Wilk) May 15, 2016
RT @charles_gaba: @charlesornstein @annawmathews @WSJ @StephArmour1 This isn't quite what people meant when they called for "single payer" healthcare...
— $Charles Ornstein (@charlesornstein) May 15, 2016
@charlesornstein @annawmathews @WSJ @StephArmour1 This isn't quite what people meant when they called for "single payer" healthcare...
— $?? Charles Gaba ?? (@charles_gaba) May 15, 2016
Wei Zexi & Baidu = healthcare; deadly forced demolition = private property; Death of Lei Yang = personal safety; New Gaokao quota = edu
— $Offbeat China (@OffbeatChina) May 15, 2016
Special Report: FT Health: Transatlantic Healthcare http://on.ft.com/1ZURxeF
— $Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) May 15, 2016
Why it is Crucial to Designate a HSA Beneficiary: #hr #healthcare #insurance http://bit.ly/1R2X2By https://t.co/I0Cvm9LCvG
— $Renee Gerstman (@Jaburg_Wilk) May 15, 2016
#WhiteHouse brushes aside legal challenge to #Obamacare as president's term comes 2 end. #healthcare http://bit.ly/253iIdX
— $The Washington Times (@WashTimes) May 15, 2016
Why it is Crucial to Designate a HSA Beneficiary: #hr #healthcare #insurance http://bit.ly/1R2X2By
— $Renee Gerstman (@Jaburg_Wilk) May 15, 2016
ICYMI > Future Outlook: Medicare Advantage Plans & Risk Adjustme http://j.mp/1RKdZl8 #healthcare #hcldr #HITsm https://t.co/teT0oTw0ux
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) May 15, 2016
Kentucky doctors speak out in favor of single payer healthcare http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2016/05/10/ky-docs-call-single-national-health-plan/84150928/
— $jasoncherkis (@jasoncherkis) May 15, 2016
Project Highlight: Medical-legal partnerships can help with #civiljustice issues in healthcare-related situations: http://bit.ly/1mQvAQL
— $American Bar (@ABAesq) May 15, 2016
RT @CBCNews: Canadians living with Lyme disease want big changes to 'woefully inadequate' healthcare http://ift.tt/1VXyKks https://t.co/hlFjIhMOyB
— $Richard J. Aitken (@AitkenRobertson) May 15, 2016
ICYMI > HIPAA Phase 2 Audit Protocol Released; More Details Emer http://j.mp/24LFoiT #healthcare #hcldr #HITsm https://t.co/x1UHDp3A5X
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) May 15, 2016
Canadians living with Lyme disease want big changes to 'woefully inadequate' healthcare http://ift.tt/1VXyKks https://t.co/hlFjIhMOyB
— $CBC News (@CBCNews) May 15, 2016
The high cost of addiction: Opioid epidemic fueling hospitalizations, healthcare costs https://shar.es/1d3rOx via @nwfdailynews
— $Jeffrey Normand Roy (@jeffroy) May 15, 2016
Today’s the day: If you don’t have health insurance, make sure you #GetCovered at http://healthcare.gov now! Most… http://barackphotos.com/todays-the-day-if-you-dont-have-health-insurance-make-sure-you-getcovered-at-healthcare-gov-now-most-people-can-find-a-plan-for-as-little-as-75-or-less-per-month/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
— $Barack Obama News (@ObamaNews) May 15, 2016
RT @attorneygroup: Saber Healthcare Lawsuit Claims Understaffing and Neglect http://bit.ly/1TzeSxQ
— $Matthew A Dolman (@dolmanlaw) May 14, 2016
Saber Healthcare Lawsuit Claims Understaffing and Neglect http://bit.ly/1TzeSxQ
— $Attorney Group (@attorneygroup) May 14, 2016
#Hunterdon Healthcare has sponsored #heroin antidote for local law enforcement. http://rosenblumlawfirm.com/hunterdone-healthcare-funds-heroin-antidote/
— $Adam Rosenblum (@nytraffictix) May 14, 2016
ICYMI > The New, New Meaningful Use http://j.mp/21zirdQ #healthcare #hcldr #HITsm https://t.co/WskyVJYxnz
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) May 14, 2016
RT @dgingiss: Listening to my college roommate @charlesornstein talk about #journalism and #healthcare at #PennAW @Penn https://t.co/babFHnpJqh
— $Charles Ornstein (@charlesornstein) May 14, 2016
Listening to my college roommate @charlesornstein talk about #journalism and #healthcare at #PennAW @Penn https://t.co/babFHnpJqh
— $Dan Gingiss (@dgingiss) May 14, 2016
ICYMI > Health Wonk Review On Air With HealthBlawg http://j.mp/23A4HhT #healthcare #hcldr #HITsm https://t.co/cJ7WdpG49x
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) May 14, 2016
Initial Xarelto Trials Scheduled for 2017 http://ow.ly/HGYS3009foY @StarkAndStark #pharma #healthlaw #FDA #healthcare
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) May 14, 2016
democracynow: Judge Rules Against Portion of Obama Healthcare Law http://owl.li/dKpP300au8K
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) May 14, 2016
Transparency and Conflicts of Interest: #France Heading Towards Additional Healthcare Reforms http://ow.ly/hn3H3009ziv
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) May 14, 2016