RT @MangyLover: You may have more freedom or more security. You cannot have both.
— $Mark W. Bennett (@MarkWBennett) June 14, 2016
You may have more freedom or more security. You cannot have both.
— $(Dr Hugo Hackenbush) (@MangyLover) June 14, 2016
Today's DC Circuit victory for open Internet is result of 12+ years of hard work by so many. Proud day for freedom. https://www.publicknowledge.org/documents/dc-circuit-open-internet-opinion-2016
— $Andrew McLaughlin (@McAndrew) June 14, 2016
The latest Shestokas Constitution Daily! http://paper.li/shestokas/1316032096?edition_id=e02731c0-32a0-11e6-9b68-0cc47a0d1609 Thanks to @PlainTalk14 @bigfansbigdeals @SocialRugratMom #liberty #freedom
— $David John Shestokas (@shestokas) June 14, 2016
The NRA's perversion of the 2nd Amendment "is the opposite of freedom. It is slavery by choice" -@Dahlialithwick http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2016/06/how_the_nra_perverted_the_meaning_of_the_2nd_amendment.html
— $Mary Anne Franks (@ma_franks) June 14, 2016
RT @usa_gazette: Donald Trump tells Faith and Freedom Coalition: "No one should be judged by their race" http://abcn.ws/1tjaAov https://t.co/sUdsiTuoGv
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) June 14, 2016
RT @NPRMichel: Streaming live now: Our event with @WBEZ - The Chicago Freedom Movement Then and Now: http://n.pr/1tl09Ra #NPRChicagoFreedom
— $NPR (@NPR) June 14, 2016
Streaming live now: Our event with @WBEZ - The Chicago Freedom Movement Then and Now: http://n.pr/1tl09Ra #NPRChicagoFreedom
— $Michel Martin (@NPRMichel) June 14, 2016
RT @GrayzoneProject: BREAKING: Orlando Police Department rejects our Freedom of Information request for audio of Omar Mateen's 911 call http://www.alternet.org/grayzone-project/law-enforcement-stonewalls-media-attempts-verify-narrative-orlando-shooters-motives
— $Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) June 14, 2016
BREAKING: Orlando Police Department rejects our Freedom of Information request for audio of Omar Mateen's 911 call http://www.alternet.org/grayzone-project/law-enforcement-stonewalls-media-attempts-verify-narrative-orlando-shooters-motives
— $The Grayzone (@GrayzoneProject) June 14, 2016
RT @jamiescoop: Prosecutor: $3M flowed into U.S. in nuclear espionage case via @knoxnews http://www.knoxnews.com/news/crime-courts/judge-to-decide-whether-to-grant-freedom-for-suspect-in-chinese-nuclear-espionage-case-353ff527-321e-383031201.html
— $Bradley Lamar Henry (@BradHenryJD) June 14, 2016
"This little light of mine" Odetta [at 02:15 of video] http://goo.gl/LgCf9p #music #gospel #freedom
— $Ray Beckerman (@RayBeckerman) June 14, 2016
.@POTUS: This is a country founded on basic freedoms, including freedom of religion. We don't have religious tests http://1.usa.gov/1Q2f1hW
— $Arianna Huffington (@ariannahuff) June 14, 2016
American Freedom of the Press is unlike anywhere else in the world. Here's why: http://www.shestokas.com/?p=1032 #PJNET #TCOT #TGDN
— $David John Shestokas (@shestokas) June 14, 2016
Prosecutor: $3M flowed into U.S. in nuclear espionage case via @knoxnews http://www.knoxnews.com/news/crime-courts/judge-to-decide-whether-to-grant-freedom-for-suspect-in-chinese-nuclear-espionage-case-353ff527-321e-383031201.html
— $Jamie Satterfield (@jamiescoop) June 14, 2016
Freedom of Information Improvement Act passed by House and Senate http://www.bespacific.com/freedom-of-information-improvement-act-passed-by-house-and-senate/
— $beSpacific Updates (@beSpacific) June 14, 2016
Happy 21st birthday @USArmy Thank you for protecting our freedom & the best country in the world.
— $Linda Ann Kerns (@lindakernslaw) June 14, 2016
"I wish I knew how it would feel to be free" Nina Simone http://goo.gl/Xqtq18 #music #gospel #spiritual #freedom
— $Ray Beckerman (@RayBeckerman) June 14, 2016
Congress reforming #FOIA is one more step towards a more equitable, just and accountable government. http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2016/06/14/celebrating-freedom-of-information-act-reform-in-congress-and-the-road-ahead/
— $Alex Howard (@digiphile) June 14, 2016
Celebrating Freedom of Information Act reform in Congress, and the road ahead http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2016/06/14/celebrating-freedom-of-information-act-reform-in-congress-and-the-road-ahead/ via @sunfoundation
— $Pia Christensen (@AHCJ_Pia) June 14, 2016
[NEW] Celebrating Freedom of Information Act reform, and the road ahead: http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2016/06/14/celebrating-freedom-of-information-act-reform-in-congress-and-the-road-ahead/ #FOIA #OpenGov
— $Alex Howard (@digiphile) June 14, 2016
RT @JohnDoe_Podunk: @mcgregor_todd @ChrisCuomo question is, where do we draw the line between individual freedom and safety for all. Discussion, not rhetoric
— $Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) June 14, 2016
@mcgregor_todd @ChrisCuomo question is, where do we draw the line between individual freedom and safety for all. Discussion, not rhetoric
— $Sietze Blankers (@JohnDoe_Podunk) June 14, 2016
Today in US is #FlagDay. #America wear your colors proudly! #military #stateofwomen #Liberty #freedom #LoveIsLove https://t.co/gsBG00MtUw
— $Elisabetta Pedersini J.D LL.D (@dlawyers) June 14, 2016
"This little light of mine" African Childrens Choir http://goo.gl/mnZHM #music #gospel #spiritual #freedom (2008)(3:45)
— $Ray Beckerman (@RayBeckerman) June 14, 2016
RT @juliaioffe: Peter Thiel's lawyer threatening Gawker over a story on Trump's hair. It was nice knowing you, freedom of the press! http://gawker.com/now-peter-thiels-lawyer-wants-to-silence-reporting-on-t-1781918385
— $Ben White (@morningmoneyben) June 14, 2016
Amended First Amendment: No law abridging the freedom of the press unless it pisses off Donald Trump. https://twitter.com/nathenson/status/742824072606810112
— $Ira Steven Nathenson (@nathenson) June 14, 2016
Freedom of Speech = speak until u piss off @realDonaldTrump "Donald Trump revokes Washington Post press credentials" http://goo.gl/xxZ2f5
— $Ira Steven Nathenson (@nathenson) June 14, 2016
RT @NPRMichel: Discussing MLK's Chicago Freedom Movement + housing inequality, activism in Chicago today and more. Join the convo w/ #NPRChicagoFreedom
— $NPR (@NPR) June 14, 2016
"The red & white & starry blue is freedom's shield and hope." John Philip Sousa - Happy#FlagDay2016! #ProudAmerican https://t.co/qZRKlkQt8X
— $Dana Ausbrooks (@dmausbrooks) June 14, 2016
On #FlagDay we celebrate the symbol of our democracy & our freedom. #StarsAndStripesForever http://www.military.com/flag-day https://t.co/5iNtr5xXZL
— $Sen Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) June 14, 2016
The gun lobby was never about freedom, and the Orlando massacre fallout proves it http://slnm.us/BNHDiC2 https://t.co/XABmC2T4Kh
— $Salon (@Salon) June 14, 2016
This #FlagDay, we take time to reflect on the unity and freedoms our flag represents. ???????? https://t.co/GkHCMpJFYG
— $Russ Feingold (@russfeingold) June 14, 2016
We applaud the Passage of @PeterRoskam's Preventing #IRS Abuse & Protecting Free Speech Act http://jordan.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=398020
— $House Freedom Caucus (@freedomcaucus) June 14, 2016
Discussing MLK's Chicago Freedom Movement + housing inequality, activism in Chicago today and more. Join the convo w/ #NPRChicagoFreedom
— $Michel Martin (@NPRMichel) June 14, 2016
Peter Thiel's lawyer threatening Gawker over a story on Trump's hair. It was nice knowing you, freedom of the press! http://gawker.com/now-peter-thiels-lawyer-wants-to-silence-reporting-on-t-1781918385
— $Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) June 14, 2016
Britain's EU membership has seen prosperity and freedom of travel grow http://econ.st/1rnRsVd https://t.co/xDImoM7BJ1
— $The Economist (@TheEconomist) June 14, 2016
"When we honor our flag we honor what we stand for as a Nation freedom, equality, justice, and hope." Ronald Reagan https://t.co/ivYyu76kug
— $Joe Barton (@RepJoeBarton) June 14, 2016
"Queer people of color freedoms? are what’s already being written out of the story of Pulse." https://psmag.com/voices-carry-919d4d2b7b89#.a21zjyi39 by @melissagira
— $Nick Pinto (@macfathom) June 14, 2016
"Down by the riverside" Louisiana Red http://goo.gl/s7Jm6G #music #gospel #spiritual #freedom
— $Ray Beckerman (@RayBeckerman) June 14, 2016