RT @ChinaFile: Chinese grads of US colleges on staying vs. going: In China "there’s no guaranteed academic freedom"—@WoodpeckerOwl —http://www.chinafile.com/conversation/should-i-stay-or-should-i-go
— $Howard French (@hofrench) June 3, 2016
Chinese grads of US colleges on staying vs. going: In China "there’s no guaranteed academic freedom"—@WoodpeckerOwl —http://www.chinafile.com/conversation/should-i-stay-or-should-i-go
— $ChinaFile (@ChinaFile) June 3, 2016
Freedom of speech is at risk at American universities http://econ.st/1UibqYQ https://t.co/Xc7b6CRewG
— $The Economist (@TheEconomist) June 3, 2016
Every time a patent reform bill might finally be ready for a vote in Congress, it suddenly vanishes from the agenda. https://medium.com/digital-freedom/an-open-letter-to-senator-chuck-grassley-dont-give-up-on-venue-reform-289fea876bbb#.41mdmkfhh
— $EFF (@EFF) June 3, 2016
RT @AditiSangal: Freedom of information archive presentation at #FOIA50 @columbiajourn https://t.co/YwtmYC82Xk
— $Columbia Journalism (@columbiajourn) June 3, 2016
The Freedom Caucus can carry a few dozen heavily gerrymandered House districts. No more. http://wpo.st/eccd1
— $Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) June 3, 2016
Freedom of information archive presentation at #FOIA50 @columbiajourn https://t.co/YwtmYC82Xk
— $Aditi Sangal (@AditiSangal) June 3, 2016
NYU’s Abu Dhabi campus puts a liberal gloss on labor abuse and political repression in the UAE.https://www.jacobinmag.com/2016/06/nyu-abu-dhabi-john-sexton-uae-emirates-academic-freedom/
— $Nick Pinto (@macfathom) June 3, 2016
@shestokas @Harvard Harvard students want 2ban White Shakespeare why not ban White Founding Fathers, Harvard Students? Lose Your Freedom!
— $ProudAmericanInfidel (@OneBADMAC) June 3, 2016
RT @USAsiaPacific: 27th #TianamenSquare Anniv: "We urge the Chinese gov to respect the universal rights & freedoms of all its citizens"?http://1.usa.gov/1XoPGBx
— $Department of State (@StateDept) June 3, 2016
Freedom of Contract Appears Alive and Well in the Third Circuit http://tcpablog.com/freedom-contract-appears-alive-well-third-circuit/
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) June 3, 2016
RT @mbrauchli: @danapriest explores the lasting benefit of a landmark press freedom case. Did the Pentagon Papers matter? http://www.cjr.org/the_feature/did_the_pentagon_papers_matter.php via @cjr
— $CJR (@CJR) June 3, 2016
27th #TianamenSquare Anniv: "We urge the Chinese gov to respect the universal rights & freedoms of all its citizens"?http://1.usa.gov/1XoPGBx
— $EAP Bureau (@USAsiaPacific) June 3, 2016
@danapriest explores the lasting benefit of a landmark press freedom case. Did the Pentagon Papers matter? http://www.cjr.org/the_feature/did_the_pentagon_papers_matter.php via @cjr
— $Marcus Brauchli (@mbrauchli) June 3, 2016
"Love Unites Us: Winning the Freedom to Marry in America" available now: http://www.amazon.com/Love-Unites-Us-Winning-Freedom/dp/1595585508 https://t.co/4XOHe615VL
— $Lambda Legal (@LambdaLegal) June 3, 2016
"Release to 1, release to all" is an #opengov approach http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/with-release-to-one-release-to-all-us-pilots-new-freedom-of-information-policy_559f1661e4b05b1d0290135b but ignores discretion in FOIA disclosure, says, @sarahcnyt
— $Alex Howard (@digiphile) June 3, 2016
Latest example of #Trump campaign demagoguery and repression of press freedom. https://twitter.com/kidnappedbynuns/status/738713090997559296
— $PETER MAER (@petermaer) June 3, 2016
What Tax Freedom Day really means - CapX - http://klou.tt/1sivkmnq74d1g
— $Steven J. Fromm (@sjfpc) June 3, 2016
A @POTUS must respect & defend the Constitution, from judicial independence to freedom of the press. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/04/us/politics/donald-trump-constitution-power.html
— $Alex Howard (@digiphile) June 3, 2016
TheTakeaway: RT WNYC: Preserving freedom of expression in the internet era: http://wny.cc/4SOl300QSlW via TheTakeaw… https://t.co/W5KiSQcCQD
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 3, 2016
Our piece, with reporting by me, on how free speech is coming under attack: http://www.economist.com/news/international/21699906-freedom-speech-retreat-muzzle-grows-tighter
— $Emma Hogan (@hoganem) June 3, 2016
RT @YAppelbaum: “The right of the people peaceably to assemble” is a fundamental freedom. This is unacceptable. https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/738561162980134913
— $Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) June 2, 2016
“The right of the people peaceably to assemble” is a fundamental freedom. This is unacceptable. https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/738561162980134913
— $Yoni Appelbaum (@YAppelbaum) June 2, 2016
RT @RootsSeries: Philadelphia was an abolitionist hub with a large community of free African Americans advocating for freedom, education, & equality. #ROOTS
— $errin haines whack (@emarvelous) June 2, 2016
The latest Shestokas Constitution Daily! http://paper.li/shestokas/1316032096?edition_id=cf5cae00-2932-11e6-96e8-0cc47a0d1609 Thanks to @PeteSisco @MarkAWebster1 @TWULawSchool #freedom #liberty
— $David John Shestokas (@shestokas) June 2, 2016
A huge thanks to the CLE team at @UMKCLaw for today's successful Law & Religious Freedom Conf. -- already looking forward to next year!
— $Jonathan R. Whitehead (@jrwhitehead) June 2, 2016
RT @MikeWhitehead: Thx to Prof Teresa Collet at UMKC Relig Freedom Conf with @jrwhitehead #Conscience https://t.co/i1sbFldAuY
— $Jonathan R. Whitehead (@jrwhitehead) June 2, 2016
Philadelphia was an abolitionist hub with a large community of free African Americans advocating for freedom, education, & equality. #ROOTS
— $Roots on HISTORY (@RootsSeries) June 2, 2016
Around the world, freedom of speech is in retreat http://econ.st/285UNto https://t.co/cxKoGYDUaX
— $The Economist (@TheEconomist) June 2, 2016
RT @GuardianUS: Severely tortured Guantánamo detainee makes case for freedom at board hearing http://trib.al/DzWnUCU
— $Michael K. Horn (@HornLawyer) June 2, 2016
I bake cookies. I eat cookies. I love cookies. I also like choice and freedom and equality. https://twitter.com/dpierr8/status/738513406647521280
— $Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) June 2, 2016
RT @WSJ: Longtime Guantanamo detainee seeks freedom in hearing before secret panel http://on.wsj.com/24lx0kI
— $Frank Mascagni III (@Frankmascagniii) June 2, 2016
1 year ago today, we passed the USA Freedom Act to rein in NSA spying. A good first step, with more to come: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/05/usa-freedom-act-passes-what-we-celebrate-what-we-mourn-and-where-we-go-here
— $EFF (@EFF) June 2, 2016
Longtime Guantanamo detainee seeks freedom in hearing before secret panel http://on.wsj.com/24lx0kI
— $Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) June 2, 2016
RT @MarieAndreeW: French artist comments debate on Freedom of Panorama by covering works of art in public space w/ his pics #copyright https://twitter.com/libe/status/738344810533261314
— $Raymond James Dowd Esq. (@raydowd) June 2, 2016
French artist comments debate on Freedom of Panorama by covering works of art in public space w/ his pics #copyright https://twitter.com/libe/status/738344810533261314
— $Marie-Andree Weiss (@MarieAndreeW) June 2, 2016
RT @FrWilly: "Freedom of conscience is the core of all freedom."-Pope Benedict XVI {Church, Ecumenism & Politics} https://t.co/MPCBiRcEB7
— $Kathryn Jean Lopez (@kathrynlopez) June 2, 2016
RT @JessicaMontell: Irony: Israel may be the only country in the world that denies religious freedom to Jews to marry as they wish.
— $Rick Hasen (@rickhasen) June 2, 2016
Irony: Israel may be the only country in the world that denies religious freedom to Jews to marry as they wish.
— $Jessica Montell (@JessicaMontell) June 2, 2016
"@WeAreEritreans: Eritrean Women Freedom Fighters Fought Equally In The Frontlines With The Men???? ???????? #Eritrea https://t.co/5qlUNzfBNZ"
— $Steve Cedillos (@SimretZeru) June 2, 2016