RT @atomiktiger: CDC study confirms carry of guns REDUCES CRIME, saves lives http://bit.ly/16wqRmH #2A #NRA #gunsense #tcot #TGDN #PJNET #ORPUW #ccot
— $Davie Norwood (@DavieNorwood) September 10, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: CDC study confirms carry of guns REDUCES CRIME, saves lives http://bit.ly/16wqRmH #2A #NRA #gunsense #tcot #TGDN #PJNET #ORPUW #ccot
— $Sterle Garihan (@SterleG) September 10, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: CDC study confirms carry of guns REDUCES CRIME, saves lives http://bit.ly/16wqRmH #2A #NRA #gunsense #tcot #TGDN #PJNET #ORPUW #ccot
— $David Robert Duringer (@guntrust) September 10, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: #2A: My #gun - but willing to share the bullets [pic] #2A #NRA #MolonLabe #RKBA #tcot #tgdn #PJNET #ccot http://t.co/KVeIe53VKP
— $Parker Van Zyl (@pvz17) September 8, 2014
RT @JeffLRobinette: The Robinette Legal Group Daily is out! http://t.co/RnOSrVDv1J Stories via @SNAFOO2012
— $SNAFOO (@SNAFOO2012) September 8, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $Vickie Barnachea (@Queen_V1216) September 8, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $Elaine Ragsdale (@elainer1384) September 8, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $Stand Your Ground (@SYGAmerica) September 8, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $Mike Cataloni (@Mike_Cataloni) September 7, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $No_Mamayz (@Da_Momayz) September 7, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $Law 1789 (@law1789) September 7, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $Law 1780 (@Law1780) September 7, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $Law 1785 (@Law1785) September 7, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $Jeanne Satterfield (@jeannelsat) September 7, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $Shestokas 4 Ft Myers (@Dave4FtMyers) September 7, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $norlandojones (@norlandojones) September 7, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $Henry_ Agueros (@agueros_henry) September 7, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $Ed Brown (@MiznerGeek) September 7, 2014
RT @mikandynothem: Enough said... Now where's the pudding? #truth #tcot #tlot #tgdn #lnyhbt #pjnet #teaparty #ccot #UniteBlue http://t.co/snIhexGjpR
— $David John Shestokas (@shestokas) September 7, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: JFK, on arms & civilian minutemen #2A #NRA #PJNET #teaparty #ccot #tgdn #tcot #LNYHBT #RedNationRising http://t.co/9Xbfb5IgqW
— $Johnny Dempsey (@johnny_dempsey) September 7, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: JFK, on arms & civilian minutemen #2A #NRA #PJNET #teaparty #ccot #tgdn #tcot #LNYHBT #RedNationRising http://t.co/9Xbfb5IgqW
— $Michael Hankins (@Pur48Ted) September 7, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: JFK, on arms & civilian minutemen #2A #NRA #PJNET #teaparty #ccot #tgdn #tcot #LNYHBT #RedNationRising http://t.co/9Xbfb5IgqW
— $Michael Mulholland (@tsalagikid) September 7, 2014
RT @guntrust: #Putin is under Satan's influence: leader of Kiev Orthodox Church http://t.co/UT7nWewgE2 via @YahooNews #Ukraine #tcot #ccot
— $Dorota P. (@dorweg) September 7, 2014
RT @guntrust: #Putin is under Satan's influence: leader of Kiev Orthodox Church http://t.co/UT7nWewgE2 via @YahooNews #Ukraine #tcot #ccot
— $Mohawk Mike Cats (@MohawkMikeCats) September 6, 2014
@guntrust @YahooNews Which one does satan have more influence with? Putin or Obama? #Tcot #ccot #pjnet
— $Ed Wrather (@edwrather) September 6, 2014
RT @guntrust: #Putin is under Satan's influence: leader of Kiev Orthodox Church http://t.co/UT7nWewgE2 via @YahooNews #Ukraine #tcot #ccot
— $Andrea Franchini (@magomerlino1971) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: #2A: My #gun - but willing to share the bullets [pic] #2A #NRA #MolonLabe #RKBA #tcot #tgdn #PJNET #ccot http://t.co/KVeIe53VKP
— $TrevorNeuenschwander (@TrevorNuey) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: #2A: My #gun - but willing to share the bullets [pic] #2A #NRA #MolonLabe #RKBA #tcot #tgdn #PJNET #ccot http://t.co/KVeIe53VKP
— $Caleb Childress (@child_caleb) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: Guns are Green :) #2A #NRA #Molonlabe #GoGreen #tgdn #tcot #PJNET #ccot #RedNationRising #teaparty #tlot #ocra http://t.co/KjdGixetbE
— $John_Spartan (@Tier1Spartan) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: #2A: My #gun - but willing to share the bullets [pic] #2A #NRA #MolonLabe #RKBA #tcot #tgdn #PJNET #ccot http://t.co/KVeIe53VKP
— $Kevin Back (@KevinBack) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: Guns are Green :) #2A #NRA #Molonlabe #GoGreen #tgdn #tcot #PJNET #ccot #RedNationRising #teaparty #tlot #ocra http://t.co/KjdGixetbE
— $Kevin Back (@KevinBack) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: Guns are Green :) #2A #NRA #Molonlabe #GoGreen #tgdn #tcot #PJNET #ccot #RedNationRising #teaparty #tlot #ocra http://t.co/KjdGixetbE
— $Daniel Thompson (@dethompson5) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: #2A: My #gun - but willing to share the bullets [pic] #2A #NRA #MolonLabe #RKBA #tcot #tgdn #PJNET #ccot http://t.co/KVeIe53VKP
— $MR (@mattramos13) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: Guns are Green :) #2A #NRA #Molonlabe #GoGreen #tgdn #tcot #PJNET #ccot #RedNationRising #teaparty #tlot #ocra http://t.co/KjdGixetbE
— $Tonia D (@k9rotts) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: Guns are Green :) #2A #NRA #Molonlabe #GoGreen #tgdn #tcot #PJNET #ccot #RedNationRising #teaparty #tlot #ocra http://t.co/KjdGixetbE
— $De'Andre Ross (@KingxKass) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: #2A: My #gun - but willing to share the bullets [pic] #2A #NRA #MolonLabe #RKBA #tcot #tgdn #PJNET #ccot http://t.co/KVeIe53VKP
— $Shivkamal Upadhaya (@ShivkamalU) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: #2A: My #gun - but willing to share the bullets [pic] #2A #NRA #MolonLabe #RKBA #tcot #tgdn #PJNET #ccot http://t.co/KVeIe53VKP
— $Waldemar Petersen (@wisenger) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: #2A: My #gun - but willing to share the bullets [pic] #2A #NRA #MolonLabe #RKBA #tcot #tgdn #PJNET #ccot http://t.co/KVeIe53VKP
— $Jim Pook (@jimpook) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: #2A: My #gun - but willing to share the bullets [pic] #2A #NRA #MolonLabe #RKBA #tcot #tgdn #PJNET #ccot http://t.co/KVeIe53VKP
— $#BringbackourMarine (@ivanel99) September 6, 2014
RT @atomiktiger: Guns are Green :) #2A #NRA #Molonlabe #GoGreen #tgdn #tcot #PJNET #ccot #RedNationRising #teaparty #tlot #ocra http://t.co/KjdGixetbE
— $William S. Adams (@MorgantownWVGuy) September 4, 2014