RT @AlainnFocail: @cbrangel That is adorable.
— $Charles Rangel (@cbrangel) March 11, 2016
@cbrangel That is adorable.
— $Heather Noble (@AlainnFocail) March 11, 2016
FoxNews: Watch Patti Davis describe an adorable and laugh-out-loud moment between her parents, Nancy and Ronald: https://amp.twimg.com/v/b3189df3-fc42-4b50-aa54-7e252e7917e0
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) March 11, 2016
RT @CutePicsOfCats: Adorable little kitten! https://t.co/etYDZge1aB
— $Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) March 11, 2016
Adorable little kitten! https://t.co/etYDZge1aB
— $Cute Cat Pictures (@CutePicsOfCats) March 11, 2016
Daughter Patti Davis shares an adorable prank Nancy Reagan played on her husband http://CNN.it/go http://cnn.it/1XiS2Oh
— $CNN (@CNN) March 11, 2016
A6: A photo of a smiling baby is adorable. Video of a baby giggling - c'mon! THAT is way better. #digitalpr
— $Victoria Lim (@VictoriaLim) March 11, 2016
ABC: RT GMA: WATCH: Adorable baby giraffe takes its first wobbly steps moments after it’s born. - tarongazoo https://amp.twimg.com/v/287b8976-073e-4186-98fa-34a97b2c7d91
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) March 11, 2016
RT @farlanewastaken: @anamariecox He's adorable. If it was puppies and not presidents, he'd be the choice hands down
— $Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) March 10, 2016
@anamariecox He's adorable. If it was puppies and not presidents, he'd be the choice hands down
— $Andrew McFarlane (@farlanewastaken) March 10, 2016
Rubio’s dignity is adorable.
— $Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) March 10, 2016
@SethAMandel No wonder Trump adores Putin
— $Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) March 10, 2016
ABC: ADORABLE: Pres. Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau play with baby outside of White House. https://amp.twimg.com/v/d11a03db-d68c-4109-ad2b-a4a7052461f6
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) March 10, 2016
Dogs even make snoring adorable.
— $Jack Moore (@JackPMoore) March 10, 2016
Our team has been busy helping us support the community at a bunch of local auctions! Adorable ???? Emoji pillows... http://fb.me/4HkX0I1CI
— $David R. Feakes (@PlanForYourKids) March 10, 2016
This Adorable 6-Year-Old Adds Her Own Hilarious Narration To A Children's Book About Kittens. http://www.trendingly.com/kittens-inspired-by-kittens via @trendingly
— $Dawne Astride Casselle (@CasselleLaw) March 10, 2016
OMG Stephen Colbert's interview with Sally Field was adorable. He gushes so much during the interview. Was cute.
— $Matthew Keys (@MatthewKeysLive) March 10, 2016
RT @Casey_BigLaw: @DavidLat @GinnyLaRoe The Paul Weisses adored her http://ow.ly/ZhpIj and the Quinn Emanuels wanted to BE her http://ow.ly/ZhpM9
— $Above the Law (@atlblog) March 9, 2016
RT @Casey_BigLaw: @DavidLat @GinnyLaRoe The Paul Weisses adored her http://ow.ly/ZhpIj and the Quinn Emanuels wanted to BE her http://ow.ly/ZhpM9
— $David Lat (@DavidLat) March 9, 2016
@DavidLat @GinnyLaRoe The Paul Weisses adored her http://ow.ly/ZhpIj and the Quinn Emanuels wanted to BE her http://ow.ly/ZhpM9
— $Casey Sullivan (@Casey_BigLaw) March 9, 2016
Adored Australian actor and singer Jon English dies at 66 http://ow.ly/3cfHBk
— $Monique Altheim (@moniquealtheim) March 9, 2016
Thinks knowing about them will keep me from using them on him. Adorable. https://twitter.com/BrowningMachine/status/707633334088634368
— $Mark W. Bennett (@MarkWBennett) March 9, 2016
An adorable person & a total weirdo biked to work today and it was ???????????? https://t.co/4QVNoCewsB
— $Julia Furlan (@juliastmi) March 9, 2016
RT @Tampa_Live: RT @1ProudAuntLisa This adorable dog is still missing and has NOT been returned to her owners! If U know anything... http://lnkplg.co/2rPWO
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) March 9, 2016
RT @1ProudAuntLisa This adorable dog is still missing and has NOT been returned to her owners! If U know anything... http://lnkplg.co/2rPWO
— $Tampa Live (@Tampa_Live) March 9, 2016
washingtonpost: Newly discovered deep-sea octopus looks like an adorable ghost http://wapo.st/1X9FNna https://t.co/43i37lD5un
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) March 9, 2016
RT @washingtonpost: Newly discovered deep-sea octopus looks like an adorable ghost http://wapo.st/1X9FNna https://t.co/f2OvYNaJvm
— $Alexandra Bahou (@alexabahou) March 9, 2016
Newly discovered deep-sea octopus looks like an adorable ghost http://wapo.st/1X9FNna https://t.co/f2OvYNaJvm
— $Washington Post (@washingtonpost) March 9, 2016
Watch John Oliver and some adorable kids explain why special districts are terrible: http://slate.me/1ntJ5FC https://t.co/qb5vi3BWYV
— $Slate (@Slate) March 8, 2016
OMG, how adorable! and I don't say that often. https://twitter.com/Britanniacomms/status/707393533842432000
— $eileen gunn (@familiesgo) March 8, 2016
It’s adorable that the Girl Scouts think that a serving size is any less than a full box of cookies.
— $Waldo Jaquith (@waldojaquith) March 8, 2016
.@dferriero that coloring book is great. https://archivesaotus.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/patentscoloringbook.pdf this mechanical frog is adorable. https://t.co/pqtKKHrQbu
— $Carl Malamud (@carlmalamud) March 8, 2016
George H.W. Bush throwing out a first pitch on Saturday is adorable http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2016/03/08/welcome-home-mr-president-george-h-w-bush-throws-opening-pitch-at-texas-am-game/ https://twitter.com/TexAgs/status/706205453131378688
— $Leigh Munsil (@leighmunsil) March 8, 2016
I have a very adorable dad —> @samcox https://twitter.com/tweeCKed/status/707320054812020736
— $Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) March 8, 2016
RT @people: Freaking adorable wild sea otter gives birth live on Periscope http://peoplem.ag/pPNchhH via @hellogiggles https://t.co/tZe2WUDoq4
— $Jessica Wakeman (@JessicaWakeman) March 8, 2016
Watch John Oliver and some adorable kids explain why special districts are terrible: http://slate.me/1pd3C32 https://t.co/a6oKQWjqZk
— $Slate (@Slate) March 8, 2016
TEDTalks: Watch these adorable robots play follow the leader: http://t.ted.com/GK2qjum
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) March 8, 2016
Why every father should bring his toddler out for a mini adventure by Stefen Chow. Many adorable photos here. https://medium.com/@stefenchow/why-every-father-should-bring-his-toddler-out-for-a-mini-adventure-be147d9490e7#.7w8diktvt
— $Laura Miller (@magiciansbook) March 8, 2016
Watch John Oliver and some adorable kids explain why special districts are terrible: http://slate.me/1puUwOV https://t.co/oEdmh47eo0
— $Slate (@Slate) March 7, 2016
Watch a man and dog adorably frolic in snow using virtual reality http://ow.ly/3caGym
— $Monique Altheim (@moniquealtheim) March 7, 2016