#Driverless Cars and the Law. #autos #tech http://ow.ly/lX473013Jef
— $Elliott Alderman (@ContentLawyer) June 8, 2016
RT @RoughGuides: Potentially huge news in #travel tech: http://bit.ly/1UdlRkv https://t.co/r70ryOOYlD
— $William J. Routsis (@William_Routsis) June 8, 2016
Potentially huge news in #travel tech: http://bit.ly/1UdlRkv https://t.co/r70ryOOYlD
— $Rough Guides (@RoughGuides) June 8, 2016
With high-tech shipping containers and LED lights, farmers can grow acres of crops indoors http://on.wsj.com/28koKpL https://t.co/pLjQ3MwEY3
— $Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) June 8, 2016
Journalist convicted on hacking charges tries to stay out of prison during appeal http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/06/journalist-convicted-on-hacking-charges-tries-to-stay-out-of-prison-during-appeal/ by @cfarivar
— $Ars Technica (@arstechnica) June 8, 2016
The Sad Decline of Craftsmanship Among Spammers, an Ongoing Series http://ift.tt/1YeP4gF
— $The Atlantic Tech (@TheAtlTech) June 8, 2016
Yahoo is unloading 3,000 patents, and it will be a fire sale http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/06/yahoo-is-unloading-3000-patents-and-it-will-be-a-fire-sale/ by @joemullin
— $Ars Technica (@arstechnica) June 8, 2016
RT @shundle: @HotlineJosh Tech boom has permanently changed region. Marin is now an old money county.
— $Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) June 8, 2016
@HotlineJosh Tech boom has permanently changed region. Marin is now an old money county.
— $Shaun Hundle (@shundle) June 8, 2016
Someone just tried to call @karaswisher the "god of tech journalism." "Goddess," she corrected from offstage.
— $Lois Beckett (@loisbeckett) June 8, 2016
Someone just tried to call @karaswisher the "god of tech journalism." "Goddess," she corrected form offstage.
— $Lois Beckett (@loisbeckett) June 8, 2016
SC County Cops need approval before buying surveillance tech. Affiliates @CatherineNCrump & @elizabeth_joh discuss: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/06/silicon-valley-county-passes-new-law-requiring-approval-before-cops-buy-spy-kit/
— $Stanford CIS (@StanfordCIS) June 8, 2016
Singapore—with world’s fastest Internet—is taking government PCs offline http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/06/for-security-singapore-taking-100000-government-computers-off-internet/ by @JBrodkin
— $Ars Technica (@arstechnica) June 8, 2016
Let’s Send King Tut’s Dagger Back to Space http://ift.tt/1TW1Xa3
— $The Atlantic Tech (@TheAtlTech) June 8, 2016
Chairman @LamarSmithTX21 via @thehill: The overreach of the administration on climate http://bit.ly/1Odt9Ez
— $Sci,Space,&Tech Cmte (@HouseScience) June 8, 2016
Industrial IoT Analytics Tech Is Moving To 'The Edge' http://dlvr.it/LWFmVs #business
— $Robert Rogers (@SmallBizCounsel) June 8, 2016
Lawyer? Journalist? Tech bent? First Look Media Fellowship for $100k. http://yhoo.it/28kCQr6
— $Kevin O'Keefe (@kevinokeefe) June 8, 2016
Most millennials want to go into tech. Manufacturing ranks 7th. Here's how the industry is recruiting them anyway: http://on.wsj.com/1rcZj7Z
— $Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) June 8, 2016
VA teams up with @TeamRubicon to educate Veterans in a new, tech savvy way http://bit.ly/1Xa7VtH via @wsls https://t.co/PEEQek3NvG
— $Veterans Affairs (@DeptVetAffairs) June 8, 2016
I’m giving $1k to film END OF EMPLOYMENT on job loss from tech. Help! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2118258292/the-end-of-employment
— $Nouriel Roubini (@Nouriel) June 8, 2016
RT @pennlawctic: Are you a @PennLaw student interested in IP law? We have two exciting opportunities with deadlines coming up soon! https://www.law.upenn.edu/institutes/ctic/law-tech-opportunities.php
— $University of Pennsylvania Law School (@PennLaw) June 8, 2016
RT @mattblaze: Given current state of the art (and wild-west ad networks), like it or not, ad blockers are important security tech. https://twitter.com/mathewi/status/740578144013291520
— $Woodrow Hartzog (@hartzog) June 8, 2016
Are you a @PennLaw student interested in IP law? We have two exciting opportunities with deadlines coming up soon! https://www.law.upenn.edu/institutes/ctic/law-tech-opportunities.php
— $CTIC (@pennlawctic) June 8, 2016
Given current state of the art (and wild-west ad networks), like it or not, ad blockers are important security tech. https://twitter.com/mathewi/status/740578144013291520
— $matt blaze (@mattblaze) June 8, 2016
NewYorker: RT annawiener: I wrote about my early-nineties WIRED habit, & tech's past future / future past, for the… http://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/on-reading-issues-of-wired-from-1993-to-1995
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 8, 2016
RT @annawiener: I wrote about my early-nineties @WIRED habit, & tech's past future / future past, for the @NewYorker website: http://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/on-reading-issues-of-wired-from-1993-to-1995
— $The New Yorker (@NewYorker) June 8, 2016
The Coolest Thing About King Tut’s Space Dagger http://ift.tt/1XEH61z
— $The Atlantic Tech (@TheAtlTech) June 8, 2016
The Space Between Mourning and Grief http://ift.tt/1OdpB57
— $The Atlantic Tech (@TheAtlTech) June 8, 2016
A high-tech spin class took me from San Francisco to Wonderland http://engt.co/1XEHNrF https://t.co/AdhYxTOGey
— $Engadget (@engadget) June 8, 2016
Infographic: Islamic State's assault on the press https://www.cpj.org/blog/2016/06/infographic-islamic-states-assault-on-the-press.php https://t.co/EmzkgdNepC
— $CPJ Tech Program (@CPJTechnology) June 8, 2016
RT @ShredStationVA: FTC’s chief technologist gets her mobile phone number hijacked by ID thief, Read More: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/06/ftcs-chief-technologist-gets-her-mobile-phone-number-hijacked-by-id-thief/ #idtheft #identitytheft
— $UpRight Law (@uprightlaw) June 8, 2016
RT @JoshData: Why we hack. My response to @danxoneil's take on civic tech, after a day at @CodeforDC's #ndch. https://medium.com/@joshuatauberer/why-we-hack-db430cb1aee0#.nusreauyu
— $Robert Richards (@richards1000) June 8, 2016
Applying tech for civic purposes, however, is generally a good thing, & is not going away. http://www.techrepublic.com/article/civic-tech-in-2015-6-9-billion-to-connect-citizens-to-services-and-to-one-another/ https://twitter.com/digiphile/status/740569528686481408
— $Alex Howard (@digiphile) June 8, 2016
RT @matt_benson: Congrats to Patrick Sullivan of @GameCreekVideo for being named @NHHTC #EOY2016 winner http://manchesterinklink.com/game-creek-video-ceo-named-nh-high-tech-council-2016-entrepreneur-year/
— $Andrew D Grosvenor (@drewgrosvenor) June 8, 2016
RT @mattblaze: Metadata gets far less legal protection than content, but is there a meaningful difference anymore? New draft: http://www.crypto.com/papers/complicated.pdf
— $CPJ Tech Program (@CPJTechnology) June 8, 2016
Five tech products under $50 bucks everyone should own http://ow.ly/RxaH3012ZkI
— $Beverly Michaelis (@OreLawPracMgmt) June 8, 2016
RT @ArsTechnicaUK: Deadline for registering to vote in UK's EU referendum has been extended to midnight Thursday. http://arstechnica.co.uk/tech-policy/2016/06/brexit-gov-uk-voter-registration-site-dies/ #Brexit
— $Ars Technica (@arstechnica) June 8, 2016
Also: no link to HuffPo: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/william-powers/jun-twitter-social-media_b_7102780.html Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jul/02/twitter-jun-spain-bureaucracy-local-government Indpt: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/features/the-town-that-runs-on-twitter-juns-residents-tweet-to-report-crime-and-chat-to-their-mayor-10248167.html ? https://twitter.com/digiphile/status/740563297217449984
— $Alex Howard (@digiphile) June 8, 2016
Scientists should keep researching tech that gives humans the power to alter entire species, panel says http://nyti.ms/1TVNn2l
— $The New York Times (@nytimes) June 8, 2016
Read about @cpipgmu co-founder Prof. @AdamMossoff: How a tech geek became one of the nation’s leading IP experts https://shar.es/1JquVp.
— $George Mason University School of Law (@georgemasonlaw) June 8, 2016