RT @CUNYLaw: Next week, Prof. @berriomatamoros will be discussing newest trends in law school tech at #CALIcon16 @caliorg http://sched.co/7KKO
— $John P Mayer (@johnpmayer) June 9, 2016
Then again "cool idea, wish they'd iterated" sums up the vast majority of over-ambitious tech products that aren't made by Apple.
— $Jared Newman (@OneJaredNewman) June 9, 2016
In #SouthFlorida: Financial tech services company announces acquisition http://ow.ly/FkFZ501cSWu
— $Lawrence Scott Tolchinsky (@LarryTolchinsky) June 9, 2016
It's almost like effects of passive consumption (TV) should be parsed from social media. http://www.techrepublic.com/article/a-conversation-with-mits-sherry-turkle-about-conscious-consumption-of-tech/ https://twitter.com/zeynep/status/740971569258848256
— $Alex Howard (@digiphile) June 9, 2016
Conscious consumption of tech & being present is more important than ever. http://www.techrepublic.com/article/a-conversation-with-mits-sherry-turkle-about-conscious-consumption-of-tech/ https://twitter.com/digiphile/status/740972151772205056
— $Alex Howard (@digiphile) June 9, 2016
RT @Miovision: “Now is the time to start figuring out how to apply [new tech] to solve problems for people.” - @SecretaryFoxx #DOTSmartCity #SmartCityPitch
— $Anthony Foxx (@SecretaryFoxx) June 9, 2016
“Now is the time to start figuring out how to apply [new tech] to solve problems for people.” - @SecretaryFoxx #DOTSmartCity #SmartCityPitch
— $Miovision (@Miovision) June 9, 2016
Sell stocks/buy gold like George Soros? He too flubs it. Read how Soros blew it 16 years ago during tech boom.... http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2016/06/09/soros-isnt-always-right/
— $Gregory Zuckerman (@GZuckerman) June 9, 2016
Is this the diagnostic tool we’ve been waiting for in concussion testing? - http://trib.al/wCiSxgJ by @mike_orcutt https://t.co/1hJVA5QvvJ
— $MIT Tech Review (@techreview) June 9, 2016
How to Run a Russian Hacking Ring http://ift.tt/1rf1GH8
— $The Atlantic Tech (@TheAtlTech) June 9, 2016
RT @StanfordCIS: SC County Cops need approval before buying surveillance tech. Affiliates @CatherineNCrump & @elizabeth_joh discuss: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/06/silicon-valley-county-passes-new-law-requiring-approval-before-cops-buy-spy-kit/
— $Catherine Crump (@CatherineNCrump) June 9, 2016
Using tech to make it easier to apply for citizenship http://bit.ly/1U3WKlU: another bold step from Pro Bono Net @probono @susanmbeck
— $Aric Press (@aricpress) June 9, 2016
Where Darwin studied evolution, scientists consider gene tech to try to defeat it. #environment https://twitter.com/stewartbrand/status/740963427904933889
— $???? ???????? (@ninaburleigh) June 9, 2016
RT @stewartbrand: Good piece. Bravo @WIRED . This tech will further accelerate conservation successes on ocean islands. https://twitter.com/edyong209/status/740896229949767680
— $???? ???????? (@ninaburleigh) June 9, 2016
Good piece. Bravo @WIRED . This tech will further accelerate conservation successes on ocean islands. https://twitter.com/edyong209/status/740896229949767680
— $Stewart Brand (@stewartbrand) June 9, 2016
Where's the next #SiliconValley? The volume of #tech #jobs by metro shows the score: http://ow.ly/mXy130166V8 https://t.co/aZVT7uhBh0
— $Simply Hired (@SimplyHired) June 9, 2016
Here are answers to 13 of the most frequently asked questions about automated license plate readers. https://www.eff.org/sls/tech/automated-license-plate-readers/faq
— $EFF (@EFF) June 9, 2016
#Artificial intelligence begins to take over legal work. #tech http://ow.ly/fA4o30166kQ
— $Elliott Alderman (@ContentLawyer) June 9, 2016
Come for the @BW Tech issue promo vid, stay for the crazy story on Larry Page's flying cars: http://www.bloomberg.com/features/2016-global-tech-inventors/#/welcome-to-larry-page-s-secret-flying-car-factories https://twitter.com/stephcd/status/740884451006291970
— $Joshua Green (@JoshuaGreen) June 9, 2016
Lessons from a tech-averse father to a tech-loving son http://on.wsj.com/1tkrLXg
— $Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) June 9, 2016
Reminder to Clinton fans: she won't outright say it but the implication is crystal clear. She wants to break crypto. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/12/hillary-clinton-wants-manhattan-like-project-to-break-encryption/
— $Nate Cardozo (@ncardozo) June 9, 2016
Lenovo shows off the latest in screen tech #LenovoTechWorld http://engt.co/1ZBxBNX https://t.co/N1UBBOAndV
— $Engadget (@engadget) June 9, 2016
Riding the Tech Wave: A Chat with Information Privacy Law Champion Sona Makker (Part 2) http://buff.ly/28njamJ
— $Ms. JD (@msjdorg) June 9, 2016
Patent trolls are discouraging investment in tech companies http://on.ft.com/1reQH0k https://t.co/FN8VxD9DWP
— $FT Technology News (@fttechnews) June 9, 2016
We're live from Lenovo Tech World 2016! http://engt.co/1XIgxZk
— $Engadget (@engadget) June 9, 2016
Our founder @BillAdairDuke is leading a panel on tech, like @sharethefact widget. #GlobalFact3 https://t.co/Yy7aXBxOls
— $PolitiFact (@PolitiFact) June 9, 2016
"Sims" merch might not be the Mona Lisa but should still get #copyright protection, tech co. says: https://www.law360.com/articles/803612
— $Law360 (@Law360) June 9, 2016
RT @MdCplus: How Apple and Google plan to revamp their app stores #tech http://on.recode.net/1UFy6oM
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) June 9, 2016
RT @jbuhl35: "We crash test cars, but we don't crash test the code they run." http://arstechnica.co.uk/cars/2016/06/tech-firms-want-to-save-the-auto-industry-and-the-connected-car-from-itself/ h/t @evankirstel
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) June 9, 2016
RT @CivicHall: The livestream for #PDF16 is up! Tune in here on @civicist: http://civichall.org/civicist/pdf16-the-tech-we-need-livestream/
— $Robert Richards (@richards1000) June 9, 2016
RT @RonDeibert: From the same Baidu experimenting with AI crowd control http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2016/03/23/crowd-control-baidu-has-an-algorithm-for-that/
— $CPJ Tech Program (@CPJTechnology) June 9, 2016
.@BernieSanders stakeout at the White House with 100 of my friends. #BernieWatch https://t.co/0VGtB09ITf
— $C-SPAN Field Techs (@CSPANBen) June 9, 2016
RT @RonDeibert: BlackBerry hands over user data to help police around the world 'kick ass' http://www.cbc.ca/1.3620186
— $CPJ Tech Program (@CPJTechnology) June 9, 2016
Need EOB? Pgrms like 'Impact of Tech on Div & Incl in the Legal Profession' avail On-Demand: http://ow.ly/GgAg300EEa2 https://t.co/E8ST6tYdQA
— $mnbar (@mnbar) June 9, 2016
Tribune Publishing (Tronc) chair: We want to start publishing 2,000 videos a day with AI @NKULW http://on.recode.net/1WFlZLW
— $Journalism & Tech (@jrnlsm) June 9, 2016
Differentiation is key; at @Orrick, we focus on 3 key industry sectors: tech, energy/infrastructure, finance --@MitchZuklie at #BigLawSummit
— $David Lat (@DavidLat) June 9, 2016
Last Call - Free Webinar: The TTABlogger on TTAB Developments, June 14th, 12-1 PM EST: Yours truly, The TTABl... http://bit.ly/1ZBjR5P
— $Dana Robinson (@TechLawLLP) June 9, 2016
Silicon Valley really had nothing to do with the computer chip and start of tech. Prune / Apricots though...Yes. https://t.co/D7AOF6NJvj
— $Jason Grill (@JasonGrill) June 9, 2016
RT @seamuskraft: "Tech, website problems keep elected officials up at night." - @RobinCarnahan preaching the truth at #PDF16 https://t.co/QVHys0icS5
— $Joe Trippi (@JoeTrippi) June 9, 2016
Holy. Shit. @thomashouston @business this is incredible: http://www.bloomberg.com/features/2016-global-tech-inventors/#/
— $Katie Drummond (@katiedrumm) June 9, 2016