Federal tax reforms that could boost the economy: Jason Russell of the Washington Examiner offer... http://bit.ly/1Y5qzCk @JohnLockeNC
— $David John Shestokas (@shestokas) June 7, 2016
RT @JolyonMaugham: Tax disc abolished as part of Cameron's "red tape challenge". Expected by DVLA to save £12m pa. Costs over £200m pa. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/1ae85ec0-2bf2-11e6-a18d-a96ab29e3c95.html
— $Richard Moorhead (@RichardMoorhead) June 7, 2016
Tax disc abolished as part of Cameron's "red tape challenge". Expected by DVLA to save £12m pa. Costs over £200m pa. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/1ae85ec0-2bf2-11e6-a18d-a96ab29e3c95.html
— $Jo Maugham QC (@JolyonMaugham) June 6, 2016
RT @voxdotcom: Trump gets a tax break that only married couples earning less than $500,000 are eligible for http://www.vox.com/2016/6/6/11868552/donald-trump-star-tax-break?utm_campaign=vox&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
— $Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) June 6, 2016
RT @DougGoldstein: http://buff.ly/1U27hef - @Colleen_Graffy explains how U.S. tax laws adversely affect U.S. expats https://t.co/yck47NNelJ
— $Colleen Graffy (@Colleen_Graffy) June 6, 2016
Do Partnerships Now Need to Reserve for Taxes? http://ow.ly/pOGW300YiJJ #Tax
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) June 6, 2016
John Oliver Buys And Forgives $15 Million In Medical Debt: But Is The Forgiveness Taxable? via @nittiaj @forbes http://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonynitti/2016/06/06/john-oliver-buys-and-forgives-15-million-in-medical-debt-but-is-the-forgiveness-taxable/#348d91cd29a6 #tax
— $Kelly Phillips Erb (@taxgirl) June 6, 2016
'Chewbacca Mom' Giggles Her Way To Nearly A Half Million Dollars: Will A Tax Bill Follow? via @forbes http://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2016/06/06/chewbacca-mom-giggles-her-way-to-nearly-a-half-million-dollars-will-a-tax-bill-follow/#344053fa2c19 #tax
— $Kelly Phillips Erb (@taxgirl) June 6, 2016
What can a tax attorney do to take control of the collection matter: http://youtu.be/nwRwZQZT3dM?a via @YouTube
— $David Warren Klasing (@dwklasing) June 6, 2016
What is the most critical thing I need to know when faced with tax collection: http://youtu.be/_GwI_eXsE-8?a via @YouTube
— $David Warren Klasing (@dwklasing) June 6, 2016
Open thread for night owls: How the 'Panama Papers' firm helped U.S. clients evade tax rules http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/06/07/1535118/-Open-thread-for-night-owls-How-the-Panama-Papers-firm-helped-U-S-clients-evade-tax-rules
— $Daily Kos (@dailykos) June 6, 2016
Trump again received tax credit for those making under $500K: report http://hill.cm/cIQbwzg https://t.co/ga38Ip4zUo
— $The Hill (@thehill) June 6, 2016
RT @melmason: After starting his rally speech swiping at Trump, Sanders now contrasts with Clinton on campaign finance, minimum wage and carbon tax
— $Rebecca Leber (@rebleber) June 6, 2016
After starting his rally speech swiping at Trump, Sanders now contrasts with Clinton on campaign finance, minimum wage and carbon tax
— $Melanie Mason (@melmason) June 6, 2016
"Illegal immigrants pay billions in taxes and to Social Security—the benefits of which they're unlikely to get back" http://on.wsj.com/1suHxhu
— $Drew Harwell (@drewharwell) June 6, 2016
RT @jbarro: It's time to revisit that March story about Trump getting a tax rebate for people with incomes under $500,000. http://www.businessinsider.com/does-donald-trump-make-less-than-500000-a-year-2016-6
— $McKay Coppins (@mckaycoppins) June 6, 2016
What are the consequences of failing to work out a plan for back tax debts: http://youtu.be/uiBeL14q6u8?a via @YouTube
— $David Warren Klasing (@dwklasing) June 6, 2016
T-Mobile’s plan to give away free stock could create a tax headache for millions of first-time investors http://wapo.st/1t3HkBS
— $Post Business (@washpostbiz) June 6, 2016
RT @Sebastian_JKT: Until you realize taxes are theft, govt borders don't keep you safe and voting is an act of slavery, the elites will keep exploiting you.
— $Mark W. Bennett (@MarkWBennett) June 6, 2016
It's time to revisit that March story about Trump getting a tax rebate for people with incomes under $500,000. http://www.businessinsider.com/does-donald-trump-make-less-than-500000-a-year-2016-6
— $Josh Barro (@jbarro) June 6, 2016
Complex offshore structures are commonly used by individuals to evade federal taxes. http://nyti.ms/1U52tVx https://t.co/gOBxKpsSl6
— $NYT Opinion (@nytopinion) June 6, 2016
Trump's latest property tax bill, out June 3, shows he once again received a middle-class tax break http://bit.ly/25HwFLK @crainsnewyork
— $Joe Trippi (@JoeTrippi) June 6, 2016
The Panama Papers point to suspicious tax evasion that demands federal investigation. http://nyti.ms/1raEpX0 https://t.co/YfnPnJhExn
— $NYT Opinion (@nytopinion) June 6, 2016
Kim, as supervisor, has introduced a "mansion tax" in SF and a proposal to make City College in SF free to all residents.
— $Josh Harkinson (@joshharkinson) June 6, 2016
Potential IRS Tax Collections Solutions: http://youtu.be/2dIjdlj1bzU?a via @YouTube
— $David Warren Klasing (@dwklasing) June 6, 2016
"Mossack Fonseca offered a how-to guide of sorts on skirting or evading US tax and financial disclosure laws." https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/739971653438984193
— $Alex Howard (@digiphile) June 6, 2016
washingtonpost: T-Mobile is giving away free stock — but it could also lead to a tax headache http://wapo.st/1suCrSH
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 6, 2016
T-Mobile is giving away free stock — but it could also lead to a tax headache http://wapo.st/1suCrSH
— $Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 6, 2016
Trump again received tax credit for those making under $500K: report http://hill.cm/0SHCLKq https://t.co/dYztGPXwSi
— $The Hill (@thehill) June 6, 2016
In the news.. Consult your tax advisor before making these 10 decisions ... http://binged.it/1PBVWmo #OregonDivorce
— $Jill Brittle (@brittlelaw) June 6, 2016
NY State has been giving Trump a tax credit limited to people with incomes less than $500k. https://twitter.com/motherjones/status/739954461318078466
— $Pierre Omidyar (@pierre) June 6, 2016
[Video] Taxing LLC Options (It's Complicated) http://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/taxing-llc-options-its-complicated-08339/
— $JD Supra (@JDSupra) June 6, 2016
Dayton signed the revisor's bill, which is typically last bill signed in any session. Indicates the tax bill will be pocket vetoed. #mnleg
— $R. Stassen-Berger (@RachelSB) June 6, 2016
Year End Tax Planning In June: Learn Tax Attorney Secrets of What To Do Now To Save #Taxes http://bit.ly/211b51v https://t.co/9HYDRFl0jH
— $Steven J. Fromm (@sjfpc) June 6, 2016
Could Hillary Clinton's proposed tax credit for out-of-pocket health costs backfire on taxpayers? http://on.wsj.com/1VtOM4H by @ChrisJacobsHC
— $WSJ Think Tank (@WSJThinkTank) June 6, 2016
Donald Trump's persistent mystery: Once again, the billionaire gets a middle-class tax break. http://trump.pocalyp.se/2r
— $Dave Winer (@davewiner) June 6, 2016
RT @marcwhitehead: RT @The_CDA: 529 ABLE: Tax-Free Savings for Persons with #Disabilities http://bit.ly/1t87yny https://t.co/SqHoJInApS
— $Mrs. Kimberly Bishop (@BishopLawNC) June 6, 2016
RT @The_CDA: 529 ABLE: Tax-Free Savings for Persons with #Disabilities http://bit.ly/1t87yny https://t.co/SqHoJInApS
— $Marc Whitehead (@marcwhitehead) June 6, 2016
Hillary Clinton hasn’t tipped her hand on corporate tax rate http://on.wsj.com/1t2RliQ
— $Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) June 6, 2016
RT @Brian_Faler: Surprise! CBO says Obama's budget would boost the economy. even though it calls for $2 trillion in tax increases: http://politico.pro/1UF9NVR
— $POLITICO Pro (@POLITICOPro) June 6, 2016