we'll defeat the opioid addiction epidemic with uhhh a targeted Pigovian tax yeah that'll do it
— $slackbot (@pareene) June 7, 2016
There Is a Full Library of Legal and #Tax Guides at My Website: Check Them Out http://bit.ly/1OafldW https://t.co/1lciaKTcDB
— $Steven J. Fromm (@sjfpc) June 7, 2016
BrookingsInst: Bots hold the potential to revolutionize the federal tax process: http://brook.gs/1X90GSR
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 7, 2016
Nexus to Tax: http://youtu.be/PnVl_a43GVg?a via @YouTube
— $David Warren Klasing (@dwklasing) June 7, 2016
How Can Bankruptcy Settle IRS Tax Debt? https://youtu.be/7vp1_OhsliE #bankruptcy #taxdebt #irsproblem
— $Darrin T. Mish (@Darrin_Mish) June 7, 2016
Expired 421-a tax credit may not get renewed - and that's fine with some state lawmakers http://goo.gl/iawYEY https://t.co/QKaJisZ7QU
— $City & State NY (@CityAndStateNY) June 7, 2016
"We lose out economically bc people who are poorly educated earn less, pay less in taxes and need more services." http://bit.ly/1X9h1a7
— $ColorOfChange.org (@ColorOfChange) June 7, 2016
Me for @reveal: How a loss of timber subsidies helped push a county into lawlessness. https://www.revealnews.org/article/in-the-rural-west-residents-choose-low-taxes-over-law-enforcement/ https://t.co/GZbuF7xZ3N
— $Byard Duncan (@ByardDuncan) June 7, 2016
MCDONALD'S secret Luxembourg tax deal... http://drudge.tw/24xjP03
NextEV, China-backed electric car co., applies for $10 million tax credit in California http://on.wsj.com/1XBt5BR
— $Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) June 7, 2016
IRS Taxpayer Transcript Service Back Online via @forbes http://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2016/06/07/irs-taxpayer-transcript-service-back-online/#307a63cba965 #tax
— $Kelly Phillips Erb (@taxgirl) June 7, 2016
RT @NewCityPatch: The golf club is a source of local controversy, as Trump's lawyers fight over property taxes. http://fb.me/6ftg6INQM
— $Greg Mitchell (@GregMitch) June 7, 2016
The golf club is a source of local controversy, as Trump's lawyers fight over property taxes. http://fb.me/6ftg6INQM
— $New City NY Patch (@NewCityPatch) June 7, 2016
RT @GuardianAnushka: But it is obviously much more complicated than benefits/tax. There are lots of other issues, such as public services. Hard to find good data
— $Guardian politics (@GdnPolitics) June 7, 2016
RT @GuardianAnushka: Farage says the House of Lords say economic impact of immigrants neutral. HMRC say EU migrants take £556m in benefits 13/14 paid £3.1bn tax
— $Guardian politics (@GdnPolitics) June 7, 2016
But it is obviously much more complicated than benefits/tax. There are lots of other issues, such as public services. Hard to find good data
— $Anushka Asthana (@GuardianAnushka) June 7, 2016
Farage says the House of Lords say economic impact of immigrants neutral. HMRC say EU migrants take £556m in benefits 13/14 paid £3.1bn tax
— $Anushka Asthana (@GuardianAnushka) June 7, 2016
So this is how GOPers running for reelection are going to campaign: low taxes, strong defense, won't vote for Trump. https://twitter.com/jasonnobleDMR/status/740270954220294144
— $Bill Harnsberger (@BillinPortland) June 7, 2016
McDonald’s secret Luxembourg tax deal http://on.ft.com/1t6p7DR
— $Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) June 7, 2016
RT @IntTaxPlaza: TAXE 2 publishes proposals 1-254 for amendments to the Draft Report on tax rulings and other measures similar... http://www.internationaltaxplaza.info/homepage/news-archive/news-archive-june-2016/2345-taxe-2-publishes-proposals-1-254-for-amendments-to-the-draft-report-on-tax-rulings-and-other-measures-similar-in-nature-or-effect
— $Soteris Flourentzos (@sflourentzos) June 7, 2016
RT @NumbersMuncher: As horrible as Trump looks right now, he still hasn't released any of his tax returns and the Trump U fraud trial hasn't even started yet.
— $Greg Dworkin (@DemFromCT) June 7, 2016
As horrible as Trump looks right now, he still hasn't released any of his tax returns and the Trump U fraud trial hasn't even started yet.
— $Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) June 7, 2016
The latest The Stephen Asbel Daily! http://paper.li/StephenAsbelLaw/1307915207?edition_id=93fdafd0-2ce8-11e6-96e8-0cc47a0d1609 Thanks to @Sutherland_Law @GabrielCheong @MikeSacksEsq #tax #divorce
— $Stephen M. Asbel (@StephenAsbelLaw) June 7, 2016
RT @PaulSianJD: 10 Things An #Attorney Can Do For You http://buff.ly/1Vz03ke #realestate #divorce #litigation #business #taxes https://t.co/AzxWaDlR6P
— $Mrs. Kimberly Bishop (@BishopLawNC) June 7, 2016
guardian: Diesel prices may rise as government considers reversing tax cuts http://trib.al/hoNFTzs
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 7, 2016
Diesel prices may rise as government considers reversing tax cuts http://d.gu.com/LVr4CN
— $Guardian politics (@GdnPolitics) June 7, 2016
RT @PrestonCooper93: Tax cuts have diminishing returns. http://economics21.org/html/expensing-grows-economy-faster-tax-cuts-1867.html https://t.co/RwshIQfPYW
— $Manhattan Institute (@ManhattanInst) June 7, 2016
Tax cuts have diminishing returns. http://economics21.org/html/expensing-grows-economy-faster-tax-cuts-1867.html https://t.co/RwshIQfPYW
— $Preston Cooper (@PrestonCooper93) June 7, 2016
8 ways to make divorce less taxing http://bit.ly/28idXwj
— $Kelly McClure (@McClureLaw) June 7, 2016
November #Election and #EstatePlanning http://ow.ly/gywH300YBt4 #Tax #GRAT
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) June 7, 2016
If you pick "on gov't," then you gotta decide where the taxes come from. Your only options there are "businesses/owners" or "workers" again.
— $Jeff Spross (@jeffspross) June 7, 2016
‘Deaths of despair’ drag life expectancy lower for whites http://tax.gd/1TSUzMK #tcot #ccot #EstatePlanning #OC
— $David Robert Duringer (@guntrust) June 7, 2016
I'm sure at least one or two wanted to talk tax reform https://twitter.com/steventdennis/status/740223464502624256
— $Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) June 7, 2016
#ABA Seeks Priority Guidance for #TransferPricing Issues http://ow.ly/Kk793010Kh3 @McDermottLaw #Tax
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) June 7, 2016
Lawsuit Argues DOL Overstepped With Fiduciary Rule http://tax.gd/25IY8MQ #tcot #EstatePlanning #OC
— $David Robert Duringer (@guntrust) June 7, 2016
#Manufacturing corps. after-tax profits were $122.3b (SA) for Q1, up $3.3 (+/- 0.4)b from Q4 http://go.usa.gov/cBF9e https://t.co/q2YbkozTCJ
— $BusinessUSA (@BizUSA) June 7, 2016
TAXE 2 publishes proposals 1-254 for amendments to the Draft Report on tax rulings and other measures similar... http://www.internationaltaxplaza.info/homepage/news-archive/news-archive-june-2016/2345-taxe-2-publishes-proposals-1-254-for-amendments-to-the-draft-report-on-tax-rulings-and-other-measures-similar-in-nature-or-effect
— $Int. Tax Plaza (@IntTaxPlaza) June 7, 2016
Thanks for the recent follow @WebEyeCMS @LPGCncsu Happy to connect :) have a great Tuesday. (Want this ????? >> http://bit.ly/tweet_thanks_)
— $Jonathan Sooriash (@JDavidTaxRelief) June 7, 2016
RT @InTheMkts: .@realDonaldTrump's persistent mystery: Once again, the billionaire gets a middle-class tax break http://bit.ly/25HwFLK via @crainsnewyork
— $Drew Harwell (@drewharwell) June 7, 2016
10 Things An #Attorney Can Do For You http://buff.ly/1Vz03ke #realestate #divorce #litigation #business #taxes https://t.co/AzxWaDlR6P
— $Paul Sian (@PaulSianJD) June 7, 2016