#SuperBowl Media Day got so big, they had to put it in prime time: http://slate.me/20IEHkQ [sponsored] https://t.co/ozRV4qLEIq
— $Slate (@Slate) February 4, 2016
Spectacular backdrop for CNN's #SuperBowl live shots https://t.co/7odlj4k7H5
— $Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) February 4, 2016
.@nealrubin_dn column: yes you can say @SuperBowl in ads without fear of @nfl http://www.detroitnews.com/story/opinion/columnists/neal-rubin/2016/02/03/neal-rubin-nfl-trademark-super-bowl-kroger/79800248/ https://t.co/A6JYhMcjFt
— $David Shepardson (@davidshepardson) February 4, 2016
RT @margaretomara: If the 2nd half of the #SuperBowl is a blowout, switch over to CSPAN to see me! cc @PennPress https://twitter.com/cspanhistory/status/694975358710464512
— $Penn Press (@PennPress) February 4, 2016
.@StephenAtHome talks #Trump, #SuperBowl @colbertlateshow + theater days on @CBSThisMorning http://cbsn.ws/1UNuDDE https://t.co/xw8JFJ1eE2
— $Norah O'Donnell???????? (@NorahODonnell) February 4, 2016
RT @etanthomas36: 10am on The Collision with @EdgeofSports we'll interview @DeSmithNFLPA a lot to discuss #SuperBowl #Concussion #NFL https://t.co/9PrmEke28f
— $Dave Zirin (@EdgeofSports) February 4, 2016
10am on The Collision with @EdgeofSports we'll interview @DeSmithNFLPA a lot to discuss #SuperBowl #Concussion #NFL https://t.co/9PrmEke28f
— $Etan Thomas (@etanthomas36) February 4, 2016
Love Colbert @StephenAtHome and can't wait to see his show after #SuperBowl on @cbs https://t.co/sfTA7v50Nq
— $Norah O'Donnell???????? (@NorahODonnell) February 4, 2016
So far...what's your favorite pre-released #SuperBowl ad? VIDEOS: http://bit.ly/1o9j8fs https://t.co/H9tvQOueyg
— $Alexandra Bahou (@alexabahou) February 4, 2016
180 million people are expected to watch the 50th #SuperBowl game – will you be one of them? https://goo.gl/A86W5p
— $ShareAmerica (@shareamerica) February 4, 2016
RT @CNNMoney: For $5K, you can kick back in @Harp41's luxury apartment and catch @SuperBowl on his TV http://cnnmon.ie/1nI2RNX https://t.co/OjruQD8Nbc
— $CNN (@CNN) February 4, 2016
For $5K, you can kick back in @Harp41's luxury apartment and catch @SuperBowl on his TV http://cnnmon.ie/1nI2RNX https://t.co/OjruQD8Nbc
— $CNNMoney (@CNNMoney) February 4, 2016
WNTonight: NFL's 11-year-old kid correspondent goes inside #SuperBowl's opening night: http://abcn.ws/1PivR69 https://t.co/mdJnB0peJO
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) February 3, 2016
Grandpa made the TV news, too. #BroncosCountry #SuperBowl #CoolestGrandpaEver http://www.koaa.com/Clip/12187869/canon-city-broncos-superfan-is-super-bowl-bound#.VrKucacQpjY.facebook
— $Bryon Matthew Large (@LargeLawyer) February 3, 2016
Grandpa made the TV news, too. #BroncosCountry #SuperBowl #CoolestGrandpaEver http://www.koaa.com/Clip/12187869/canon-city-broncos-superfan-is-super-bowl-bound#.VrKucacQpjY.facebook
— $Bryon Matthew Large (@LargeLawyer) February 3, 2016
How's this for a subversive #SuperBowl Special? Noam Chomsky gives Dave Zirin his first-ever sports interview. Up... http://fb.me/4DNiG3BVV
— $Dave Zirin (@EdgeofSports) February 3, 2016
RT @USCMexico: Irás al @SuperBowl 50? Troyano Sean Kundu #GouldLaw tiene una aplicación exclusiva para ti. #FightOn http://ow.ly/XUdm3
— $University of Southern California Gould School of Law (@USCGouldLaw) February 3, 2016
RT @CharlieRoseShow: .@PBS tonight: Obama's mosque speech w @farhanakhera @shadihamid @tgjelten / #superbowl ads w @jpoggi @jasondeland @stuartenyt / Amos Gitai
— $Shadi Hamid (@shadihamid) February 3, 2016
#EEUU: #LadyGaga cantará el himno nacional en el #SuperBowl 2016 http://tlmdo.co/20H70Af https://t.co/H7Wyf4mvsX
— $Telemundo (@Telemundo) February 3, 2016
#SuperBowl 50 is on track to be the most expensive sporting event in U.S. history http://cnn.it/1nHHCMg https://t.co/PCyW4dNdDG
— $CNN (@CNN) February 3, 2016
.@PBS tonight: Obama's mosque speech w @farhanakhera @shadihamid @tgjelten / #superbowl ads w @jpoggi @jasondeland @stuartenyt / Amos Gitai
— $Charlie Rose Show (@CharlieRoseShow) February 3, 2016
Inside the Beltway: How #America changed since the first #SuperBowl http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/feb/3/inside-the-beltway-how-america-changed-since-first/#.VrKZB5qZ5iI.twitter #politics
— $The Washington Times (@WashTimes) February 3, 2016
Important #SuperBowl Reminder: http://bit.ly/1mVhuOf
— $Kent Kirkpatrick (@HupyandAbraham) February 3, 2016
The future of work: http://fusion.net/story/263238/could-the-nfls-superbowl-tracking-be-the-future-of-work/ https://t.co/erv8EiBCbK
— $Kashmir Hill (@kashhill) February 3, 2016
RT @hickoryrecord: Check out our special #SuperBowl section for coverage leading up to the game #KeepPounding http://bit.ly/1P3imcL https://t.co/daBgqms6sQ
— $Patrick McHenry (@PatrickMcHenry) February 3, 2016
Check out our special #SuperBowl section for coverage leading up to the game #KeepPounding http://bit.ly/1P3imcL https://t.co/daBgqms6sQ
— $Hickory Daily Record (@Hickoryrecord) February 3, 2016
The amazing camera work planned for the #SuperBowl. Can you say 75 cameras? http://bit.ly/1Kpi6Wx
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) February 3, 2016
TheTakeaway: America loves the #SuperBowl because... Tell us why if you do and why not if you don't. ????????????
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) February 3, 2016
Pizza Hut celebrates Super Bowl with edible gold http://sbne.ws/r/tXWa #superbowl #pizzahut #franchise
— $Kara K Martin (@franbuslawgroup) February 3, 2016
RT @kristenvbrown: I wrote about that, and also what it was like to have @kashhill spy on me http://fusion.net/story/263238/could-the-nfls-superbowl-tracking-be-the-future-of-work/
— $Kashmir Hill (@kashhill) February 3, 2016
LIFE AS IT HAPPENS: A winning wager on Super Bowl 50 http://goo.gl/UDddNf #SuperBowl #charity https://t.co/WCT5Mxx3PY
— $The Washington Times (@WashTimes) February 3, 2016
I wrote about that, and also what it was like to have @kashhill spy on me http://fusion.net/story/263238/could-the-nfls-superbowl-tracking-be-the-future-of-work/
— $?kvb? (@kristenvbrown) February 3, 2016
9K Uber drivers are planning to disrupt the #SuperBowl with a protest. http://observer.com/2016/02/9000-uber-drivers-planning-to-disrupt-super-bowl-with-protest/
— $OBSERVER (@observer) February 3, 2016
The #SuperBowl will be disrupted by #Uber. http://bit.ly/1QZ54As https://t.co/wyqb4uT3K1
— $OBSERVER (@observer) February 3, 2016
Tomorrow on @CBSThisMorning: Stephen Colbert @StephenAtHome joins us ahead of his live post- #SuperBowl show Sunday! https://t.co/jR4IINF57o
— $Norah O'Donnell???????? (@NorahODonnell) February 3, 2016
17.5% of consumers influenced by #SuperBowl ads! More stats from @NRFnews http://ow.ly/XS7Pe
— $Rhonda Abrams (@RhondaAbrams) February 3, 2016
During Super Bowl, players will wear RFID tags that track everything they do. Your boss would love to do same to you http://fusion.net/story/263238/could-the-nfls-superbowl-tracking-be-the-future-of-work/
— $Kashmir Hill (@kashhill) February 3, 2016
Are you in Vegas over Superbowl weekend? Make sure you have a plan to get home. #DontDrinkAndDrive https://shar.es/1416tU
— $John Shook (@LVInjuryLawyers) February 3, 2016
Love this moment. #EliManning avoiding the sack and making this throw was unreal. What a play. #Giants #SuperBowl https://twitter.com/Giants/status/694913413798105088
— $Adam B. Portnow (@portnowlaw) February 3, 2016
RT @SunSentinel: Spice up your #SuperBowl viewing party with these winning recipe favorites http://sunsent.nl/1UIoGId https://t.co/8JgAcHYmcV
— $Anthony K. Goodman (@AnidjarLevine) February 3, 2016