@bmorearmour 1998/99 open sessions- 7/14 7pm-830 Covenant Park Field 5, Thursday 6/16 7-830 Poly High skelton@pipelinesoccerclub.com
— $DMV Soccer² (@DMVSoccerDotCom) June 9, 2016
atlblog: RT DavidLat: Had to head back to ranch, but thanks to BigLawBiz on a great morning session at #BigLawSummit - and congrats!
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 9, 2016
Business agrees with Dayton: Metro area transit is a crucial issue to resolve in any special session https://www.minnpost.com/community-voices/2016/06/business-agrees-dayton-metro-area-transit-crucial-issue-resolve-any-special
— $Rep. Keith Ellison (@keithellison) June 9, 2016
RT @DavidLat: Had to head back to ranch, but thanks to @BigLawBiz on a great morning session at #BigLawSummit - and congrats!
— $Above the Law (@atlblog) June 9, 2016
RT @MaxBonardi91: Packed speed networking session! #ACS16 @acslaw @ACSstudents https://t.co/vZ325Wlvax
— $ACS Law and Policy (@acslaw) June 9, 2016
The #GrowthMindset session @Donna_Payne, @InHouse_Bern & Lisa Beard just presented was off the charts great. @ilta I want to know more now!
— $PayneGroup (@PayneGroup) June 9, 2016
Packed speed networking session! #ACS16 @acslaw @ACSstudents https://t.co/vZ325Wlvax
— $Max Bonardi (@MaxBonardi91) June 9, 2016
RT @SpinDr: Such a provocative session! RT @skofamily: Fabulous audience participation @IAFL_FamLaw LAWASIA symposium- #surrogacy is a feminist issue.
— $Mr Stephen Page (@stephenpagelaw) June 9, 2016
present at #Given2016 are three from the very first @CathVoicesUSA session -- @AddieMMena @AshCrouch1 & @gloria_purvis
— $Kathryn Jean Lopez (@kathrynlopez) June 9, 2016
RT @GothamGazette: Cuomo Launches End-of-Session Addition to Stagnant Ethics Agenda http://www.gothamgazette.com/index.php/state/6384-cuomo-launches-end-of-session-addition-to-stagnant-ethics-agenda
— $City Bar Policy (@NYCBarPolicy) June 9, 2016
Had to head back to ranch, but thanks to @BigLawBiz on a great morning session at #BigLawSummit - and congrats!
— $David Lat (@DavidLat) June 9, 2016
RT @jmartNYT: Looks like Ayotte's complaint to Sessions at the Tuesday lunch had some impact: Sessions rang Trump campaign > http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/donald-trump-senate-support-224085
— $John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) June 9, 2016
Looks like Ayotte's complaint to Sessions at the Tuesday lunch had some impact: Sessions rang Trump campaign > http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/donald-trump-senate-support-224085
— $Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) June 9, 2016
Morning Spin: Rauner says summoning lawmakers into special session would be 'wasting time' http://fw.to/wgyULQh
— $Ray Long (@RayLong) June 9, 2016
Long time gone: Remember as session stringer covering meeting btw approps chairs Margolis & Wetherell where I was the only reporter in room
— $Gary Fineout (@fineout) June 9, 2016
RT @NARMedia: Good #NAREE16 session on housing construction. @NAR_Research's Lawrence Yun expects around 1.2 million housing starts in '16...not enough
— $Josh Salman (@JoshSalman) June 9, 2016
Good #NAREE16 session on housing construction. @NAR_Research's Lawrence Yun expects around 1.2 million housing starts in '16...not enough
— $NAR Media Relations (@NARMedia) June 9, 2016
Such a provocative session! RT @skofamily: Fabulous audience participation @IAFL_FamLaw LAWASIA symposium- #surrogacy is a feminist issue.
— $Andrew William Vorzimer (@SpinDr) June 9, 2016
Over 50 sessions covering 4 tracks! #lawtech #legaled #lawschool #lawfaculty #prelaw #legaltech #OER #calicon16 https://twitter.com/johnpmayer/status/740822346563497984
— $CALI (@caliorg) June 9, 2016
Cuomo Launches End-of-Session Addition to Stagnant Ethics Agenda http://www.gothamgazette.com/index.php/state/6384-cuomo-launches-end-of-session-addition-to-stagnant-ethics-agenda
— $Gotham Gazette (@GothamGazette) June 9, 2016
Morning Spin: Rauner says summoning lawmakers into special session would be 'wasting time' http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/politics/ct-bruce-rauner-special-session-20160608-story.html
— $ChiTrib Clout Street (@ChiTribCloutSt) June 9, 2016
Which is sad, because there are other ways to reform French labor, and it should be trying to be an *alternative* to the dead-end US model.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) June 9, 2016
And people who support it do not care about employment, they care about France joining the US, UK, and Germany in the race to the bottom.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) June 9, 2016
So the Loi El Khomri will end up continuing to erode the protections that have made France livable without changing employment a bit.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) June 9, 2016
Which means that for the vast majority, work in France will continue to be what it was, only worse: hard to find and precarious.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) June 9, 2016
But it won't make the slightest dent in unemployment or the perceived "business climate," it will just make it easier to fire people.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) June 9, 2016
Similarly, making it easier to fire people in France might, somewhere, make a few employers hire a few people.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) June 9, 2016
So getting rid of rent control ends up benefiting maybe the top 10%, rather than just the 1% or .01%. But nothing for the bottom 90%.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) June 9, 2016
Which is true: it's possible rent prices might fall a little, but housing will still be unaffordable for most people.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) June 9, 2016
The debate over the French labor reform is a lot like that over rent control: proponents argue removing protections will balance things out.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) June 9, 2016
RT @majorlyp: Looking forward to the day when Gen Raheel Sharif addresses joint session of National People's Assembly in China.
— $Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) June 8, 2016
Looking forward to the day when Gen Raheel Sharif addresses joint session of National People's Assembly in China.
— $DrMajorlyPhD, Expert (@majorlyp) June 8, 2016
Strong hint on Trump's Twitter feed tonight leaning toward Sen. Jeff Sessions https://twitter.com/albertsonb2/status/740641848507518976
— $Mark Denniston (@CourtProf) June 8, 2016
Sessions or Mary Fallin https://twitter.com/SonnyBunch/status/740762551261270017
— $John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) June 8, 2016
Lacklustre session for Japanese and Aussie stocks http://on.ft.com/1tbqReY
— $Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) June 8, 2016
Yes, please do ... Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III would be a perfect choice. (LMAO.) https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/740722436065353728
— $Barbara Morrill (@BarbinMD) June 8, 2016
RT @_CTLA: Last #bootcamp2016 session! Thank you to Amanda Francis, Tim Garvey, Gennevieve St. Leger, & Matt Laird for all your work this session. #hug
— $Sam Cannon (@Sam__Cannon) June 8, 2016
India's Modi spoke before a joint session of Congress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRCYUUM8Vnw&index=1&list=PLNxwX7r4A557JXYFVf4ZGMnDwuPD9cef0 https://t.co/551ccmYLFB
— $YouTube Newswire (@ytnewswire) June 8, 2016
Earthjustice: Big announcements from sxsweco: First sessions, new keynote + speakers! Register by Friday to get th… http://ejus.tc/218CTB3
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 8, 2016
Last #bootcamp2016 session! Thank you to Amanda Francis, Tim Garvey, Gennevieve St. Leger, & Matt Laird for all your work this session. #hug
— $CTLA (@_CTLA) June 8, 2016