29. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we should blame for Donald Trump.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
28. The Democratic self-diagnosis will be just as self-flattering and hilariously detached from reality as the post-Romney GOP one was.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
27. But that won't change reality: the Democratic leadership will be to blame for running a candidate who embodies what voters want to fix.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
26. Not "will," since they have already been doing it for months; Gopnik and the liberal chorus from this week are just the latest.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
25. They will try frantically to blame it on the only left candidate who made the roots of the problem the central issue of his campaign.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
24. ...the Democratic elite is equally insulated from reality, and only offers solutions geared to a small, privileged slice of the country.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
23. Of course, GOP elites will be to blame, but we already accept their cynicism and horribleness. What we won't have accepted is that...
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
22. And one side ran a candidate that spoke to some of those needs, while the Democrats ran the very personification of that insiders' club.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
21. It will be because both parties are vehicles of elite wagon-circling that have systematically shut out the needs of the electorate.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
20. But if he does, it will not be because the Democratic left pushed for a better candidate.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
19. I don't think Trump will win. Centrist voters will break for HRC, and so, overwhelmingly, will Democratic voters. There is no "crisis."
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
18. But even that is absurd, because you know what beat fascism? European socialists and the Soviet Union.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
17. By speciously connecting our moment to the one when their own ideology was supposedly what saved European civilization.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
16. What Gopnik is doing, intentionally or not, is helping centrist cultural elites feel heroic about their attachment to the broken system.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
15. So it needs external enemies - right-wing demagogues and sexist BernieBros - to give it energy, some moral reason to exist.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
14. Liberalism has no natural source of support besides wealth; it is the philosophy of "maybe later" and "that's too much to ask.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
13. Actually, liberalism is normalizing and kowtowing to the far right with its dogged defense of an increasingly right-wing "normal."
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
Addressing Sexual Assault on Campus: Watch @JeannieSuk's session at #AtlanticEDU http://hvrdlaw.me/telj300qbei
— $Harvard Law School (@Harvard_Law) May 21, 2016
12. Then the periodic "threat" of "fascism" can be heroically "defeated" by liberalism, and the status quo presented as a victory.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
11. Liberals deeply need the far right to scare people into settling for the status quo.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
10. So what we end up with is ideological enforcement from the center cloaked in histrionic anti-fascism.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
9. Nevermind that the constitution itself was designed to be undemocratic, and has been made more so in various ways.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
8. There's also the issue of Gopnik's utterly circular nationalism: America is democratic because it has a great constitution!
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
7. ...and an executive with virtually unchecked assassination powers.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
6. Despite the shredding thereof by the last two presidents, the massive growth of secret courts and undeclared wars...
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
5. The other silliness Gopnik recycles is the notion that Trump uniquely threatens the rule of the constitution.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
Community partnerships session: nonprofits + people w/disabilities + tech companies = success. #AbilityinTech https://t.co/zh88QsJ7uU
— $Sarah Granger (@sarahgranger) May 21, 2016
4. Surveys have shown the entire primary that an overwhelming majority of Sanders supporters are not hostile to Clinton.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
3. The "communists attacking the center" analogy is especially weak. Despite the animosity, the Democratic Party is not splitting.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
2. Aside from some superficial literary gloss, it adds nothing to the flimsy historical analogies pundits have been peddling for months.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
1. OK, so about this Adam Gopnik thing everyone seems to love. http://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/the-dangerous-acceptance-of-donald-trump
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
RT @jlupf: This is amazing, from @davidsess. All professors and TAs should set this as your email auto-response. https://www.buzzfeed.com/davidsessions/why-you-got-an-a-minus-2dfro
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
#DFBPokalfinale seconds away from going to penalties.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
RT @AdamWeinstein: Is there a poststructuralist Twitter, because Jesus God I want in now
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
RT @WebHistoryPics: "Christ ne supportant plus les intolérants au gluten", Philipe de Champaigne. #NDMAngers https://t.co/ynPFCe8mo2
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016
Legal scholar calls Supreme Court session with vacant seat a "total waste of time" http://abcn.ws/27LsgJE https://t.co/TdnTXdRDXk
— $ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) May 21, 2016
ABC: Legal scholar calls Supreme Court session with vacant seat a "total waste of time" http://abcn.ws/20jYWUV https://t.co/eup9uTDpk6
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) May 21, 2016
RT @SenJoeCervantes: Appreciate Bernie pressing Flint's water contamination while he's with us in Vado. My bill this session would prevent same happening here.
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) May 21, 2016
Appreciate Bernie pressing Flint's water contamination while he's with us in Vado. My bill this session would prevent same happening here.
— $Joseph Cervantes (@SenJoeCervantes) May 21, 2016
To whom it may concern: periodic reminder that Adam Gopnik doesn't know anything about politics.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 21, 2016