#INTA16 attendees in their safe space for today's session on 'trademark bullying creating ethical dilemmas'. https://t.co/Fq3ZIQMn9u
— $WorldTrademarkReview (@WTRmagazine) May 23, 2016
RT @MnSenateMedia: Senate to adjourn 2016 session and hear from retiring members: live, 11am, MN Channel & http://mnsenate.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=1&event_id=182 #mnleg
— $R. Stassen-Berger (@RachelSB) May 23, 2016
Senate to adjourn 2016 session and hear from retiring members: live, 11am, MN Channel & http://mnsenate.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=1&event_id=182 #mnleg
— $MN Senate Media (@MnSenateMedia) May 23, 2016
The World's Greatest Healthcare Plan doesn't have any onerous mandates & empowers all Americans to make their own healthcare decisions.
— $Pete Sessions (@PeteSessions) May 23, 2016
I'm delighted to join Senator @BillCassidy to discuss our free market based healthcare alternative to ObamaCare. https://t.co/TDTWrqDUj1
— $Pete Sessions (@PeteSessions) May 23, 2016
RT @mlahammer: Majority Leader Bakk & Speaker Daudt both say they are open to special session for bonding, transportation, real ID #mnleg @tpt #tptalmanac
— $Patricia Lopez (@StribLopez) May 23, 2016
Aboard the USS Eisenhower this AM w/ @Randy_Forbes, @RobWittman & others for a listening session w/ the @USNavy https://t.co/W6VznylA5Z
— $Rep. Bobby Scott (@BobbyScott) May 23, 2016
Session II: Attack of Lawmakers Wanting to Spend BP Money http://on.thec-l.com/27MartU #msleg
— $Geoffrey Pender (@GeoffPender) May 23, 2016
RT @emasters: The 60 Most Awesome #CALIcon16 Sessions You Won't Want to Miss! Plus 2 Stunning Keynotes! http://2016.calicon.org/node/1/schedule/ @caliorg
— $CALI (@caliorg) May 23, 2016
RT @emasters: To compliment #openlaw sessions at #CALIcon16 we've got a handful of #A2J sessions on the agenda. http://2016.calicon.org/topics/a2j @caliorg
— $John P Mayer (@johnpmayer) May 23, 2016
RT @emasters: The 60 Most Awesome #CALIcon16 Sessions You Won't Want to Miss! Plus 2 Stunning Keynotes! http://2016.calicon.org/node/1/schedule/ @caliorg
— $John P Mayer (@johnpmayer) May 23, 2016
#Senate in at 3:00 PM & MB until 4:30 PM. Then a Legislative Session to consider #S2613 (Adam Walsh Reauthorization http://bit.ly/SFloor
— $U.S. Senate Floor (@SenateFloor) May 23, 2016
RT @aztammyp: "Long Lines, Long Ballots, Long Hours, a Presidential Year" FL State Assoc of Sup of Election session kicks off https://t.co/i880C8c9nE
— $Gary Fineout (@fineout) May 23, 2016
BloombergLaw: RT DrewStevensEsq: Session on litigation data and analytics for #trademark lawyers and law firms sta… https://t.co/LJfJYTyVzw
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) May 23, 2016
"Long Lines, Long Ballots, Long Hours, a Presidential Year" FL State Assoc of Sup of Election session kicks off https://t.co/i880C8c9nE
— $Tammy Patrick (@aztammyp) May 23, 2016
SESSIONS: 2nd Amendment Extinct If Hillary Elected... http://bit.ly/1sMIP88
MidEastNews: Controversial bills on agenda as Knesset returns for summer session http://bit.ly/20phS4x
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) May 23, 2016
Majority Leader Bakk & Speaker Daudt both say they are open to special session for bonding, transportation, real ID #mnleg @tpt #tptalmanac
— $Mary Lahammer (@mlahammer) May 22, 2016
Dayton spokesman @MattSwenson statement on end of #mnleg session? the governor will prove comment tomorrow"
— $R. Stassen-Berger (@RachelSB) May 22, 2016
RT @jpcoolican: dayton has tremendous leverage on special session.
— $Baird Helgeson (@BairdStrib) May 22, 2016
dayton has tremendous leverage on special session.
— $j. patrick coolican (@jpcoolican) May 22, 2016
Both Bakk and Daudt are saying they may ask Dayton to call a special session. #mnleg
— $R. Stassen-Berger (@RachelSB) May 22, 2016
Stop saying special session. You haven't even left the building yet, #mnleg.
— $R. Stassen-Berger (@RachelSB) May 22, 2016
Yelling on the House floor at end of session is never good but is kind of familiar. #mnleg
— $R. Stassen-Berger (@RachelSB) May 22, 2016
RT @ckilpatrick: Twitter magnifies personalities which, in real life, we could all easily tag as "not well." Bored folks looking for drama become enablers
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 22, 2016
Christendom is never coming back, people. If it makes you feel any better, neither is communism.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 22, 2016
RT @amuchmoreexotic: @jessesingal with “erasure” and “gaslighting” in the back without seat belts on
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 22, 2016
RT @jessesingal: "Silence(d)" is one of those words that swerved off the highway and is careening through a cactus patch toward a meaninglessness-canyon
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 22, 2016
RT @tvoti: That really would have been the scene in which Hodor could have, just once, said women’s rights. #GameofThrones
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 22, 2016
Silicon Valley is the best thing in the world.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 22, 2016
RT @alisaharris: Jared on Pied Piper is the closest we have to a homeschooler on TV. "Oh Captain, my captain."
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 22, 2016
RT @micahuetricht: This session was hilarious. Y'all should take this show on the road. @medeabenjamin @RaniaKhalek @lfeatherz @kthalps @meganerickson
— $Liza Featherstone (@lfeatherz) May 22, 2016
Does anyone else think the Nameless People are super boring?
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 22, 2016
From 2009: waving from the podium for the first time before a Joint Session of Congress. Since it was only a few… http://barackphotos.com/from-2009-waving-from-the-podium-for-the-first-time-before-a-joint-session-of-congress-since-it-was-only-a-few-weeks-after-the-inauguration-it-is-usually-not-referred-to-as-a-state-of-the-union-al/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
— $Barack Obama News (@ObamaNews) May 22, 2016
@Max_Fisher That's one of the most egregious lines, but the whole thing is historically illiterate. https://storify.com/davidsess/adam-gopnik-and-liberal-trump-fantasies
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 22, 2016
Didn't realize the extent to which progressives were openly positioning themselves against the New Deal. Good lord. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2016/05/democrats-hillary-clinton-new-deal-sanders/
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 22, 2016
RT @NACBAorg: Final session of #NACBASF, Sunday afternoon, 400+ attendees. Great content, great speakers, great following...NACBA https://t.co/2AluieNDcR
— $Rachel Lynn Foley (@kcbankruptcy) May 22, 2016
It's not that I don't think the far right can become powerful. But it'll be in a new way, and shitty analogies aren't going to stop it.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 22, 2016
The thing current liberals don't seem to get is that 1930s Europe had never accepted capitalist, individualist society.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 22, 2016
For example, how many of the constituent elements of European fascism simply don't exist anymore.
— $David Sessions ???? (@davidsess) May 22, 2016