RT @AileenMcGraw: Holy cannoli, @anamariecox @jazzedloon @rachelsklar @tracysefl unraveled bro-ness via brilliant feminism in allll its strategic glory #SXSW
— $Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) March 14, 2016
RT @LaurieDewan .@scottberinato - great session on #dataviz at #sxsw - context + clarity = trust. May all our charts be #goodcharts
— $Harvard Biz Review (@HarvardBiz) March 14, 2016
RT @ErikaIdleWild: Joining @Lois_Vossen & @faketv at #SXSW to talk digital partnerships! 330pm in 17B @IndependentLens @TheAtlantic https://t.co/km30IL8cS3
— $Kasia (@faketv) March 14, 2016
Joining @Lois_Vossen & @faketv at #SXSW to talk digital partnerships! 330pm in 17B @IndependentLens @TheAtlantic https://t.co/km30IL8cS3
— $Erika Cohn (@ErikaIdleWild) March 14, 2016
Holy cannoli, @anamariecox @jazzedloon @rachelsklar @tracysefl unraveled bro-ness via brilliant feminism in allll its strategic glory #SXSW
— $Aileen McGraw (@AileenMcGraw) March 14, 2016
See you #SXSW at the Driskill lounge 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. 604 Brazos St. to discuss @knightfdn journalism funding w/ @shazna and moi.
— $Jennifer Preston (@JenniferPreston) March 14, 2016
Get ready - this is insane! #sxsw @FoxBusiness https://twitter.com/lizclaman/status/709461329631809536
— $Jo Ling Kent (@jolingkent) March 14, 2016
After announcing our #DOTSmartCity finalists, I spoke w/@MarketplaceTech. Listen: http://bit.ly/1WlmSpb #SXSW https://t.co/xSm9SjkNUU
— $Anthony Foxx (@SecretaryFoxx) March 14, 2016
An @EngagingNews report that debuted at SXSW about who is posting comments on news stories, and why they do it http://www.niemanlab.org/2016/03/who-is-posting-comments-on-news-stories-and-why-do-they-do-it/
— $Nieman Lab (@NiemanLab) March 14, 2016
Can you really improve your mental state with an app? Trying out @thync live 2:50pm @FoxBusiness @trish_regan #sxsw https://t.co/oCVn7ioBhY
— $Jo Ling Kent (@jolingkent) March 14, 2016
Actually it's the British Open Trophy. Ha. Claret Jug. RT @JasonGrill: US Open Trophy. #SXSW #GOLF #NBC https://t.co/zLVSfAOsMP
— $Jason Grill (@JasonGrill) March 14, 2016
.@TonyRobbins Talks @netflix #SXSW documentary, Trump, and Economy via @FortuneMagazine http://for.tn/1MhppLp?xid=for_tw_sh
— $Pamela Kruger (@PamKrugerwriter) March 14, 2016
Come to @Jalopnik's Epic SXSW Throwdown tonight: http://gizmo.do/MK7Prgc https://t.co/LwXQ6pjgZh
— $Gizmodo (@Gizmodo) March 14, 2016
RT @nicolewong: SXSW friends, go see @LynnOvermann today. One of the most fiercely smart defenders of good that I know. https://twitter.com/DJ44/status/709436183147896833
— $Tim O'Reilly (@timoreilly) March 14, 2016
'Welcome to Austin, don't move here': why local backlash won't stop SXSW http://trib.al/j3w5zOW
— $Guardian US (@GuardianUS) March 14, 2016
SXSW friends, go see @LynnOvermann today. One of the most fiercely smart defenders of good that I know. https://twitter.com/DJ44/status/709436183147896833
— $nicolewong (@nicolewong) March 14, 2016
'Hum On' turns your hums into actual music compositions! @SamsungMobile #SXSW #EngadgetSXSW @mmsuperflyjr https://vine.co/v/iw56lejAlJW
— $Engadget (@engadget) March 14, 2016
Hi #SXSW, How do you fund your great idea to transform journalism? Ask @knightfdn today 3 pm to 5 pm @ Driskell bar. https://t.co/5NKJzQfjmD
— $Jennifer Preston (@JenniferPreston) March 14, 2016
RT @APEntertainment: As @SXSW grows, Austin unaffordability dims famed music scene http://apne.ws/1YRTZTj https://t.co/picgvs4m2I
— $The Associated Press (@AP) March 14, 2016
RT @StevenEJohnston: .@julieg's panel is about to start! Room 6AB in the Austin Convention Center #sxsw CC @JustinGermany https://twitter.com/rebeccacoffman/status/706924680712757249
— $Julie Germany (@JulieG) March 14, 2016
.@julieg's panel is about to start! Room 6AB in the Austin Convention Center #sxsw CC @JustinGermany https://twitter.com/rebeccacoffman/status/706924680712757249
— $Steve Johnston (@StevenEJohnston) March 14, 2016
I got 9/10 on @FastCompany's #SXSW quiz. But more importantly: what does that score say about me? http://www.fastcompany.com/3057679/sxsw/how-much-do-you-know-about-sxsw
— $Anjali (@hellomountfuji) March 14, 2016
As @SXSW grows, Austin unaffordability dims famed music scene http://apne.ws/1YRTZTj https://t.co/picgvs4m2I
— $AP Entertainment (@APEntertainment) March 14, 2016
At a #sxsw panel about dismantling the patriarchy and secretly fangirling over @jazzedloon because of this. http://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/tv/a48078/dressed-like-cookie-from-empire-for-a-week-essay/
— $Evie Nagy (@EvieN) March 14, 2016
#ICYMI @SXSW Day Two: Drawing #robot, @3M's future plan and an orb with a soul http://engt.co/1RJzmmG by @mskerryd http://snpy.tv/22ejOCt
— $Engadget (@engadget) March 14, 2016
.@doctorow drops by the @rsi / @publicknowledge #zombieSOPA #SXsW panel to ask a question. https://t.co/L51ryxqzVE
— $Zachary Graves (@ZacharyGraves) March 14, 2016
Taking the new Phantom 4 drone for a spin.. Live! @FoxBusiness 12:45 eastern. @DJIGlobal #SXSW https://t.co/y8E8ZCgIex
— $Jo Ling Kent (@jolingkent) March 14, 2016
Prof. Kumar - the internet doesn’t have borders and it’s ridiculous to construe our laws as if it does. #zombiesopa #SXSW
— $Raza Panjwani (@panjwaniPK) March 14, 2016
Anti-swatting Representative leads first-ever SXSW Online Harassment Summit http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/03/anti-swatting-representative-leads-first-ever-sxsw-online-harassment-summit/ by @samred
— $Ars Technica (@arstechnica) March 14, 2016
Godwin: Encouraging efficiencies that limit shipping of physical goods would be good for the planet. #sxsw
— $Patricia Aufderheide (@paufder) March 14, 2016
Schrantz: Borderless internet has allowed efficiencies; yr email to next door may go far to get there. It works; don't break it. #sxsw
— $Patricia Aufderheide (@paufder) March 14, 2016
Media Companies Focus on Marketing Their Publishing Platforms to Others http://adage.com/article/special-report-sxsw/media-companies-focused-marketing-platforms/303089/
— $Jill Geisler (@JillGeisler) March 14, 2016
Kumar on Zombie SOPA: There were many opportunities to extend the ITC's power to electronics, but it never happened.For a reason. #sxsw
— $Patricia Aufderheide (@paufder) March 14, 2016
Charles Duan: Zombie SOPA? Patent case declaring software transfer "importation of articles" could be backdoor SOPA. #sxsw @publicknowledge
— $CMSI (@CMSImpact) March 14, 2016
Charles Duan: Zombie SOPA? Patent case declaring software transfer "importation of articles" could be backdoor SOPA. #sxsw @publicknowledge
— $Patricia Aufderheide (@paufder) March 14, 2016
Kicking off SXSW "zombie SOPA" panel with @rsi @charles_duan @sfmnemonic @InternetAssn @publicknowledge https://t.co/0tE9aE3Eni
— $Zachary Graves (@ZacharyGraves) March 14, 2016
RT @dslunceford: Love the idea of teaching #STEM the way we teach art, music... #sxsw @USCTO #digitalgov
— $Sarah Granger (@sarahgranger) March 14, 2016
Love the idea of teaching #STEM the way we teach art, music... #sxsw @USCTO #digitalgov
— $Steve Lunceford (@dslunceford) March 14, 2016
Here we go! @charles_duan kicks off #zombiesopa @ #SXSW w/ @sfmnemonic E. Schrantz of @InternetAssn + Prof. S. Kumar https://t.co/T8VQxDBP3V
— $Raza Panjwani (@panjwaniPK) March 14, 2016
Flying a new drone coming up on @TeamCavuto! Join us 12:50pm ET #SXSW
— $Jo Ling Kent (@jolingkent) March 14, 2016