I've received about 30 emails so far today, all very angry about the SavePoint panel at SXSW. Threats, gore, the usual.
— $Randi Lee Harper (@randileeharper) March 14, 2016
What a day! Thanks @WalkingDead_AMC exec producers David Alpert & Robert Kirkman for joining me #SXSW #WalkingDead https://t.co/Ad65Fc2cZB
— $Jo Ling Kent (@jolingkent) March 14, 2016
RT @KateGlantz: Wherever you go, GO BLUE! Loved seeing the #Michigan booth at #SXSW #goblue proud @michiganalumni https://t.co/ptCypF2i2X
— $Michael Robert Bartish (@SpringsteadBart) March 14, 2016
"Hold your iPhone a little bit higher, so the FBI can hear us better," he says. Good story on this weekend @ SXSW http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2016/03/13/mr-issa-comes-austin/81527106/
— $Darrell Issa (@DarrellIssa) March 14, 2016
J.J. Abrams talks to SXSW about how technology democratized filmmaking http://engt.co/1U2yaBi https://t.co/Fys0Zfx0eF
— $Engadget (@engadget) March 14, 2016
RT @AP_Fashion: A model is a model: Ashley Graham tells #SXSW `plus-size' totally outdated, via @people http://apne.ws/2502XlC
— $The Associated Press (@AP) March 14, 2016
Riding the roller coast of virtual reality.. prob the bumpiest live shot I've ever done! Watch: http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/4800911661001/take-a-ride-on-the-virtual-roller-coaster/?#sp=show-clips #sxsw @FoxBusiness
— $Jo Ling Kent (@jolingkent) March 14, 2016
RT @stephmsolis: #SXSW in tweets (this could be bad for your FOMO). I can attest to that. http://usat.ly/1pkacnQ via @ndiblasio
— $Natalie DiBlasio (@ndiblasio) March 14, 2016
Wherever you go, GO BLUE! Loved seeing the #Michigan booth at #SXSW #goblue proud @michiganalumni https://t.co/ptCypF2i2X
— $Kate Glantz (@KateGlantz) March 14, 2016
Suffering from some serious #SXSW FOMO? Me too. #Womp. Everything we're missing — in tweets: http://usat.ly/1pkacnQ https://t.co/6EAmR8g6Vk
— $Natalie DiBlasio (@ndiblasio) March 14, 2016
#SXSW in tweets (this could be bad for your FOMO). I can attest to that. http://usat.ly/1pkacnQ via @ndiblasio
— $Steph Solis (@stephmsolis) March 14, 2016
400,000 drone registrants as of today: FAA Administrator talks #drones at #SXSW http://1.usa.gov/1pHr6gz #FlySafe https://t.co/cazspwYhMl
— $The FAA (@FAANews) March 14, 2016
“The World’s First Digital Supermodel” Coco Rocha at SXSW http://bit.ly/1U1Wljf https://t.co/2MjSc6XjBq
— $OBSERVER (@observer) March 14, 2016
RT @ITVSIndies: TIP: When curating for @TheAtlantic, @faketv looks for contained stories that can live on its own. It shouldn't feel like a trailer #sxsw
— $Kasia (@faketv) March 14, 2016
Great article on my trip to talk tech policy at #SXSW http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2016/03/13/mr-issa-comes-austin/81527106/
— $Darrell Issa (@DarrellIssa) March 14, 2016
Missy Elliott, Queen Latifah will join Michelle Obama onstage at SXSW http://ow.ly/3cqASN
— $Monique Altheim (@moniquealtheim) March 14, 2016
RT @jamiekilstein: My SXSW is show is so avant guards its in NYC, in my apartment, watching Walking Dead right now.
— $Dave Zirin (@EdgeofSports) March 14, 2016
"There are a lot of things tech will improve but storytelling isn't one of them." JJ Abrams at #sxsw https://t.co/KpP0X07VSv
— $TIFF (@TIFF_NET) March 14, 2016
My SXSW is show is so avant guards its in NYC, in my apartment, watching Walking Dead right now.
— $Jamie Kilstein (@jamiekilstein) March 14, 2016
Cory Doctorow is enforcing an alternating-gender question line at his #sxsw Q&A. Fantasizing about that happening at a major ComicCon panel.
— $Evie Nagy (@EvieN) March 14, 2016
RT @GuardianUS: 'Welcome to Austin, don't move here': why local backlash won't stop SXSW http://trib.al/j3w5zOW
— $UChicagoPress (@UChicagoPress) March 14, 2016
RT @ZacharyGraves: Kicking off SXSW "zombie SOPA" panel with @rsi @charles_duan @sfmnemonic @InternetAssn @publicknowledge https://t.co/0tE9aE3Eni
— $Public Knowledge (@publicknowledge) March 14, 2016
RT @paufder: Charles Duan: Zombie SOPA? Patent case declaring software transfer "importation of articles" could be backdoor SOPA. #sxsw @publicknowledge
— $Public Knowledge (@publicknowledge) March 14, 2016
RT @CMSImpact: Charles Duan: Zombie SOPA? Patent case declaring software transfer "importation of articles" could be backdoor SOPA. #sxsw @publicknowledge
— $Public Knowledge (@publicknowledge) March 14, 2016
RT @ZacharyGraves: .@doctorow drops by the @rsi / @publicknowledge #zombieSOPA #SXsW panel to ask a question. https://t.co/L51ryxqzVE
— $Public Knowledge (@publicknowledge) March 14, 2016
Thanks @panjwaniPK for live-tweeting #ZombieSOPA: A New Threat to the Open Internet feat. @charles_duan @ #SXSW! #ITC
— $Public Knowledge (@publicknowledge) March 14, 2016
RT @panjwaniPK: Prof. Kumar - the internet doesn’t have borders and it’s ridiculous to construe our laws as if it does. #zombiesopa #SXSW
— $Public Knowledge (@publicknowledge) March 14, 2016
RT @paufder: Godwin: Encouraging efficiencies that limit shipping of physical goods would be good for the planet. #sxsw
— $Public Knowledge (@publicknowledge) March 14, 2016
RT @paufder: Schrantz: Borderless internet has allowed efficiencies; yr email to next door may go far to get there. It works; don't break it. #sxsw
— $Public Knowledge (@publicknowledge) March 14, 2016
RT @paufder: Kumar on Zombie SOPA: There were many opportunities to extend the ITC's power to electronics, but it never happened.For a reason. #sxsw
— $Public Knowledge (@publicknowledge) March 14, 2016
RT @panjwaniPK: Here we go! @charles_duan kicks off #zombiesopa @ #SXSW w/ @sfmnemonic E. Schrantz of @InternetAssn + Prof. S. Kumar https://t.co/T8VQxDBP3V
— $Public Knowledge (@publicknowledge) March 14, 2016
RT @NatGeoTravel: Join us on Tuesday to talk about the future of travel at #SXSW2016! RSVP here: https://futureoftravel2016atsxsw.splashthat.com #SXSW
— $William J. Routsis (@William_Routsis) March 14, 2016
Join us on Tuesday to talk about the future of travel at #SXSW2016! RSVP here: https://futureoftravel2016atsxsw.splashthat.com #SXSW
— $NatGeoTravel (@NatGeoTravel) March 14, 2016
TIP: When curating for @TheAtlantic, @faketv looks for contained stories that can live on its own. It shouldn't feel like a trailer #sxsw
— $ITVS (@ITVSIndies) March 14, 2016
RT @CutlerDave: Join me on @Blab Friday 3/18 at 12:15 PM ET for SXSW, Snapchat & Spring Training w/@JeffCutler https://blab.im/dave-cutler-sxsw-snapchat-spring-training-with-jeffcutler?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=text #blab
— $Jeff Cutler (@JeffCutler) March 14, 2016
With @Shazna at the Driskill. C'mon over to the lounge and talk about @knightfdn and journalism. #SXSW https://t.co/x3SANW2kg0
— $Jennifer Preston (@JenniferPreston) March 14, 2016
Join me on @Blab Friday 3/18 at 12:15 PM ET for SXSW, Snapchat & Spring Training w/@JeffCutler https://blab.im/dave-cutler-sxsw-snapchat-spring-training-with-jeffcutler?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=text #blab
— $Dave Cutler (@CutlerDave) March 14, 2016
RT @amazon: honor 5X and #PrimeMusic present #SXSW Acoustic Daybreak on 3/17 @ 10am CT: http://www.amazon.com/5Xdaybreak https://t.co/lgy8dZxzaS
— $Leigh Munsil (@leighmunsil) March 14, 2016
honor 5X and #PrimeMusic present #SXSW Acoustic Daybreak on 3/17 @ 10am CT: http://www.amazon.com/5Xdaybreak https://t.co/lgy8dZxzaS
— $Amazon (@amazon) March 14, 2016
Coming up! @WalkingDead_AMC executive producers joining me live on @FoxBusiness 4:50pm ET. #sxsw https://t.co/Nq48fnFViC
— $Jo Ling Kent (@jolingkent) March 14, 2016