#SCOTUS to hear 2 death row appeals that raise issues of #race & intellectual disability http://www.law.com/sites/almstaff/2016/06/06/u-s-supreme-court-to-revisit-death-penalty-issues-in-texas-cases/#ixzz4ApT3itPI https://t.co/yFHUs6Zuhc
— $Legal Times (@Legal_Times) June 6, 2016
SCOTUS unanimously rejects gov't. claim that inmate's FTCA injury suit is barred. Simmons v. Himmelreich http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/15pdf/15-109_p860.pdf
— $Jonathan L. Katz (@JonKatz5) June 6, 2016
nytpolitics: RT adamliptak: Updated story on two new #Scotus death penalty cases -- and court's fumble in announci… http://nyti.ms/1XxhRhC
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 6, 2016
RT @mcpli: SCOTUS agrees to hear Virginia legislative redistricting case (Bethune-Hill v. SBOE). http://www.supremecourt.gov/orders/courtorders/060616zor_o7kq.pdf
— $Brennan Center (@BrennanCenter) June 6, 2016
RT @adamliptak: Updated story on two new #Scotus death penalty cases -- and court's fumble in announcing the grants http://nyti.ms/1XxhRhC
— $NYT Politics (@nytpolitics) June 6, 2016
Updated story on two new #Scotus death penalty cases -- and court's fumble in announcing the grants http://nyti.ms/1XxhRhC
— $Adam Liptak (@adamliptak) June 6, 2016
Potential Trump SCOTUS nominee Willett JD/MA '92 MJS '16 discusses high court tiebreakers http://ow.ly/9IqA300YuEc
— $Duke University School of Law (@DukeLaw) June 6, 2016
RT @FWD_us: Unfreezing #DAPA & #DACA+ will boost our economy + create jobs. #immigration #UnfreezeDAPA #SCOTUS https://t.co/Oe8D336wq5
— $RI4A (@RI4A) June 6, 2016
Supreme Court hesitant to allow cameras into chambers - http://go.shr.lc/1tcvvtW - @WashTimes via @Scotus #scotus
— $Stanford Law School (@StanfordLaw) June 6, 2016
But considering what Trump said about Judge Curiel, @PressSec calls it "a little ironic" that GOP blocking SCOTUS nomination for Trump.
— $Mark Knoller (@markknoller) June 6, 2016
The @WashingtonPost is right—we can’t leave #SCOTUS without a deciding ninth vote. Garland deserves consideration. http://wapo.st/22IZHJ7
— $Sen Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) June 6, 2016
RT @MassNewspapers: SCOTUS rejects Boston rocker's appeal of Herald defamation win http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_coverage/2016/06/us_supreme_court_rejects_boston_rockers_appeal_of_herald_win via @bostonherald
— $Robert J Ambrogi (@bobambrogi) June 6, 2016
SCOTUS rejects Boston rocker's appeal of Herald defamation win http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_coverage/2016/06/us_supreme_court_rejects_boston_rockers_appeal_of_herald_win via @bostonherald
— $MNPA (@MassNewspapers) June 6, 2016
WH spokesman ties uproar over Trump's judge attacks to SCOTUS blockade http://bit.ly/1TS5VR5 https://t.co/iqDgJg4sse
— $Talking Points Memo (@TPM) June 6, 2016
RT @jesseclee44: .@PressSec: "little ironic" for GOP Senators to condemn their nominee's remarks on judges but hold SCOTUS & countless vacancies open for him
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) June 6, 2016
.@PressSec: "little ironic" for GOP Senators to condemn their nominee's remarks on judges but hold SCOTUS & countless vacancies open for him
— $Jesse Lee (@jesseclee44) June 6, 2016
RT @JamesFallows: Obvious extension of Trump identity-based recusal plan: Wouldn’t all 5 Catholic SCOTUS members need to step aside from all abortion cases?
— $Pierre Omidyar (@pierre) June 6, 2016
RT @juliezeilinger: I talked to @AmyHM about the #SCOTUS abortion case + great segments from @anamariecox @dstfelix @JulianneRoss + MORE https://twitter.com/MTVPolitics/status/738903417205198848
— $Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) June 6, 2016
.@lawrencehurley talks about today's #SCOTUS action on Facebook: http://bit.ly/1Zs0IDi
— $Reuters Legal (@ReutersLegal) June 6, 2016
.@atlblog links to our SCOTUS op: Ali’s Greatest Knockout Came At The US Supreme Court http://dlvr.it/LVM3v8 https://t.co/FqAgj9bvbQ
— $Cornell Legal Information Institute (@LIICornell) June 6, 2016
FYI: Here are the original and corrected order lists from #SCOTUS this morning. (Story: https://www.buzzfeed.com/chrisgeidner/supreme-court-to-hear-cases-challenging-two-texas-death-sent?utm_term=.ypgOLXKaW2#.ewOXv3mNbV) https://t.co/YntehtI0ax
— $Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) June 6, 2016
Leaders across the state of Wisconsin trained and ready for the #SCOTUS decision on #DACA/#DAPA w/ @voces_milwaukee https://t.co/3u4f0488JF
— $NPNA (@npnewamericans) June 6, 2016
.@rrotunda discusses #SCOTUS possibilities in 'The Fifth Justice' http://j.st/4Bke
— $Justia Inc (@justiacom) June 6, 2016
TPM: SCOTUS to review whether Virginia districts are racially gerrymandered http://bit.ly/28fIH10 https://t.co/OXtInfNy8y
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 6, 2016
RT @TPM: SCOTUS to review whether Virginia districts are racially gerrymandered http://bit.ly/28fIH10 https://t.co/MBF3UFVwpn
— $Ross A. Hammersley (@rhammer) June 6, 2016
#SCOTUS To Review FCA Sealing: http://bit.ly/25HoiQk #legalnews https://t.co/RiIrNbi4vH
— $National Law Journal (@TheNLJ) June 6, 2016
SCOTUS to review whether Virginia districts are racially gerrymandered http://bit.ly/28fIH10 https://t.co/MBF3UFVwpn
— $Talking Points Memo (@TPM) June 6, 2016
RT @ReutersLegal: Join @lawrencehurley at 1:10 EST for a Facebook livestream on today's #SCOTUS action. Link to follow. https://t.co/VltprmVFiM
— $Lawrence Hurley (@lawrencehurley) June 6, 2016
2 weeks ago, #SCOTUS punted on Va. redistricting racial gerrymandering case. Today, justices agreed to hear another http://politi.co/28fI7Ak
— $Josh Gerstein (@joshgerstein) June 6, 2016
Join @lawrencehurley at 1:10 EST for a Facebook livestream on today's #SCOTUS action. Link to follow. https://t.co/VltprmVFiM
— $Reuters Legal (@ReutersLegal) June 6, 2016
RT: SCOTUS to consider case of death-row inmate whose case was 'marred by racial overtones' http://dlvr.it/LVL2Jt
— $Thomas Nowland (@nowlandlaw) June 6, 2016
SCOTUS will hear 2 cases raising major questions about the death penalty http://nyti.ms/1suhVS5
— $The New York Times (@nytimes) June 6, 2016
SCOTUS to consider case of death-row inmate whose case was 'marred by racial overtones' http://dlvr.it/LVL2Jt
— $ABA Journal (@ABAJournal) June 6, 2016
RT @M_Lambert4612: #SCOTUS cert denied in Scholz v. Delp defamation case involving @bostonherald https://twitter.com/KimberlyRobinsn/status/739814757461417987
— $Chip Stewart (@MediaLawProf) June 6, 2016
#SCOTUS cert denied in Scholz v. Delp defamation case involving @bostonherald https://twitter.com/KimberlyRobinsn/status/739814757461417987
— $Michael Lambert (@M_Lambert4612) June 6, 2016
RT @richardjwolf: REVISED: Supreme Court will hear death penalty case on intellectual disability http://usat.ly/1t1r8kF via @usatoday #SCOTUS #OOPS
— $USA TODAY Washington (@USATWashington) June 6, 2016
RT @shermancourt: #scotus to review two TX death row cases. http://tinyurl.com/zmtamdh But flub on court orders list recalls 2014 errors: http://tinyurl.com/guj5csl
— $Lawrence Hurley (@lawrencehurley) June 6, 2016
#scotus to review two TX death row cases. http://tinyurl.com/zmtamdh But flub on court orders list recalls 2014 errors: http://tinyurl.com/guj5csl
— $Mark Sherman (@shermancourt) June 6, 2016
SCOTUS to consider case of death-row inmate whose case was ‘married by racial overtones’ http://dlvr.it/LVL2Jt
— $ABA Journal (@ABAJournal) June 6, 2016
REVISED: Supreme Court will hear death penalty case on intellectual disability http://usat.ly/1t1r8kF via @usatoday #SCOTUS #OOPS
— $Richard Wolf (@richardjwolf) June 6, 2016