Assuming we get ~anything~ noteworthy, it will be unlikely that any of the #SCOTUS press corps will actually be able to cover Paxton.
— $Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) June 8, 2016
theprospect: RT nhbaptiste: The SCOTUS ruling on #FishervTexas could provide fuel for other #affirmativeaction law…
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 8, 2016
RT @nhbaptiste: The SCOTUS ruling on #FishervTexas could provide fuel for other #affirmativeaction lawsuits: my latest @theprospect
— $American Prospect (@theprospect) June 8, 2016
US colonial days continue to reverberate in #AmericanSamoa #SCOTUS case. (1/2)
— $Carlos Sandoval (@SandovalDocs) June 8, 2016
The SCOTUS ruling on #FishervTexas could provide fuel for other #affirmativeaction lawsuits: my latest @theprospect
— $Nathalie Baptiste (@nhbaptiste) June 8, 2016
RT @ProfClayCalvert: #Brechner new #AmicusBrief filed w/ #SCOTUS in #ExpressionsHairDesign #1stAmendment case @UFJSchool @deepakguptalaw
— $Derigan Silver (@derigansilver) June 8, 2016
RT @lawrencehurley: It's that time of the week again: Friedrichs/union fees case rehearing petition once again rescheduled #SCOTUS
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) June 8, 2016
RT @lawrencehurley: It's that time of the week again: Friedrichs/union fees case rehearing petition once again rescheduled #SCOTUS
— $Ilya Shapiro (@ishapiro) June 8, 2016
RT @CDLB: SCOTUS declines to weigh in on IL case alleging Target store knowingly sold ‘useless and risky’ drug @amaloney24
— $Illinois State Bar (@ISBAlawyer) June 8, 2016
It's that time of the week again: Friedrichs/union fees case rehearing petition once again rescheduled #SCOTUS
— $Lawrence Hurley (@lawrencehurley) June 8, 2016
RT @NBCPolitics: Schumer Slams GOP on SCOTUS Steps Over Garland Delay
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) June 8, 2016
Schumer Slams GOP on SCOTUS Steps Over Garland Delay
— $NBC Politics (@NBCPolitics) June 8, 2016
RT @KristenOrthman: Business Insider - 'They all should be ashamed': Reid rips GOP for blocking SCOTUS nom so Trump can fill vacancy
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) June 8, 2016
Business Insider - 'They all should be ashamed': Reid rips GOP for blocking SCOTUS nom so Trump can fill vacancy
— $Kristen Orthman (@KristenOrthman) June 8, 2016
How Richard Lazarus' law review article directly led to SCOTUS changing how it does business
— $Harvard Law School (@Harvard_Law) June 8, 2016
#Brechner new #AmicusBrief filed w/ #SCOTUS in #ExpressionsHairDesign #1stAmendment case @UFJSchool @deepakguptalaw
— $Clay Calvert (@ProfClayCalvert) June 8, 2016
U.S. Supreme Court Speaks to Clean Water Act & Agency Implementation @Steptoe_Johnson #WOTUS #SCOTUS #CWA
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) June 8, 2016
Jill Stein to Sanders fans: 'There's a plan B' But if Trump picks SCOTUS noms, you might not be able to get Plan B?
— $Joshua Israel (@jeisrael) June 8, 2016
SCOTUS declines to reconsider Agency deference: & Agency unfamiliar w/ own regs:…
— $Cornell Legal Information Institute (@LIICornell) June 8, 2016
Are American Samoans American? Prof. Ponsa addresses this "puzzling" question #Scotus may consider. @nytopinion
— $Columbia Law School (@ColumbiaLaw) June 8, 2016
RT @SCOTUSblog: #SCOTUS link of the day: Christina Duffy Ponsa urges grant in #AmericanSamoa #birthrightcitizenship case –
— $Michelle Olsen (@AppellateDaily) June 8, 2016
#SCOTUS link of the day: Christina Duffy Ponsa urges grant in #AmericanSamoa #birthrightcitizenship case –
— $SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) June 8, 2016
RT @shanakn: Reminded again of the importance of the Voting Rights Act (1965). 19th A (1919) gave right only to some. SCOTUS struck down VRA S5 in 2013.
— $Irin Carmon (@irin) June 8, 2016
Supreme Court to Hear #DeathPenalty Cases #SCOTUS #USSC #EndTheDeathPenalty #Executions #CapitalPunishment
— $Craig Constantine Dethomasis (@GvilleCrimeLaw) June 8, 2016
what about the point that you have to make a choice, scotus, policy for next 4 yrs? would you go clinton?
— $Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) June 8, 2016
Reminded again of the importance of the Voting Rights Act (1965). 19th A (1919) gave right only to some. SCOTUS struck down VRA S5 in 2013.
— $Shana Knizhnik (@shanakn) June 7, 2016
Supreme Court Rules Landowners Can Challenge Jurisdictional Determinations #SCOTUS #USACE
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) June 7, 2016
#SCOTUS will hear a death penalty case on intellectual disability next term:
— $Oyez (@oyez) June 7, 2016
RT @melissabjacoby: Bankruptcy/#SCOTUS alert: Jevic cert petition distributed for June 23, 2016 conference
— $Randall Reese (@Chapter11Cases) June 7, 2016
Appellate Courts Set the Supreme Court Stage for Waiver Showdown? #SCOTUS #NLRB #NLRA
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) June 7, 2016
RT @NILC_org: Faces of DAPA and DACA+ reminds us that #SCOTUS case is about more than law. It's about lives #FightForFamilies
— $Nicolette Glazer (@NicoletteGlazer) June 7, 2016
From the new dean to four #SCOTUS clerks, catch up on the past school year at #UVALaw
— $University of Virginia School of Law (@UVALaw) June 7, 2016
Bankruptcy/#SCOTUS alert: Jevic cert petition distributed for June 23, 2016 conference
— $Melissa B. Jacoby (@melissabjacoby) June 7, 2016
RT @NatLawEmployer: Expanding the Timer: Supreme Court Gives Employees More Time to File Claims #SCOTUS
— $Stephen A. Glickman (@employmentlawch) June 7, 2016
Expanding the Timer: Supreme Court Gives Employees More Time to File Claims #SCOTUS
— $Employment at NatLaw (@NatLawEmployer) June 7, 2016
Expanding the Timer: Supreme Court Gives Employees More Time to File Claims #SCOTUS
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) June 7, 2016
Cassandra Butts, served for at time as Deputy WH Counsel. Seen here, on left, with then SCOTUS nominee Sotomayor.
— $Mark Knoller (@markknoller) June 7, 2016
A transgender bathroom case may go to the Supreme Court #SCOTUS
— $CNN (@CNN) June 7, 2016
RT @chucklindell: #SCOTUS conference Thursday includes whether Texas law allows for warrantless blood draw for third DWI. State courts have said get a warrant
— $Michelle Olsen (@AppellateDaily) June 7, 2016
RT @jonathanhsinger: But I'm taking the unprecedented step of holding up a SCOTUS nomination in the hopes Trump can pick a Justice!
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) June 7, 2016