#SCOTUS rules Judges Must Recuse in Cases They Once Prosecuted. http://ow.ly/ZAgl3015Ix8
— $Brooklyn Law School Law Library (@BLSLibrary) June 9, 2016
.@SenUdall: "6 yrs ago #SCOTUS put a 4 sale sign on our elections in the #CitizensUnited ruling." This #WeThePeople package is our response.
— $Public Citizen (@Public_Citizen) June 9, 2016
RT @TexasLawyer: Judges Must Recuse in Cases They Once Prosecuted #SCOTUS rules http://www.law.com/sites/almstaff/2016/06/09/judges-must-recuse-in-cases-they-once-prosecuted-supreme-court-rules/#ixzz4B5w2ZaGs https://t.co/4DOqijtKwO
— $Darby Dickerson (@darbydickerson) June 9, 2016
Ex-Pa. CJ Castille--the focus of today's #SCOTUS recusal ruling--calls the decision "short-sighted." http://thelegalintelligencer.com/id=1202759657947/Castille-Supreme-Courts-Recusal-Ruling-Shortsighted #legalnews
— $Zack Needles (@ZackNeedlesTLI) June 9, 2016
The former Pa. chief justice at the heart of today's SCOTUS ruling on recusal weighs in on the ruling http://www.thelegalintelligencer.com/id=1202759657947/Castille-Supreme-Courts-Recusal-Ruling-Shortsighted?cn=20160609&pt=PM%20Legal%20Alert&src=EMC-Email&et=editorial&bu=The%20Legal%20Intelligencer @MMitchellTLI
— $Gina Passarella (@GPassarellaTAL) June 9, 2016
Why is #SCOTUS taking fewer #cases? Details here. http://ow.ly/d1ZU300U4aO #AndresMejerLaw #NewJersey #ImmigrationLawyer.
— $Andres Yoav Mejer (@AndresMejerLaw) June 9, 2016
#SCOTUS today: Due process violated when PA justice who approved case as capital as prosecutor failed to recuse http://ow.ly/Tlmu3015PFz
— $Jessica Smith (@ProfJessieSmith) June 9, 2016
RT @cspanhistory: #OnThisDay 1969 Senate confirmed Warren Burger as #SCOTUS chief justice. A retrospective: http://cs.pn/1TXUVXK https://t.co/mjT4bK1VWA
— $CSPAN (@cspan) June 9, 2016
#OnThisDay 1969 Senate confirmed Warren Burger as #SCOTUS chief justice. A retrospective: http://cs.pn/1TXUVXK https://t.co/mjT4bK1VWA
— $American History TV (@cspanhistory) June 9, 2016
#SCOTUS gutted the Voting Rights Act nearly three years ago. Tell Congress today at 1pm ET that it's time to #RestoreTheVRA ASAP.
— $Civil Rights (@civilrightsorg) June 9, 2016
RT @JusticeWillett: 3 major #SCOTUS cases involving Texas remain pending: ???? abortion ???? immigration ???? affirmative action #txlege https://t.co/FnbeSEWlmD
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) June 9, 2016
RT @JusticeWillett: BREAKING—9th Cir. says there's no 2A right for the general public to carry concealed firearms in public. ? #SCOTUS https://pacer-documents.s3.amazonaws.com/3/10-56971/009128111226.pdf?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%22E.C.F.%209th%20Cir.%2010-56971%20dckt%20000333_000%20filed%202016-06-09.pdf%22&X-Amz-Expires=604800&X-Amz-Date=20160609T153038Z&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJDK6JKKSMS3DQS4Q/20160609/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-SignedHeaders
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) June 9, 2016
RT @chrisgeidner: Here is the #SCOTUS decision in Williams: http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/15pdf/15-5040_6537.pdf
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) June 9, 2016
RT @chrisgeidner: #SCOTUS holds that a judge, under Due Process Clause, must recuse when that person had a signif, personal role in a critical trial decision.
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) June 9, 2016
19 argued cases remain for decision from this #SCOTUS term. Only set decision day next week is Monday. Any more days will be announced then.
— $Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) June 9, 2016
RT @JusticeWillett: BREAKING—9th Cir. says there's no 2A right for the general public to carry concealed firearms in public. ? #SCOTUS https://pacer-documents.s3.amazonaws.com/3/10-56971/009128111226.pdf?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%22E.C.F.%209th%20Cir.%2010-56971%20dckt%20000333_000%20filed%202016-06-09.pdf%22&X-Amz-Expires=604800&X-Amz-Date=20160609T153038Z&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJDK6JKKSMS3DQS4Q/20160609/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-SignedHeaders
— $American Bar (@ABAesq) June 9, 2016
Big win for due process & #FairCourts! #SCOTUS rules PA judge should've sat out of a #deathpenalty case he helped prosecute. #WilliamsvPA
— $Lambda Legal (@LambdaLegal) June 9, 2016
BREAKING—9th Cir. says there's no 2A right for the general public to carry concealed firearms in public. ? #SCOTUS https://pacer-documents.s3.amazonaws.com/3/10-56971/009128111226.pdf?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%22E.C.F.%209th%20Cir.%2010-56971%20dckt%20000333_000%20filed%202016-06-09.pdf%22&X-Amz-Expires=604800&X-Amz-Date=20160609T153038Z&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJDK6JKKSMS3DQS4Q/20160609/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signatur
— $Justice Don Willett (@JusticeWillett) June 9, 2016
RT @BrennanCenter: In win for due process, #SCOTUS rules PA Justice should have stepped aside from case he helped prosecute as DA: http://trib.al/ia8TRAu
— $Andrew Cohen (@JustADCohen) June 9, 2016
RT @smmarotta: Congrats to my @HoganLovells colleagues on their great win in a $15,000 car-crash that went all the way to #SCOTUS. https://twitter.com/chrisgeidner/status/740907920133525504
— $Michelle Olsen (@AppellateDaily) June 9, 2016
#SCOTUS Orders Recusal Of Judges W/ "Significant" Involvement In Cases As Prosecutors: https://www.buzzfeed.com/chrisgeidner/supreme-court-orders-recusal-of-judges-with-significant-invo?utm_term=.qjonXb40ay
— $Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) June 9, 2016
In Pa. case, #SCOTUS sets rule for judicial recusals. http://www.thelegalintelligencer.com/#ixzz4B63h5pcX #legalnews
— $Zack Needles (@ZackNeedlesTLI) June 9, 2016
Congrats to my @HoganLovells colleagues on their great win in a $15,000 car-crash that went all the way to #SCOTUS. https://twitter.com/chrisgeidner/status/740907920133525504
— $Sean Marotta (@smmarotta) June 9, 2016
FACT: Judge Garland has been waiting for a hearing for 85 days. Justice Scalia was CONFIRMED in 85 days. #DoYourJob https://t.co/70GYRVqcH3
— $SCOTUS Nomination (@SCOTUSnom) June 9, 2016
Big win for due process & #FairCourts! #SCOTUS rules PA judge should've sat out of a #deathpenalty case he helped prosecute. #WilliamsvsPA
— $Lambda Legal (@LambdaLegal) June 9, 2016
RT @JusticeWillett: 3 major #SCOTUS cases involving Texas remain pending: ???? abortion ???? immigration ???? affirmative action #txlege https://t.co/FnbeSEWlmD
— $Michelle Olsen (@AppellateDaily) June 9, 2016
RT @WALLACHLEGAL: Third Circuit issues mandate in NFL concussion settlement appeal. Only avenue left for objectors is SCOTUS & stay: https://t.co/nuIbUy3R5R
— $Michelle Olsen (@AppellateDaily) June 9, 2016
3 major #SCOTUS cases involving Texas remain pending: ???? abortion ???? immigration ???? affirmative action #txlege https://t.co/FnbeSEWlmD
— $Justice Don Willett (@JusticeWillett) June 9, 2016
RT @SCOTUSblog: SCOTUS holds 6-2 that a judge can recall a dismissed jury in a civil case if there is an error in the verdict
— $Michelle Olsen (@AppellateDaily) June 9, 2016
RT @shermancourt: Kagan opinion in PR double jeopardy case confirms that Alito lost #scotus majority in Friedrichs with Scalia's death. No Alito maj in Jan.
— $Michelle Olsen (@AppellateDaily) June 9, 2016
RT @SCOTUSblog: SCOTUS holds 5-3 that judge was required to recuse from case in which he participated in some significant fashion as district attorney.
— $Michelle Olsen (@AppellateDaily) June 9, 2016
In win for due process, #SCOTUS rules PA Justice should have stepped aside from case he helped prosecute as DA: http://trib.al/ia8TRAu
— $Brennan Center (@BrennanCenter) June 9, 2016
RT @Proloy: Today's SCOTUS decision in Dietz v. Bouldin is its first to reference Twitter. https://t.co/D0jHiLacCt
— $Robert Thomas (@invcondemnation) June 9, 2016
More on the Williams' case, subject of today's Scotus ruling. http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/09/a-plea-for-mercy-for-a-murderer-in-pennsylvania/262360/
— $Andrew Cohen (@JustADCohen) June 9, 2016
Legal_Times: Judges Must Recuse in Cases They Once Prosecuted #SCOTUS rules http://www.law.com/sites/almstaff/2016/06/09/judges-must-recuse-in-cases-they-once-prosecuted-supreme-court-rules/#ixzz4B5w2ZaGs https://t.co/en6xmgE4fJ
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 9, 2016
RT @LIICornell: Supreme Ct. decides WILLIAMS, TERRANCE v. PENNSYLVANIA. Decided 06/09/2016 http://liicr.nl/22VDxn4 #SCOTUS
— $Cornell Law School (@CornellLaw) June 9, 2016
RT @LIICornell: Supreme Ct. decides DIETZ, ROCKY v. BOULDIN, HILLARY. Decided 06/09/2016 http://liicr.nl/22VDwj0 #SCOTUS
— $Cornell Law School (@CornellLaw) June 9, 2016
RT @LIICornell: Supreme Ct. decides PUERTO RICO v. VALLE, LUIS M., ET AL.. Decided 06/09/2016 http://liicr.nl/22VDsQ9 #SCOTUS
— $Cornell Law School (@CornellLaw) June 9, 2016
Judges Must Recuse in Cases They Once Prosecuted #SCOTUS rules http://www.law.com/sites/almstaff/2016/06/09/judges-must-recuse-in-cases-they-once-prosecuted-supreme-court-rules/#ixzz4B5w2ZaGs https://t.co/zR7D9p17FF
— $Legal Intelligencer (@thelegalintel) June 9, 2016
Judges Must Recuse in Cases They Once Prosecuted #SCOTUS rules http://www.law.com/sites/almstaff/2016/06/09/judges-must-recuse-in-cases-they-once-prosecuted-supreme-court-rules/#ixzz4B5w2ZaGs https://t.co/IIV3ewfsmN
— $The Recorder (@RecorderTweets) June 9, 2016