But What About Judge Curiel: Judge can't rule on case he previously prosecuted as D.A., #SCOTUS sez. http://on.wsj.com/1tl3PDp
— $Jess Bravin (@JessBravin) June 9, 2016
@JohnQAdams11 @smmarotta @johnson_carrie SCOTUS doesn't have much going on next term. Forget a special master, they should hold a trial.
— $Greg (@Greg651) June 9, 2016
RT @JohnQAdams11: @smmarotta @johnson_carrie Sounds like someone isn't going to be appointed SCOTUS special master.
— $Carrie Johnson (@johnson_carrie) June 9, 2016
RT @mjs_DC: SCOTUS says Puerto Rico isn't really sovereign—and RBG hints at a coming constitutional earthquake: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2016/06/the_supreme_court_s_blow_to_puerto_rican_sovereignty.html?wpsrc=sh_all_dt_tw_top
— $Slate (@Slate) June 9, 2016
@smmarotta @johnson_carrie Sounds like someone isn't going to be appointed SCOTUS special master.
— $John Q A (@JohnQAdams11) June 9, 2016
SCOTUS says Puerto Rico isn't really sovereign—and RBG hints at a coming constitutional earthquake: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2016/06/the_supreme_court_s_blow_to_puerto_rican_sovereignty.html?wpsrc=sh_all_dt_tw_top
— $Mark Joseph Stern (@mjs_DC) June 9, 2016
RT @ThisWeekABC: SCOTUS is expected to weigh in on some major issues facing the country this month: http://abcn.ws/1rfb4L4 https://t.co/FSWt9Snd72
— $ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) June 9, 2016
SCOTUS is expected to weigh in on some major issues facing the country this month: http://abcn.ws/1rfb4L4 https://t.co/FSWt9Snd72
— $This Week (@ThisWeekABC) June 9, 2016
Excited to have 1st panel in studio talking #SCOTUS, @acslaw conference,&the importance of the progressive movement. https://t.co/37UJF5hBxc
— $Michele L Jawando (@MicheleJawando) June 9, 2016
Wow - @uspto says the Fed. Cir. got it wrong in #appsung: http://bit.ly/1sxCHAe #designpatents #SCOTUS https://t.co/74kyj4RQEA
— $Sarah Burstein (@design_law) June 9, 2016
Prof. Richard Revesz chats about the SCOTUS stay of EPA's power plant rule on @sidewireinc http://ow.ly/HExO301665x
— $New York University School of Law (@nyulaw) June 9, 2016
SCOTUS decision in #PuertoRico v. Sanchez reads like a theological exposition on the Universe's provenance. #Respectfully.
— $David R Martin (@DRMartinLLC) June 9, 2016
SCOTUS decision in #PuertoRico v. Sanchez read like a theological exposition on the Universe's provenance. #Respectfully.
— $David R Martin (@DRMartinLLC) June 9, 2016
Looks like the 9th Circuit is looking to quickly test whether a Scalia-less SCOTUS will overturn Heller. https://twitter.com/MikeScarcella/status/740900441366646784
— $Josh King (@joshuamking) June 9, 2016
Prof. Calabresi gives a brief history of the fluctuating number of #SCOTUS Justices throughout American history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECNxH-Wsh4M
— $Federalist Society (@FedSoc) June 9, 2016
Congress renewed VRA in 2006 & has the ability to remedy portion of the Act that was struck down by #SCOTUS, says @_justinlevitt_. #ACS16
— $ACS Law and Policy (@acslaw) June 9, 2016
SCOTUS Slams Death-Penalty Outcome by Justice With Conflict http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/06/09/scotus-slams-death-penalty-outcome-by-justice-with-conflict.htm via @CourthouseNews
— $Courthouse News (@CourthouseNews) June 9, 2016
RT @JusticeWillett: BREAKING—9th Cir. says there's no 2A right for the general public to carry concealed firearms in public. ? #SCOTUS https://pacer-documents.s3.amazonaws.com/3/10-56971/009128111226.pdf?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%22E.C.F.%209th%20Cir.%2010-56971%20dckt%20000333_000%20filed%202016-06-09.pdf%22&X-Amz-Expires=604800&X-Amz-Date=20160609T153038Z&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJDK6JKKSMS3DQS4Q/20160609/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-SignedHeaders
— $Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) June 9, 2016
The latest RJ Alexander Law Daily! http://paper.li/RJAlexanderLaw/1389672311?edition_id=c5c0c770-2e6c-11e6-a32c-0cc47a0d164b Thanks to @Injury_Law #chicago #scotus
— $Mr. Reshard Alexander (@RJAlexanderLaw) June 9, 2016
RT @LC_ACS: The Voting Rights Institute at @acslaw National Convention. Reviewing major #SCOTUS decisions. #ACS16 #VRI https://t.co/RYdmGYmNY0
— $ACS Law and Policy (@acslaw) June 9, 2016
The Voting Rights Institute at @acslaw National Convention. Reviewing major #SCOTUS decisions. #ACS16 #VRI https://t.co/RYdmGYmNY0
— $L&C ACS (@LC_ACS) June 9, 2016
TPM: RT Tierney_Megan: Woke up prepared to cover blockbuster SCOTUS cases, instead wrote abt campaign mailer listi… http://bit.ly/1Xcr6TG
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 9, 2016
RT @Tierney_Megan: Woke up prepared to cover blockbuster SCOTUS cases, instead wrote abt campaign mailer listing a cartoon sex website http://bit.ly/1Xcr6TG
— $Talking Points Memo (@TPM) June 9, 2016
RT @JusticeWillett: BREAKING—9th Cir. says there's no 2A right for the general public to carry concealed firearms in public. ? #SCOTUS https://pacer-documents.s3.amazonaws.com/3/10-56971/009128111226.pdf?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%22E.C.F.%209th%20Cir.%2010-56971%20dckt%20000333_000%20filed%202016-06-09.pdf%22&X-Amz-Expires=604800&X-Amz-Date=20160609T153038Z&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJDK6JKKSMS3DQS4Q/20160609/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-SignedHeaders
— $LexisNexis (@LexisNexis) June 9, 2016
.@spenceroverton: Recent #SCOTUS decisions let people write bigger checks, giving less power to people of color #EmpowerSmallDonors
— $Brennan Center (@BrennanCenter) June 9, 2016
RT @jonallendc: GET SMART FAST: @NYULAW's Ricky Revezs chats about the SCOTUS stay of EPA's power plant rule on @sidewireinc https://sidewire.com/politics/articles/300ef1a5-a83b-4701-802e-1c59aa499c33
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) June 9, 2016
American Samoans ask SCOTUS to overturn century-old law that denies them U.S. citizenship http://lat.ms/1WGEAqU https://t.co/BlBEdyvn3m
— $Los Angeles Times (@latimes) June 9, 2016
Woke up prepared to cover blockbuster SCOTUS cases, instead wrote abt campaign mailer listing a cartoon sex website http://bit.ly/1Xcr6TG
— $Tierney Sneed (@Tierney_Megan) June 9, 2016
Muhammad Ali, conscientious objection, and SCOTUS struggle to understand jihad and holy war:Cassius Clay v US. http://ow.ly/aqzY3015LDO
— $Brooklyn Law School Law Library (@BLSLibrary) June 9, 2016
#SCOTUS today holds “firm line in favor of due process." http://trib.al/D1wO6Rg
— $Brennan Center (@BrennanCenter) June 9, 2016
RT @gideonstrumpet: Four boxes! Which one will get the rose? Who will be saved? Whose lives will be destroyed today? Tune in to SCOTUS at 10am.
— $Defender of Persons (@RickHorowitz) June 9, 2016
RT @richardjwolf: Supreme Court: Judge can't rule on a case he helped prosecute http://usat.ly/1tdjX9b via @usatoday #SCOTUS
— $Oyez (@oyez) June 9, 2016
RT @civilrightsorg: #SCOTUS gutted the Voting Rights Act nearly three years ago. Tell Congress today at 1pm ET that it's time to #RestoreTheVRA ASAP.
— $Brennan Center (@BrennanCenter) June 9, 2016
Bank Preemption: Solicitor General Does Not Support #SupremeCourt Review http://ow.ly/FXRF3015WcX @Polsinelli #finance #SCOTUS #banking
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) June 9, 2016
Supreme Court: Judge can't rule on a case he helped prosecute http://usat.ly/1tdjX9b via @usatoday #SCOTUS
— $Richard Wolf (@richardjwolf) June 9, 2016
GET SMART FAST: @NYULAW's Ricky Revezs chats about the SCOTUS stay of EPA's power plant rule on @sidewireinc https://sidewire.com/politics/articles/300ef1a5-a83b-4701-802e-1c59aa499c33
— $Jonathan Allen (@jonallendc) June 9, 2016
Scotus: what part of 'no man shall be judge in his own case' is unclear? Judge should have recused in death case http://wpo.st/JZVe1
— $Robert Barnes (@scotusreporter) June 9, 2016
.@SenUdall: 6 years ago #SCOTUS put a for sale sign on our elections with #CitizensUnited. Then #McCutcheon followed. #FightBigMoney
— $Public Citizen (@Public_Citizen) June 9, 2016
RT @ProfJessieSmith: #SCOTUS today: Due process violated when PA justice who approved case as capital as prosecutor failed to recuse http://ow.ly/Tlmu3015PFz
— $Andres Rene Guevara (@AndresRGuevara) June 9, 2016
SCOTUS finds judicial bias in Pennsylvania death row case, orders new sentencing hearing. @AP: http://bit.ly/24D11wj
— $Kate Brumback (@katebrumback) June 9, 2016