RT @RI4A: What do we want? DAPA! When do we want it? NOW????? #fightforfamilies #DACA #DAPA #SCOTUS https://t.co/9FtaXIgB5B
— $Nancy Vizer (@NancyMVizerPC) June 10, 2016
RT @RoryLittle: First use of "Twitter" by SCOTUS too? @SCOTUSblog @UCHastingsLaw http://www.scotusblog.com/2016/06/opinion-analysis-federal-judges-have-inherent-limited-power-to-recall-a-discharged-civil-jury/
— $University of California - Hastings College of the Law (@UCHastingsLaw) June 10, 2016
Federal judges have inherent, limited power to recall a discharged civil jury http://bit.ly/1ZEnvvI via @RoryLittle @SCOTUSblog #scotus
— $University of California - Hastings College of the Law (@UCHastingsLaw) June 10, 2016
En banc rehearing or SCOTUS next? https://twitter.com/tyrejim/status/741299446051262464
— $Jay Marshall Wolman (@wolmanj) June 10, 2016
RT @DavidCFathi: SCOTUS says former prosecutor can't be judge in capital case he prosecuted; Roberts, Alito & Thomas see no problem http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/15pdf/15-5040_6537.pdf
— $Michael K. Horn (@HornLawyer) June 10, 2016
RT @scholasticahq: Exception to Chevron deference "shows a lack of self-awareness by the court" says @dfarber http://bit.ly/1Xd28Um @BerkeleyLawNews #SCOTUS
— $University of California, Berkeley School of Law (@BerkeleyLawNews) June 10, 2016
What do we want? DAPA! When do we want it? NOW????? #fightforfamilies #DACA #DAPA #SCOTUS https://t.co/9FtaXIgB5B
— $RI4A (@RI4A) June 10, 2016
Agarwal is a Georgetown Law grad who also clerked for Kavanaugh (DC Cir) and Becker (3rd Cir) before #SCOTUS. (h/t @Miamicurt)
— $Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) June 10, 2016
Rallying in front of #SCOTUS! ¡Aquí estamos y no nos vamos!#fightforfamilies @NILC_org @MaketheRoadNY @CPDAction https://t.co/qtQ1lRlRuf
— $RI4A (@RI4A) June 10, 2016
Meet Amit Agarwal, former AUSA and Alito #SCOTUS clerk, who today was named Florida's new solicitor general: http://www.myfloridalegal.com/newsrel.nsf/newsreleases/942E87D800A2B1FB85257FCE0053F393
— $Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) June 10, 2016
First use of "Twitter" by SCOTUS too? @SCOTUSblog @UCHastingsLaw http://www.scotusblog.com/2016/06/opinion-analysis-federal-judges-have-inherent-limited-power-to-recall-a-discharged-civil-jury/
— $Rory Little (@RoryLittle) June 10, 2016
RT @ProfJessieSmith: Decided by SCOTUS OTD in 1968: Terry v. Ohio, THE stop & frisk case http://ow.ly/ZFqsX
— $Frank Mascagni III (@Frankmascagniii) June 10, 2016
Muhammad Ali’s Greatest Rumbles Were In The Courts, Victory Was In SCOTUS http://ift.tt/24FG4kp
— $Steve Meltzer (@stevemeltzer) June 10, 2016
Muhammad Ali's Greatest Rumbles Were In The Courts, Victory Was In SCOTUS: http://bit.ly/1OgEy6u (by @RenweiChung)
— $Above the Law (@atlblog) June 10, 2016
Prof. Catherine Sharkey weighs in on SCOTUS Chevron deference 'retreat': http://ow.ly/jd3c30186kj
— $New York University School of Law (@nyulaw) June 10, 2016
Decided by SCOTUS OTD in 1968: Terry v. Ohio, THE stop & frisk case http://ow.ly/ZFqsX
— $Jessica Smith (@ProfJessieSmith) June 10, 2016
RT @bonwell: Neal Katyal: access to information & tech is NOT a left-right issue. Just look at SCOTUS split in Kyllo v. US @acslaw #ACS16
— $ACS Law and Policy (@acslaw) June 10, 2016
Neal Katyal: access to information & tech is NOT a left-right issue. Just look at SCOTUS split in Kyllo v. US @acslaw #ACS16
— $R Parker (@bonwell) June 10, 2016
Our op-ed in @stltoday on how a 1991 #SCOTUS case upholding Missouri's judicial retirement age has relevance today: http://www.stltoday.com/news/opinion/where-john-ashcroft-and-merrick-garland-meet/article_a1a9e0f6-3e9d-526b-ab0c-49b4a4fd6502.html
— $Fix the Court (@FixTheCourt) June 10, 2016
Challenge to Pornography Records-Retention Laws Revived #FirstAmendment #SCOTUS http://www.thelegalintelligencer.com/id=1202759703761 https://t.co/mGFuB8rhHh
— $NJ Law Journal (@NJLJ) June 10, 2016
Challenge to Pornography Records-Retention Laws Revived #FirstAmendment #SCOTUS http://www.thelegalintelligencer.com/id=1202759703761 https://t.co/9WVccyIG26
— $Legal Intelligencer (@thelegalintel) June 10, 2016
Mitch McConnell vows #Senate will not confirm Merrick Garland this year http://wtim.es/1UkUtRR #MerrickGarland #MitchMcConnell #SCOTUS
— $The Washington Times (@WashTimes) June 10, 2016
nprpolitics: RT sarahmccammon: Sessions on SCOTUS: "the courts are at risk" without a Republican in the White House. FaithandFreedom
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 10, 2016
RT @adamwinkler: One Justice matters because the SCOTUS matters - and it isn't working well right now. #ACS16 #DoYourJob https://t.co/JUQvE4pkG9
— $ACS Law and Policy (@acslaw) June 10, 2016
RT @sarahmccammon: Sessions on SCOTUS: "the courts are at risk" without a Republican in the White House. @FaithandFreedom
— $NPR Politics (@nprpolitics) June 10, 2016
Sessions on SCOTUS: "the courts are at risk" without a Republican in the White House. @FaithandFreedom
— $Sarah McCammon NPR (@sarahmccammon) June 10, 2016
RT @snolon: "Monument to Euclid v. Ambler Realty unveiled" #zoning #scotus history http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/land_use/2016/06/monument-to-euclid-v-ambler-unveiled.html
— $Robert Thomas (@invcondemnation) June 10, 2016
RT @ZackNeedlesTLI: Ex-Pa. Chief Justice Castille: #SCOTUS recusal ruling is "short-sighted" and "completely wrong." http://www.thelegalintelligencer.com/id=1202759657947/Castille-Supreme-Courts-Recusal-Ruling-ShortSighted?mcode=1202615580822&curindex=0&curpage=ALL #legalnews #judges
— $Legal Intelligencer (@thelegalintel) June 10, 2016
Ex-Pa. Chief Justice Castille: #SCOTUS recusal ruling is "short-sighted" and "completely wrong." http://www.thelegalintelligencer.com/id=1202759657947/Castille-Supreme-Courts-Recusal-Ruling-ShortSighted?mcode=1202615580822&curindex=0&curpage=ALL #legalnews #judges
— $Zack Needles (@ZackNeedlesTLI) June 10, 2016
RT @UCLA_Law: “#Guns are the new abortion,” for #SCOTUS nominations writes #uclalaw Prof. @adamwinkler in @yahoo opinion piece: http://yhoo.it/25PQFvw
— $Adam Winkler (@adamwinkler) June 10, 2016
One Justice matters because the SCOTUS matters - and it isn't working well right now. #ACS16 #DoYourJob https://t.co/JUQvE4pkG9
— $Adam Winkler (@adamwinkler) June 10, 2016
Yes! Also: http://acslaw.org/scotus #ACS16 #courtsmatter #whycourtsmatter #WeNeedNine #DoYourJob https://twitter.com/ACSLawGW/status/741276221904945152
— $ACS Law and Policy (@acslaw) June 10, 2016
Exception to Chevron deference "shows a lack of self-awareness by the court" says @dfarber http://bit.ly/1Xd28Um @BerkeleyLawNews #SCOTUS
— $scholastica (@scholasticahq) June 10, 2016
RT @NAACP_LDF: After #SCOTUS gutted #VRA, election officials in Maricopa County, AZ reduced number of polling places by 70% http://www.naacpldf.org/press-release/democracy-diminished-ldf-releases-report-state-and-local-threats-voting-rights
— $Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) June 10, 2016
After #SCOTUS gutted #VRA, election officials in Maricopa County, AZ reduced number of polling places by 70% http://www.naacpldf.org/press-release/democracy-diminished-ldf-releases-report-state-and-local-threats-voting-rights
— $Legal Defense Fund (@NAACP_LDF) June 10, 2016
RT @dorfonlaw: Constitutionally Speaking, What is Puerto Rico?: by Michael Dorf Yesterday's SCOTUS ruling… http://goo.gl/fb/5pt8g0
— $Cornell Law School (@CornellLaw) June 10, 2016
[TODAY] Judicial Recusal Required: Williams v. Pennsylvania Decided #Teleforum http://ow.ly/MeaL3016vy4 Call begins at 1p ET. #SCOTUS
— $Federalist Society (@FedSoc) June 10, 2016
#SCOTUS link of the day: @PatrickGregry covers Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s predictions on Scalia dissents – http://www.bna.com/kavanaugh-scalia-dissents-n57982073854/
— $SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) June 10, 2016
Puerto Rico loses in SCOTUS on right to prosecute. Prof. Richard Pildes discusses yesterday's decision: http://ow.ly/n9wi3017PAw #podcast
— $New York University School of Law (@nyulaw) June 10, 2016
"Monument to Euclid v. Ambler Realty unveiled" #zoning #scotus history http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/land_use/2016/06/monument-to-euclid-v-ambler-unveiled.html
— $Sean Nolon (@snolon) June 10, 2016