Did "Midnight Run" get an Oscar? Why not?
— $Dan Eggen (@DanEggenWPost) April 18, 2016
Oscar Isaac has some very intriguing things to say about Star Wars Episode VIII http://gizmo.do/dQDHE5s https://t.co/ipQXMs7yT0
— $Gizmodo (@Gizmodo) April 18, 2016
Oscar Isaac on "Star Wars: Episode VIII": "It feels like we're making an independent film" http://lat.ms/1Tf20PT https://t.co/qzAtdtbobC
— $Los Angeles Times (@latimes) April 18, 2016
For Star Wars nerds out there, a clue: JJ Abrams says Rey's parents weren't in episode 7 http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2016/04/jj-abrams-chris-rock-oscars?mbid=social_twitter
— $Emily Schultheis (@emilyrs) April 18, 2016
this is the closet thing to oscar bait i’ve ever seen amber heard in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORpBAIB9j64
— $alyssa bereznak (@alyssabereznak) April 18, 2016
John Oliver explains lead poisoning - with help from Elmo and Oscar the Grouch http://wpo.st/nSCV1 https://t.co/IvzuGuMNOE
— $Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) April 18, 2016
RT @AP: South Africa: Oscar Pistorius to be sentenced in June for murder: http://apne.ws/1Sp8HC4
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) April 18, 2016
John Oliver explains lead poisoning — with help from Elmo and Oscar the Grouch http://wapo.st/1qSZBRK
— $Post Politics (@postpolitics) April 18, 2016
John Oliver explains lead poisoning -- with help from Elmo and Oscar the Grouch http://wpo.st/mhBV1 https://t.co/9f6IZZU1Sp
— $Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) April 18, 2016
South Africa: Oscar Pistorius to be sentenced in June for murder: http://apne.ws/1Sp8HC4
— $The Associated Press (@AP) April 18, 2016
Oscar Pistorius to be sentenced in June for murder of Reeva Steenkamp http://d.gu.com/L50yW7
— $Guardian news (@guardiannews) April 18, 2016
Social Media crashes the 2016 oscars http://bit.ly/20NTevo #throwback #oscars
— $TheCounter (@thecounter) April 18, 2016
guardian: Oscar Pistorius to be sentenced in June for murder of Reeva Steenkamp http://trib.al/e2sjb7B
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) April 18, 2016
guardian: Oscar Pistorius returns to court for murder sentencing hearing http://trib.al/c5dz3Da
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) April 17, 2016
Brazil's impeachment vote is one of the strangest things I've ever witnessed. It's like a soccer game meets the Oscars meets House of Cards.
— $Rachel Glickhouse (@Riogringa) April 17, 2016
Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won’t expect it back. –Oscar Wilde
— $Paul Looney (@LooneyConrad) April 17, 2016
RT @ndahlberg: Update: Congrats to Peter Martinez and Two Brothers & an Oscar, winners #EA16 #Hackathon $10K prize! http://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/technology/article72253217.html @miamiherald
— $Romy B. Jurado (@RomyJurado) April 17, 2016
Update: Congrats to Peter Martinez and Two Brothers & an Oscar, winners #EA16 #Hackathon $10K prize! http://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/technology/article72253217.html @miamiherald
— $Nancy Dahlberg (@ndahlberg) April 17, 2016
Rev. Vincent Wallace, his wife Ruth Suggs Wallace and their son-- Sidney Oscar Wallace. https://t.co/YqqYb61sq3
— $G O L D I E. (@goldietaylor) April 17, 2016
NewYorker: The Oscar-nominated film “Boogaloo and Graham” follows two Irish boys and their pet chickens … http://snpy.tv/23vOvng
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) April 17, 2016
The Oscar-nominated film “Boogaloo and Graham” follows two Irish boys and their pet chickens http://nyer.cm/6aZdgbz http://snpy.tv/23vOvng
— $The New Yorker (@NewYorker) April 17, 2016
RT @mallelis: "I don't believe in curses." "Eh, neither do I." I believe NOTHING as firmly as this: Cher DESERVED that Oscar for Moonstruck
— $Rebecca Traister (@rtraister) April 16, 2016
"I don't believe in curses." "Eh, neither do I." I believe NOTHING as firmly as this: Cher DESERVED that Oscar for Moonstruck
— $Mallory Ortberg (@mallelis) April 16, 2016
Trailer: Nate Parker's 'Birth Of A Nation' Is Aiming For Big Box Office Along With Oscar Glory http://dlvr.it/L42F7J #business
— $Robert Rogers (@SmallBizCounsel) April 15, 2016
RT @john_overholt: Wilde's library was sold off while he languished in jail; 7 volumes are now at @ransomcenter http://blog.hrc.utexas.edu/2016/04/13/from-the-library-of-oscar-wilde/ https://t.co/jZOcJ8NNgw
— $Jan Rivers (@jriversmn) April 15, 2016
Wilde's library was sold off while he languished in jail; 7 volumes are now at @ransomcenter http://blog.hrc.utexas.edu/2016/04/13/from-the-library-of-oscar-wilde/ https://t.co/jZOcJ8NNgw
— $John Overholt (@john_overholt) April 15, 2016
So Westbrook averaged 24 ppg, 10 dimes & 8 boards. Anyone know the last person to do that? Wasn't Magic or Bird. Must have been Oscar?
— $Dave Zirin (@EdgeofSports) April 15, 2016
When OM gear makes it's debut on @CNN, it's a Good day! Thanks, @ChrisCuomo, @PaulRieckhoff @iava #StayOnTheMove https://twitter.com/iava/status/720960411097526272
— $Oscar Mike (@WeAreOscarMike) April 15, 2016
Oscar Isaac’s Lightningface trailer is a treasure trove of Oscar Isaac freakout GIFs: http://slate.me/1SELZ2w https://t.co/PK6ATV46GH
— $Slate (@Slate) April 15, 2016
Leonardo Da Vinci's living relatives found: painter, engineer, Oscar nominee. His body was lost centuries ago. http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/apr/15/leonardo-da-vincis-living-relatives-found-oscar-nominee-painter-engineer?utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GU+Today+main+NEW+H&utm_term=167209&subid=17414233&CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2
— $Gregory Bufithis (@GregBufithis) April 14, 2016
The irony. Do you see the irony, Oscar.
— $John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) April 14, 2016
Oscar Isaac’s Lightningface trailer is a treasure trove of Oscar Isaac freakout GIFs: http://slate.me/22xBTWR https://t.co/hNIO8L3SQD
— $Slate (@Slate) April 14, 2016
Rachel McAdams, Oscar-winning ‘Spotlight’ star, says reporters deserve praise http://goo.gl/34gkX9 #Spotlight https://t.co/lOntZfo4ep
— $The Washington Times (@WashTimes) April 14, 2016
Oscar De La Hoya in @latimesopinion: Keep professional superstars out of Olympic boxing http://lat.ms/1SCIIB1 https://t.co/mb3Yqaiysj
— $Los Angeles Times (@latimes) April 14, 2016
Oscar-winning 'Spotlight' star Rachel McAdams says reporters deserve praise, @yurikageyama reports http://apne.ws/1NpinF3
— $The Associated Press (@AP) April 14, 2016
NewYorker: “Boogaloo and Graham” is an Oscar-nominated film about life, death, and chickens during the Troubles in… http://nyer.cm/4FQyLqG
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) April 13, 2016
“Boogaloo and Graham” is an Oscar-nominated film about life, death, and chickens during the Troubles in Ireland: http://nyer.cm/4FQyLqG
— $The New Yorker (@NewYorker) April 13, 2016
@MarcACaputo actually, remember that five Jeb gave Trump during an early debate? That was very aggressive! http://youtu.be/H5bE8jJgeb8
— $David Oscar Markus (@domarkus) April 13, 2016
Firm’s Oscar Rivera, David Halberstein are Featured “Dealmakers” in Today’s Daily Business Review: Oscar R. Ri... http://bit.ly/1VWJAG3
— $Caridad Rusconi (@SiegfriedLaw) April 13, 2016
Robert De Niro to Be Honored by GLAAD Media Awards in New York: At the New York ceremony on May 14, the Oscar ... http://binged.it/1VWDSDT
— $Eric Sanders (@SandersFirmPC) April 13, 2016