A lot fewer American women are choosing to give birth early, thanks to Obamacare: http://slate.me/1tr7f6L https://t.co/qcxg58Uq4y
— $Slate (@Slate) June 15, 2016
GOP Surprises with Push for Smaller ObamaCare Changes http://buff.ly/1ZR8Nlb
— $Taegan Goddard (@politicalwire) June 15, 2016
RT @colvinj: A fact check on that claim Trump just made about Obamacare premiums: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2016-06-02-US--GOP%202016-Trump-Fact%20Check/id-9f21bc143a4d407e9e9a4427044b162a
— $Steve Peoples (@sppeoples) June 15, 2016
A fact check on that claim Trump just made about Obamacare premiums: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2016-06-02-US--GOP%202016-Trump-Fact%20Check/id-9f21bc143a4d407e9e9a4427044b162a
— $Jill Colvin (@colvinj) June 15, 2016
RT @sppeoples: Trump mentions Obamacare rate increases in 65th minute of Atlanta remarks.
— $Reid J. Epstein (@reidepstein) June 15, 2016
Trump mentions Obamacare rate increases in 65th minute of Atlanta remarks.
— $Steve Peoples (@sppeoples) June 15, 2016
.@FamiliesUSA recommends standardized #Obamacare exchange plans. Details from @nancook: http://politico.pro/1WNLn20
— $POLITICO Pro (@POLITICOPro) June 15, 2016
24 Million Would Lose Insurance If ObamaCare Were Repealed http://buff.ly/1Uv0knw
— $Taegan Goddard (@politicalwire) June 15, 2016
Obamacare premiums expected to spike faster for 2017 | Washington Examiner http://washex.am/1rq1xRx #Obamacare
— $John Lichtenberger (@AdvertisingLaw) June 15, 2016
RT @DrJillStein: Not surprising health premiums are rising w/ Obamacare. It's an overly complex, corporatist healthcare system nowhere close to single payer.
— $Liza Featherstone (@lfeatherz) June 15, 2016
Not surprising health premiums are rising w/ Obamacare. It's an overly complex, corporatist healthcare system nowhere close to single payer.
— $Dr. Jill Stein (@DrJillStein) June 15, 2016
Rates projected to rise 10 percent on key Obamacare plans: Study http://bit.ly/1UuWIC7
— $The Washington Times (@WashTimes) June 15, 2016
RT @CNNMoneyInvest: Insurers want to hike #Obamacare premiums 10% for 2017: http://money.cnn.com/2016/06/15/news/economy/obamacare-premiums-insurers/index.html via @Luhby
— $Tami Luhby (@Luhby) June 15, 2016
Most popular ObamaCare plans will see a double-digit premium hike next year: study http://hill.cm/LufivEO https://t.co/aUoWkVlLkZ
— $The Hill (@thehill) June 15, 2016
Is Obamacare becoming the Less Affordable Care Act? http://theatln.tc/1U8gX4X
— $TheAtlanticPolitics (@TheAtlPolitics) June 15, 2016
Insurers want to hike #Obamacare premiums 10% for 2017: http://money.cnn.com/2016/06/15/news/economy/obamacare-premiums-insurers/index.html via @Luhby
— $CNNMoney Investing (@CNNMoneyInvest) June 15, 2016
TheAtlantic: Is Obamacare becoming the Less Affordable Care Act? http://theatln.tc/1PtxFcW https://t.co/jNxLjf4RSe
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 15, 2016
Is Obamacare becoming the Less Affordable Care Act? http://theatln.tc/1PtxFcW https://t.co/yxQP3ip34C
— $The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) June 15, 2016
NOT AGAIN! Obamacare premiums set to spike... http://apne.ws/1Yr8jTS
Study from a nonpartisan group finds new evidence of rising "Obamacare" premiums. http://apne.ws/1ZQnl4w
— $The Associated Press (@AP) June 15, 2016
AP: Report: New evidence of rising 'Obamacare' premiums http://bit.ly/1Q3NEE9 #Obamacare #ACAworks
— $STEW ???????????? (@StewSays) June 15, 2016
(@AP) Half of the cities will see increases of 10% or more. Last year, only two of the cities had double-digit increases. #Obamacare
— $STEW ???????????? (@StewSays) June 15, 2016
Study Projects Sharper Increases In #Obamacare Premiums For 2017 http://bit.ly/1OoCBVH (via @KHNews)
— $STEW ???????????? (@StewSays) June 15, 2016
Insurers want to hike Obamacare premiums 10% for 2017 http://cnn.it/1WNnJ5F https://t.co/S8Y7GM3Rex
— $CNN (@CNN) June 15, 2016
RT @hale_razor: Obamacare and Roe v Wade are impossible to overturn because they're "settled law," but it's totally doable to repeal the second amendment!
— $Professor Bainbridge (@ProfBainbridge) June 14, 2016
Obamacare and Roe v Wade are impossible to overturn because they're "settled law," but it's totally doable to repeal the second amendment!
— $Razor (@hale_razor) June 14, 2016
California Proposes Obamacare for Illegal Immigrants, Reports AMAC | AMAC, Inc. http://bit.ly/1WMBmSE #Obamacare
— $John Lichtenberger (@AdvertisingLaw) June 14, 2016
"As a (Repub/Dem) it's a joke how these dumb (Dems/Repubs) keep trying to (pass gun laws/kill Obamacare). Why don't they just give up?"
— $West Wing Reports (@WestWingReport) June 14, 2016
The @FTC Loses Another Bid to Block a Hospital Merger http://at.law.com/dccBqv via @TheNLJ @RoyWStrom #antitrust #ACA #Obamacare
— $National Law Journal (@TheNLJ) June 14, 2016
Co-op files first lawsuit against ObamaCare insurer program - The Hill http://ift.tt/1OnBEN6 #lawsuit
— $Robert Snellings (@snellingslaw) June 14, 2016
Maryland nonprofit files first-of-its-kind lawsuit against ObamaCare http://hill.cm/ADihSRS https://t.co/xSx7BZuYUU
— $The Hill (@thehill) June 14, 2016
RT @charlesornstein: Fighting Obamacare, many red states find fewer tools to fight opioid addiction epidemic, by @NoamLevey http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-opioids-obamacare-20160613-snap-story.html
— $Greg Dworkin (@DemFromCT) June 14, 2016
Fighting Obamacare, many red states find fewer tools to fight opioid addiction epidemic, by @NoamLevey http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-opioids-obamacare-20160613-snap-story.html
— $Charles Ornstein (@charlesornstein) June 14, 2016
Obamacare: The pluses & minuses http://shout.lt/bDDTr via @StateNet https://t.co/lR282dgPH5
— $LexisNexis (@LexisNexis) June 14, 2016
And also maybe the stimulus and Obamacare! https://twitter.com/Mattison/status/742656715309604864
— $David Waldman (@KagroX) June 14, 2016
Unlike other states, Illinois keeps potential Obamacare premium hikes secret http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-obamacare-2017-rates-0614-biz-20160613-story.html
— $Charles Ornstein (@charlesornstein) June 14, 2016
FoxNews: Alaska Republicans back bill to prevent ObamaCare meltdown in state http://fxn.ws/1U4BwiJ https://t.co/9HelCKlnwy
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 13, 2016
RT @kksheld: The right way to repeal and replace Obamacare http://fw.to/kIlEolg The doctors and patients must have a say!
— $Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) June 13, 2016
RT @stuartpstevens: Sorry. @realDonaldTrump donated to help elect Sen. Warren. I was working for Republicans. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/how-donald-trump-helped-democrats-pass-obamacare/2015/06/22/002f4c7c-18ea-11e5-ab92-c75ae6ab94b5_story.html https://twitter.com/mikeparanzino/status/742411204107325440
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) June 13, 2016
Study: Repealing ObamaCare would increase number of uninsured by 24 million http://hill.cm/nL72MnV https://t.co/MlijawpWK1
— $The Hill (@thehill) June 13, 2016