RT @mlcalderone: Why journalist solidarity is tough: One news outlet losing access leads to another outlet's “exclusive” access: https://t.co/Is2SytD2tQ
— $Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) June 15, 2016
"She's everything here. We need her back." Maryland woman still detained in #Gambia amid fears of torture http://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/politics_and_government/rights/family-calls-for-frederick-woman-s-release-from-gambian-prison/article_be668226-3f4f-54e4-a8b9-9cfa60bc50d9.html #FreeFanta
— $Jeffrey Smith (@Smith_JeffreyT) June 15, 2016
RT @PoliticsReid: Host committee for Dem convention in Philly says its fundraising reports are a trade secret. Huh? http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/dnc/20160615_Pa__open-records_office_to_DNC_host_committee__Show_us_the_money.html
— $Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) June 15, 2016
Bus Accident Lawyer Jamaica Queens: 1 Dead, 15 Injured After Shuttle Bus Overturns on GW Parkway http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/GW-Parkway-Closed--383023271.html
— $Shane Dwight Scott (@AGoodLawyer) June 15, 2016
Pro-@RandPaul super PAC ties Kentucky's Jim Gray to Hillary Clinton, notes @Joe_Gerth http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/elections/kentucky/2016/06/14/super-pac-ties-jim-gray-hillary-clinton/85883888/
— $Dave Levinthal (@davelevinthal) June 15, 2016
Negative Views of Trump Now 7 in 10. Bad! https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/15/negative-views-of-donald-trump-just-hit-a-new-high-7-in-10-americans/
— $Joe Trippi (@JoeTrippi) June 15, 2016
RT @PostPolls: Post-ABC poll: Negative views of Donald Trump just hit a campaign high: 7 in 10 ; Clinton hits new high of 55% https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/15/negative-views-of-donald-trump-just-hit-a-new-high-7-in-10-americans/
— $Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) June 15, 2016
Jamaica Queens School Bus Accident Lawyer: Two are injured in crash involving school bus http://www.kokomotribune.com/news/two-are-injured-in-crash-involving-school-bus/article_bdf5bc4c-3251-11e6-9228-bf578825a41c.html
— $Shane Dwight Scott (@AGoodLawyer) June 15, 2016
RT @NoahCRothman: More than six in ten disapprove of a temp Muslim ban. A majority of Republicans approve. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/orlando-mass-shooting-poll-trump-obama-clinton-reaction/ https://t.co/thdekgUaoD
— $Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) June 15, 2016
RT @GideonResnick: With Hispanic voters, that unfavorable rating climbs to 89 percent. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/15/negative-views-of-donald-trump-just-hit-a-new-high-7-in-10-americans/?tid=sm_tw_pp&wprss=rss_the-fix
— $G O L D I E. (@goldietaylor) June 15, 2016
Three months after pinning this tweet, a record 7-in-10 Americans loathe Trump. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/15/negative-views-of-donald-trump-just-hit-a-new-high-7-in-10-americans/ https://twitter.com/chrisNmaine/status/709597400118206464
— $Bill Harnsberger (@BillinPortland) June 15, 2016
"Stanford case judge removed from new sex case" http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2016/06/14/prosecutor-bumps-stanford-sex-assault-judge/85898742/
— $Jonathan L. Katz (@JonKatz5) June 15, 2016
FoxNews: RT foxandfriends: FOX NEWS ALERT: France, Belgium officials warn extremist attacks imminent https://amp.twimg.com/v/4c03b106-8e51-4909-8587-8ff9aa1522b7
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 15, 2016
TheAtlantic: RT TheAtlNews: Iran Says It Has Struck Deal With Boeing to Buy More Than 100 Planes http://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/06/iran-boeing/487121/
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 15, 2016
Pistorius walks on stumps in court in bid to avoid jail http://reut.rs/24QsKd0 https://t.co/o2HCwqm7Wa
— $Reuters Top News (@Reuters) June 15, 2016
RT @mlcalderone: Why journalist solidarity is tough: One news outlet losing access leads to another outlet's “exclusive” access: https://t.co/Is2SytD2tQ
— $Patrick W. Gavin (@pwgavin) June 15, 2016
More than six in ten disapprove of a temp Muslim ban. A majority of Republicans approve. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/orlando-mass-shooting-poll-trump-obama-clinton-reaction/ https://t.co/thdekgUaoD
— $Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) June 15, 2016
Host committee for Dem convention in Philly says its fundraising reports are a trade secret. Huh? http://www.philly.com/philly/news/politics/dnc/20160615_Pa__open-records_office_to_DNC_host_committee__Show_us_the_money.html
— $Reid Wilson (@PoliticsReid) June 15, 2016
News that Finance Minister Ishaq Dar can take some credit for --> Pakistan's Stock Exchange upgraded to Emerging Markets list
— $omar r quraishi (@omar_quraishi) June 15, 2016
Why journalist solidarity is tough: One news outlet losing access leads to another outlet's “exclusive” access: https://t.co/Is2SytD2tQ
— $Michael Calderone (@mlcalderone) June 15, 2016
With Hispanic voters, that unfavorable rating climbs to 89 percent. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/15/negative-views-of-donald-trump-just-hit-a-new-high-7-in-10-americans/?tid=sm_tw_pp&wprss=rss_the-fix
— $Gideon Resnick (@GideonResnick) June 15, 2016
Trump and Clinton hit new highs in unfavorability ratings in new @ABC / Washington Post poll http://abcn.ws/1Xp8lfP https://t.co/bYhAFeeQzo
— $ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) June 15, 2016
Trump and Clinton hit new highs in unfavorability ratings in new @ABC / Washington Post poll http://abcn.ws/1Xp8lfP https://t.co/nNwoPzJ2Im
— $ABC News (@ABC) June 15, 2016
RT @TheAtlNews: Iran Says It Has Struck Deal With Boeing to Buy More Than 100 Planes http://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/06/iran-boeing/487121/
— $The Atlantic (@TheAtlantic) June 15, 2016
Trump: Obama "was more angry at me than at the shooter" (Trump is a lot more dangerous.) http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-obama-was-more-angry-at-me-than-at-the-shooter/
— $Dave Winer (@davewiner) June 15, 2016
Excellent news -- Pakistan's stock market gets an upgrade to emerging markets status while China, Vietnam didn't http://www.cnbc.com/2016/06/15/why-pakistan-got-mscis-emerging-markets-index-approval-and-china-didnt.html
— $omar r quraishi (@omar_quraishi) June 15, 2016
RT @SopanDeb: Nearly 90 percent of Hispanics have an unfavorable view of Trump, per Wa Po/ABC poll: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/15/negative-views-of-donald-trump-just-hit-a-new-high-7-in-10-americans/?tid=sm_tw_pp&wprss=rss_the-fix https://t.co/8WVHb05cY3
— $Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) June 15, 2016
Clinton 55% unfavorable mark driven by non-college whites (-47 net favorable rating), independents (-29) & men (-28) https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/15/negative-views-of-donald-trump-just-hit-a-new-high-7-in-10-americans/
— $Post Polls (@PostPolls) June 15, 2016
And in other news, three new major polls show Trump support tanking among likely voters, including men. https://twitter.com/BillKristol/status/742762916865282048
— $Bill Harnsberger (@BillinPortland) June 15, 2016
RT @colvinj: Trump's campaign is notoriously last-minute. This is one of the consequences. http://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/headlines/20160614-donald-trump-turned-down-by-grand-prairie-irving-as-rally-locations.ece
— $Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) June 15, 2016
RT @NateSilver538: In a 17-way primary, Trump's ability to dominate every news cycle paid dividends. With just 2 candidates, not as helpful, can be harmful. 2/
— $John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) June 15, 2016
RT @NateSilver538: In a 17-way primary, Trump's ability to dominate every news cycle paid dividends. With just 2 candidates, not as helpful, can be harmful. 2/
— $Max Boot (@MaxBoot) June 15, 2016
Iran Says It Has Struck Deal With Boeing to Buy More Than 100 Planes http://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/06/iran-boeing/487121/
— $The Atlantic: News (@TheAtlNews) June 15, 2016
Nearly 90 percent of Hispanics have an unfavorable view of Trump, per Wa Po/ABC poll: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/15/negative-views-of-donald-trump-just-hit-a-new-high-7-in-10-americans/?tid=sm_tw_pp&wprss=rss_the-fix https://t.co/8WVHb05cY3
— $Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) June 15, 2016
RT @pkcapitol: Non-college white voters went from loving Trump (+14 net fav/unfav) to disliking him (-7). They're his base. Oof. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/06/15/negative-views-of-donald-trump-just-hit-a-new-high-7-in-10-americans/
— $John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) June 15, 2016
RT @ma_franks: It's time we treated violence against women for what it is: terrorism. Read @schemaly on #Orlando in @RollingStone http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/in-orlando-as-usual-domestic-violence-was-ignored-red-flag-20160613?page=2
— $Danielle Citron (@daniellecitron) June 15, 2016
RT @charlescwcooke: “I’m the shooter. It’s me. I did it for ISIS. I did it for the Islamic State.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/06/15/im-the-shooter-its-me-gunman-called-local-tv-station-during-attack-station-says/?postshare=2221465990860781&tid=ss_tw
— $John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) June 15, 2016
RT @NAACP: "This is tragically familiar, and reminiscent to what we went through a year ago in Charleston." http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-orlando-shooting-naacp-cornell-william-brooks-20160614-story.html
— $Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) June 15, 2016
NATO summit to agree on keeping expanded Afghan basing: diplomat http://reut.rs/1tqot4d
— $Reuters Top News (@Reuters) June 15, 2016
Alligator drags toddler into lagoon at Disney resort in Florida http://reut.rs/1tqo1mw
— $Reuters Top News (@Reuters) June 15, 2016