Interesting that @Gov_Martinez and @mssanchez4NM fight about almost everything else but both stand in the way of ethics commission. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
I could probably take this string of tweets, @RussContreras, and turn them into my next newspaper column. LOL. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
Hey @NMDEMS, @BrianEgolf: You're pushing an ethics commission; it's members of your own party in the Senate killing it. What say you? #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
There's a surprise, @fishnette. A Dem on the Senate Rules Committee who doesn't like a transparency bill? Never would have guessed. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
RT @fishnette: Sen. Ivey-Soto doesn’t like hyper compliance of lobbyist reporting bill #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
Sen. Ivey-Soto doesn’t like hyper compliance of lobbyist reporting bill #nmleg
— $sandra fish ???? (@fishnette) February 16, 2016
Some @NMSenateDems complain about social media outcry while killing ethics, sunshine bills. The more you kill, the louder we become. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: House Appropriations panel target of lobbyist wining and dining: #nmleg #nmpol #MoneyInPolitics
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
House Appropriations panel target of lobbyist wining and dining: #nmleg #nmpol #MoneyInPolitics
— $ (@NMPoliticsnet) February 16, 2016
Thanks to those #nmleg members who truly support transparency. Keep fighting the good fight. We need you!
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
Meanwhile, there's no shortage of lobbyist money. But we can't get full transparency on that either: #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
No ethics commission, no real pension-stripping law, no webcast archiving, and so on. NM remains at or near bottom of all the lists. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
RT @RussContreras: Perceptions of cronyism hurting NM by a House Democrat (who was pushing Ethics Commission) #NMleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
Perceptions of cronyism hurting NM by a House Democrat (who was pushing Ethics Commission) #NMleg
— $Russell Contreras (@RussContreras) February 16, 2016
My response to Senate Rules Committee: This is why New Mexico can't have nice things. You won't change, so the state doesn't improve. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
Commence the Senate Rules Committee's blah blah blah on why we can't have an ethics commission, transparency, accountability, etc. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
RT @fbihop: Timely: A brief history of ethics commission failing in the Legislature. #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
Ethics commission transparency: "Placing a candle in a room under a basket does not bring light to the room." #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
Timely: A brief history of ethics commission failing in the Legislature. #nmleg #nmpol
— $Matthew Reichbach (@fbihop) February 16, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Bills to strip pensions from corrupt public officials languish: #nmpol #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 16, 2016
Bills to strip pensions from corrupt public officials languish: #nmpol #nmleg
— $ (@NMPoliticsnet) February 16, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Bills to fund public-works projects moving toward approval: #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 15, 2016
Bills to fund public-works projects moving toward approval: #nmleg #nmpol
— $ (@NMPoliticsnet) February 15, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Compromise on bail-bond amendment passes House: #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 15, 2016
Compromise on bail-bond amendment passes House: #nmleg #nmpol
— $ (@NMPoliticsnet) February 15, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Senate OKs leaner budget, sends it back to House: #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 15, 2016
Senate OKs leaner budget, sends it back to House: #nmleg #nmpol
— $ (@NMPoliticsnet) February 15, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Driver’s license compromise heads to governor’s desk: #nmleg #nmpol #REALID
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 15, 2016
Driver’s license compromise heads to governor’s desk: #nmleg #nmpol #REALID
— $ (@NMPoliticsnet) February 15, 2016
RT @NMLegislature: Click on "What's Happening" for floor and committee webcasts. Current website comes down after session. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 15, 2016
Click on "What's Happening" for floor and committee webcasts. Current website comes down after session. #nmleg
— $NM Legislature (@NMLegislature) February 15, 2016
RT @DanBoydNM: Senate passes $6.2B spending bill on 39-1 vote, though no one seems to really love it. Budget now goes back to House for final OK. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 15, 2016
Senate passes $6.2B spending bill on 39-1 vote, though no one seems to really love it. Budget now goes back to House for final OK. #nmleg
— $Dan Boyd (@DanBoydNM) February 15, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Second most-read #nmleg story thus far: School grading system favors affluent schools, new analysis finds,
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 15, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Most-read article related to #nmleg session so far: Author, 9, becomes voice for gifted, dyslexic,
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 15, 2016
Second most-read #nmleg story thus far: School grading system favors affluent schools, new analysis finds,
— $ (@NMPoliticsnet) February 15, 2016
Most-read article related to #nmleg session so far: Author, 9, becomes voice for gifted, dyslexic,
— $ (@NMPoliticsnet) February 15, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: As Senate debates budget, Kim Posich of @NMPovertyLaw urges that lawmakers "put our families first:" #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 15, 2016
As Senate debates budget, Kim Posich of @NMPovertyLaw urges that lawmakers "put our families first:" #nmleg #nmpol
— $ (@NMPoliticsnet) February 15, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: The discussion seems to indicate widespread agreement on this - 'It’s a crisis, our children are hungry:' #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 15, 2016