NM House debating $295 million capital improvements bill. If it passes, it moves on to governor's desk for final approval. #nmleg #nmpol
— $Dan Boyd (@DanBoydNM) June 8, 2015
RT @RussContreras: #NMleg lawmakers patting each other on back for getting work done in just 3 hours. See what happens when there's no singing? No memorials?
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
#NMleg lawmakers patting each other on back for getting work done in just 3 hours. See what happens when there's no singing? No memorials?
— $Russell Contreras (@RussContreras) June 8, 2015
RT @NMInDepth: Our latest from @fishnette A searchable list of the 2015 capital outlay projects NM legislature is voting on http://nmindepth.com/2015/06/08/check-out-2015-capital-outlay-projects-here/ #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
RT @DanBoydNM: The "do-over" special session is moving along quickly. Keep up with the latest action: http://www.abqjournal.com/596028/politics/nm-special-session-off-and-running.html via @ABQJournal #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
The "do-over" special session is moving along quickly. Keep up with the latest action: http://www.abqjournal.com/596028/politics/nm-special-session-off-and-running.html via @ABQJournal #nmleg #nmpol
— $Dan Boyd (@DanBoydNM) June 8, 2015
Our latest from @fishnette A searchable list of the 2015 capital outlay projects NM legislature is voting on http://nmindepth.com/2015/06/08/check-out-2015-capital-outlay-projects-here/ #nmleg
— $New Mexico In Depth (@NMInDepth) June 8, 2015
RT @steveterrell: House Ways n Means unanimously gives do pass to capital outlay bill #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
RT @NMInDepth: Check out our latest from @trip_44 Senate quickly passes capital outlay bill with no questions about process http://nmindepth.com/2015/06/08/senate-quickly-passes-capital-outlay-bill-with-no-questions-about-process/ #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
RT @KirstenKOAT: Just Now: Senate passes HB1 that pays for the special session. Also included, money for magistrate courts across the state. #KOAT #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
RT @NMSenateDems: HB 1/emergency clause (Feed Bill and Supplemental Appropriations) passes Senate #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
HB 1/emergency clause (Feed Bill and Supplemental Appropriations) passes Senate #nmleg #nmpol
— $NM Senate Democrats (@NMSenateDems) June 8, 2015
Just Now: Senate passes HB1 that pays for the special session. Also included, money for magistrate courts across the state. #KOAT #nmleg
— $Kirsten Swanson (@KirstenKOAT) June 8, 2015
Check out our latest from @trip_44 Senate quickly passes capital outlay bill with no questions about process http://nmindepth.com/2015/06/08/senate-quickly-passes-capital-outlay-bill-with-no-questions-about-process/ #nmleg
— $New Mexico In Depth (@NMInDepth) June 8, 2015
House Ways n Means unanimously gives do pass to capital outlay bill #nmleg
— $Steve Terrell (@steveterrell) June 8, 2015
RT @MilesDConway: #NMLEG moving so efficiently that lobbyists aren't even opening their breath mint tins.
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
RT @smaestasbarnes: HB2 passes the House 60-2 despite last minute attempt to amend tax pkg by House Dems (Rep McQueen) #nmpol #nmleg http://t.co/9YGW95wTKm
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
RT @steveterrell: Rep Lucky Varela just told me “We’ve done as much work in one day as we did in 60” #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
RT @NMSenateDems: All sides negotiated in good faith. The Senate has fulfilled its agreement on capital outlay SenSmith #nmleg #nmpol http://t.co/e70gJKiYv8
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
RT @RussContreras: Halfway through the #NMleg special session. 1 bill has passed the Dem Senate. 2 out of GOP House. Finishing by 6 pm?! #NMlegSS
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
All sides negotiated in good faith. The Senate has fulfilled its agreement on capital outlay SenSmith #nmleg #nmpol http://t.co/e70gJKiYv8
— $NM Senate Democrats (@NMSenateDems) June 8, 2015
Halfway through the #NMleg special session. 1 bill has passed the Dem Senate. 2 out of GOP House. Finishing by 6 pm?! #NMlegSS
— $Russell Contreras (@RussContreras) June 8, 2015
Rep Lucky Varela just told me “We’ve done as much work in one day as we did in 60” #nmleg
— $Steve Terrell (@steveterrell) June 8, 2015
HB2 passes the House 60-2 despite last minute attempt to amend tax pkg by House Dems (Rep McQueen) #nmpol #nmleg http://t.co/9YGW95wTKm
— $Sarah Maestas Barnes (@smaestasbarnes) June 8, 2015
RT @DanBoydNM: House approves bill containing money for special session costs, emergency funding for courts and Health Dept., on 60-0 vote. #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
RT @smaestasbarnes: HB1 passes the house unanimously #specialsession #nmpol #nmleg http://t.co/3r1UBxCanb
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
HB1 passes the house unanimously #specialsession #nmpol #nmleg http://t.co/3r1UBxCanb
— $Sarah Maestas Barnes (@smaestasbarnes) June 8, 2015
House approves bill containing money for special session costs, emergency funding for courts and Health Dept., on 60-0 vote. #nmleg #nmpol
— $Dan Boyd (@DanBoydNM) June 8, 2015
#NMLEG moving so efficiently that lobbyists aren't even opening their breath mint tins.
— $MilesDConway (@MilesDConway) June 8, 2015
RT @RussContreras: #NM Senate passes $295 million capital outlay bill. Senate Majority leader @mssanchez4NM tells senators: don't leave the building #NMleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
#NM Senate passes $295 million capital outlay bill. Senate Majority leader @mssanchez4NM tells senators: don't leave the building #NMleg
— $Russell Contreras (@RussContreras) June 8, 2015
RT @AlexG_Reporter: Senate passes $295m capital outlay bill, sending it over to the House for approval. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
Senate passes $295m capital outlay bill, sending it over to the House for approval. #nmleg
— $Alex Goldsmith (@AlexG_Reporter) June 8, 2015
RT @DanBoydNM: House panels unanimously approve tax package, feed bill; they now go to full House. No major special session surprises so far. #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
RT @RussContreras: #NM Senators praising each other for coming together for special session to pass capital funding after months of partisan fighting #NMleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
#NM Senators praising each other for coming together for special session to pass capital funding after months of partisan fighting #NMleg
— $Russell Contreras (@RussContreras) June 8, 2015
House panels unanimously approve tax package, feed bill; they now go to full House. No major special session surprises so far. #nmleg #nmpol
— $Dan Boyd (@DanBoydNM) June 8, 2015
RT @AlexG_Reporter: The $295m capital outlay bill has passed the Senate committee of the whole with a "do pass" and heads to the Senate floor. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
RT @MargaretWrite: Public works (capital outlay) bill just passed Senate Committee-of-the-Whole unanimously #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) June 8, 2015
Public works (capital outlay) bill just passed Senate Committee-of-the-Whole unanimously #nmleg
— $Margaret Wright (@MargaretWrite) June 8, 2015