"We point fingers at mothers too often in America. It’s cheap and could reasonably be viewed as misogynistic." http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/08/can-we-please-stop-the-tabloid-journalism-and-offensive-politicking/ #nmleg
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) August 18, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Column by @haussamen: Can we please stop the tabloid journalism and offensive politicking? http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/08/can-we-please-stop-the-tabloid-journalism-and-offensive-politicking/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) August 17, 2015
Column by @haussamen: Can we please stop the tabloid journalism and offensive politicking? http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/08/can-we-please-stop-the-tabloid-journalism-and-offensive-politicking/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) August 17, 2015
RT @fishnette: .@NMInDepth & partners are exploring #nmleg capital outlay. First story here: http://nmindepth.com/2015/08/15/analysis-weaknesses-mar-nms-capital-outlay-system/ & app: http://nmcapproj.herokuapp.com
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) August 15, 2015
.@NMInDepth & partners are exploring #nmleg capital outlay. First story here: http://nmindepth.com/2015/08/15/analysis-weaknesses-mar-nms-capital-outlay-system/ & app: http://nmcapproj.herokuapp.com
— $sandra fish ???? (@fishnette) August 15, 2015
RT @DanBoydNM: NM state auditor's non-gov account reignites debate over officials' email habits: http://www.abqjournal.com/623864/north/north-news/state-auditor-uses-gmail-account.html (h/t @steveterrell) #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) August 6, 2015
NM state auditor's non-gov account reignites debate over officials' email habits: http://www.abqjournal.com/623864/north/north-news/state-auditor-uses-gmail-account.html (h/t @steveterrell) #nmleg #nmpol
— $Dan Boyd (@DanBoydNM) August 6, 2015
RT @DanBoydNM: New Mexico teacher evaluation criteria changed for an estimated 2,800 educators: http://www.abqjournal.com/622769 via @ABQJournal #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) August 4, 2015
New Mexico teacher evaluation criteria changed for an estimated 2,800 educators: http://www.abqjournal.com/622769 via @ABQJournal #nmleg #nmpol
— $Dan Boyd (@DanBoydNM) August 4, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Commentary from @jerryfornm: We need wet water, not paper water, http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/we-need-wet-water-not-paper-water/ #nmpol #nmleg #Water
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 29, 2015
Commentary from @jerryfornm: We need wet water, not paper water, http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/we-need-wet-water-not-paper-water/ #nmpol #nmleg #Water
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 29, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: NM is 49th again in #KidsCount rankings. There are no silver bullets. Stop avoiding deeper discussion. http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/thank-goodness-for-mississippi-shouldnt-be-nms-motto/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 29, 2015
NM is 49th again in #KidsCount rankings. There are no silver bullets. Stop avoiding deeper discussion. http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/thank-goodness-for-mississippi-shouldnt-be-nms-motto/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 29, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: New @haussamen commentary: ‘Thank goodness for Mississippi’ shouldn’t be NM’s motto, http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/thank-goodness-for-mississippi-shouldnt-be-nms-motto/ #nmpol #nmleg #KidsCount
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 29, 2015
New @haussamen commentary: ‘Thank goodness for Mississippi’ shouldn’t be NM’s motto, http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/thank-goodness-for-mississippi-shouldnt-be-nms-motto/ #nmpol #nmleg #KidsCount
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 29, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Column from @senpetecampos: It’s time to work wiser and smarter, http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/its-time-to-work-wiser-and-smarter/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 28, 2015
Column from @senpetecampos: It’s time to work wiser and smarter, http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/its-time-to-work-wiser-and-smarter/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 28, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: @Gov_Martinez needs to sniff the wind on Common Core: http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/martinez-needs-to-sniff-the-wind-on-common-core/ #nmpol #nmleg #Education
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 27, 2015
@Gov_Martinez needs to sniff the wind on Common Core: http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/martinez-needs-to-sniff-the-wind-on-common-core/ #nmpol #nmleg #Education
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 27, 2015
RT @anrubio: Our kids aren’t doing so well, ya’ll. via @NMVoices #chingao #nmleg #nmpol http://t.co/q5niKkeOE0
— $Trace L Rabern (@trabernlaw) July 23, 2015
Our kids aren’t doing so well, ya’ll. via @NMVoices #chingao #nmleg #nmpol http://t.co/q5niKkeOE0
— $Angelica Rubio (@anrubio) July 23, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: "The Democrats have done nothing but raise my taxes, corruption and inept leadership.” http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/opinions-are-mixed-on-whether-the-gop-is-the-party-of-reform/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 21, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Republicans, Andrea Orzoff said, “benefited from a strong candidate and poor opposition.” http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/opinions-are-mixed-on-whether-the-gop-is-the-party-of-reform/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 21, 2015
Republicans, Andrea Orzoff said, “benefited from a strong candidate and poor opposition.” http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/opinions-are-mixed-on-whether-the-gop-is-the-party-of-reform/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 21, 2015
"The Democrats have done nothing but raise my taxes, corruption and inept leadership.” http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/opinions-are-mixed-on-whether-the-gop-is-the-party-of-reform/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 21, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: New article: Opinions are mixed on whether the GOP is the party of reform, http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/opinions-are-mixed-on-whether-the-gop-is-the-party-of-reform/ #nmpol #nmleg #Republicans
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 20, 2015
New article: Opinions are mixed on whether the GOP is the party of reform, http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/opinions-are-mixed-on-whether-the-gop-is-the-party-of-reform/ #nmpol #nmleg #Republicans
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 20, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: "New Mexico continues to say ‘anything but @GovRichardson.'" http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/democrats-in-nm-should-take-a-hard-look-inward-many-say/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 20, 2015
"New Mexico continues to say ‘anything but @GovRichardson.'" http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/democrats-in-nm-should-take-a-hard-look-inward-many-say/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 20, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: New article: Democrats in NM should take a hard look inward, many say: http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/democrats-in-nm-should-take-a-hard-look-inward-many-say/ #nmleg #nmpol #democrats
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 20, 2015
New article: Democrats in NM should take a hard look inward, many say: http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/democrats-in-nm-should-take-a-hard-look-inward-many-say/ #nmleg #nmpol #democrats
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 20, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Rep. @BillMcCamley to @realDonaldTrump: "Sir, you really made me angry." http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/a-response-to-donald-trumps-recent-comments/ #immigration #nmleg #DonaldTrump
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 14, 2015
Rep. @BillMcCamley to @realDonaldTrump: "Sir, you really made me angry." http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/a-response-to-donald-trumps-recent-comments/ #immigration #nmleg #DonaldTrump
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 14, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Video commentary from @BillMcCamley: A response to @realDonaldTrump’s recent comments, http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/a-response-to-donald-trumps-recent-comments/ #nmleg #nmpol #DonaldTrump
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 13, 2015
Video commentary from @BillMcCamley: A response to @realDonaldTrump’s recent comments, http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/a-response-to-donald-trumps-recent-comments/ #nmleg #nmpol #DonaldTrump
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 13, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: "In a time of a hyper-polarized Congress, patent reform seems to be one thing both parties can agree on." http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/new-mexico-businesses-need-patent-reform/ #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 13, 2015
"In a time of a hyper-polarized Congress, patent reform seems to be one thing both parties can agree on." http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/new-mexico-businesses-need-patent-reform/ #nmleg
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 13, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Commentary by @jerryfornm: New Mexico businesses need patent reform, http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/new-mexico-businesses-need-patent-reform/ #nmleg #nmpol #InnovationAct
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 12, 2015
Commentary by @jerryfornm: New Mexico businesses need patent reform, http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/new-mexico-businesses-need-patent-reform/ #nmleg #nmpol #InnovationAct
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) July 12, 2015
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Commentary by @DowdMuska: "Every New Mexican buys groceries, but very few of us acquire ray guns." http://www.nmpolitics.net/index/2015/07/of-groceries-ray-guns-and-the-gross-receipts-tax/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) July 10, 2015