RT @NMBizCoalition: .@LadySunshineNM knows about #nmleg shunning transparency. Champions of #opengov take the challenge & never give up. https://twitter.com/erinmuffoletto/status/698317161622695936
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 13, 2016
.@LadySunshineNM knows about #nmleg shunning transparency. Champions of #opengov take the challenge & never give up. https://twitter.com/erinmuffoletto/status/698317161622695936
— $NMBusinessCoalition (@NMBizCoalition) February 13, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: The #nmleg struck a deal on driver's licenses. Many immigrants without legal status won't have to be fingerprinted. http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/governor-immigrant-group-both-claim-victory-in-drivers-license-compromise/
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 13, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: State rep. is glad #nmleg was "able to protect private businesses with this compromise" on bail bond reform: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/bail-bond-industry-wins-compromise-on-constitutional-amendment/
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 13, 2016
State rep. is glad #nmleg was "able to protect private businesses with this compromise" on bail bond reform: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/bail-bond-industry-wins-compromise-on-constitutional-amendment/
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) February 13, 2016
The #nmleg struck a deal on driver's licenses. Many immigrants without legal status won't have to be fingerprinted. http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/governor-immigrant-group-both-claim-victory-in-drivers-license-compromise/
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) February 13, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Effort to take politics out of capital outlay fizzles in first hearing: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/effort-to-take-politics-out-of-capital-outlay-fizzles-in-first-hearing/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 13, 2016
Effort to take politics out of capital outlay fizzles in first hearing: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/effort-to-take-politics-out-of-capital-outlay-fizzles-in-first-hearing/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) February 13, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Governor, immigrant group both claim victory in driver’s license compromise: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/governor-immigrant-group-both-claim-victory-in-drivers-license-compromise/ #nmleg #nmpol #REALID
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
Governor, immigrant group both claim victory in driver’s license compromise: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/governor-immigrant-group-both-claim-victory-in-drivers-license-compromise/ #nmleg #nmpol #REALID
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) February 12, 2016
Governor, immigrant group both claim victory in driver’s license compromise: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/governor-immigrant-group-both-claim-victory-in-drivers-license-compromise/ #nmleg #nmpol #REALID
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Bail bond industry wins compromise on proposed constitutional amendment: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/bail-bond-industry-wins-compromise-on-constitutional-amendment/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
Bail bond industry wins compromise on proposed constitutional amendment: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/bail-bond-industry-wins-compromise-on-constitutional-amendment/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) February 12, 2016
RT @KOB4: BREAKING: Senate panel OKs revamped New Mexico REAL ID bill with fingerprints #nmleg #nmpol http://www.kob.com/article/stories/S4046890.shtml
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
BREAKING: Senate panel OKs revamped New Mexico REAL ID bill with fingerprints #nmleg #nmpol http://www.kob.com/article/stories/S4046890.shtml
— $KOB 4 (@KOB4) February 12, 2016
RT @AlexG_Reporter: The fingerprint requirement in the proposed amendment for HB 99 would grandfather in anyone with a current license. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
RT @Somosunpueblo: Fingerprinting will be required for all new applicants of driving authorization cards. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
Fingerprinting will be required for all new applicants of driving authorization cards. #nmleg
— $SomosUn Pueblo Unido (@Somosunpueblo) February 12, 2016
The fingerprint requirement in the proposed amendment for HB 99 would grandfather in anyone with a current license. #nmleg
— $Alex Goldsmith (@AlexG_Reporter) February 12, 2016
RT @DanBoydNM: I tweeted earlier that Rep. Dona Irwin's district favors GOP candidates. It actually leans narrowly Dem. Still a race to watch. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
I tweeted earlier that Rep. Dona Irwin's district favors GOP candidates. It actually leans narrowly Dem. Still a race to watch. #nmleg
— $Dan Boyd (@DanBoydNM) February 12, 2016
RT @fbihop: Big question in Senate Finance Committee (when they show up): Fingerprints or no? #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
Big question in Senate Finance Committee (when they show up): Fingerprints or no? #nmleg #nmpol
— $Matthew Reichbach (@fbihop) February 12, 2016
RT @AlexG_Reporter: Sen. Peter Wirth just read letter on the Senate floor from @GovGaryJohnson opposing three strikes expansion. #nmleg
— $Trace L Rabern (@trabernlaw) February 12, 2016
RT @DanBoydNM: Former #NM Gov. Gary Johnson blasts proposed expansion of state's 'three-strikes' law in letter read out on Senate floor. #nmleg
— $Trace L Rabern (@trabernlaw) February 12, 2016
Sen. Peter Wirth just read letter on the Senate floor from @GovGaryJohnson opposing three strikes expansion. #nmleg
— $Alex Goldsmith (@AlexG_Reporter) February 12, 2016
Former #NM Gov. Gary Johnson blasts proposed expansion of state's 'three-strikes' law in letter read out on Senate floor. #nmleg
— $Dan Boyd (@DanBoydNM) February 12, 2016
RT @DanBoydNM: Rep. Dona Irwin's decision not to seek re-election could open door for R's to pick up House seat. Her Deming-area district leans GOP. #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
Rep. Dona Irwin's decision not to seek re-election could open door for R's to pick up House seat. Her Deming-area district leans GOP. #nmleg
— $Dan Boyd (@DanBoydNM) February 12, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Kim Posich of @NMPovertyLaw: Put our families first, fix the budget crisis: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/put-our-families-first-fix-the-budget-crisis/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
Kim Posich of @NMPovertyLaw: Put our families first, fix the budget crisis: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/put-our-families-first-fix-the-budget-crisis/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) February 12, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Here's an insightful read on how lobbying is shifting from Washington to the #nmleg and other state capitols: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/amid-federal-gridlock-lobbying-rises-in-the-states/ #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
Here's an insightful read on how lobbying is shifting from Washington to the #nmleg and other state capitols: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/amid-federal-gridlock-lobbying-rises-in-the-states/ #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) February 12, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: House committee kills proposal to appoint PRC members: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/house-committee-kills-proposal-to-appoint-prc-members/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
House committee kills proposal to appoint PRC members: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/house-committee-kills-proposal-to-appoint-prc-members/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) February 12, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: Sen. John Arthur Smith: “We no longer have a structural deficit, we have an actual deficit.” http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/state-must-make-even-deeper-budget-cuts-sen-smith-says/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
Sen. John Arthur Smith: “We no longer have a structural deficit, we have an actual deficit.” http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/state-must-make-even-deeper-budget-cuts-sen-smith-says/ #nmleg #nmpol
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) February 12, 2016
RT @NMPoliticsnet: A policy agenda to eradicate poverty in New Mexico: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/a-policy-agenda-to-eradicate-poverty-in-new-mexico/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 12, 2016
A policy agenda to eradicate poverty in New Mexico: http://nmpolitics.net/index/2016/02/a-policy-agenda-to-eradicate-poverty-in-new-mexico/ #nmpol #nmleg
— $NMPolitics.net (@NMPoliticsnet) February 12, 2016
RT @NMSenateDems: @SenatorSoules presence in the middle anchored Senate's 2016, 3-peat win over House in 2OT thriller #nmleg https://t.co/84JsucNESM
— $Heath Haussamen (@haussamen) February 11, 2016