3 Makes A Trend: New York Market Really Is $180K http://abovethelaw.com/2016/06/3-makes-a-trend-new-york-market-really-is-180k/ by @Kathryn1
— $Above the Law (@atlblog) June 7, 2016
RT @HackedAgainBook: The Growing Threat From Emerging Cybercrime Markets - http://goo.gl/alerts/9mR6r #GoogleAlerts
— $Mr. Jose Blas Lorenzo Jr. (@LorenzoLawFirm) June 7, 2016
Why CRM for legal marketing? Hear from @CRMsuccess & @jasminedecarie of @stoelrives #legalmarketing #lmamkt http://lawyernomics.avvo.com/legal-marketing/importance-crm-legal-marketing.html#.V1cPMKFGzKU.twitter
— $Gina Furia Rubel (@GinaRubel) June 7, 2016
Good stuff from @SteveStrauss >> 4 Ways To Grow Your Email List http://www.smallbusinessconnection.com/marketing/4-ways-to-grow-your-email-list#.V1EszTUTuWc.twitter https://t.co/LhknWj5zDA
— $YP for Business (@ypforbusiness) June 7, 2016
A dog's value? Georgia State Supreme Court says market value plus medical costs http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/politics/state/story/2016/jun/06/dogs-value-court-says-market-value-plus-medical-costs/369721/
— $Tennessee Bar (@TennesseeBar) June 7, 2016
guardian: Take it with a pinch of salt – the food marketing myths we’ve swallowed whole http://trib.al/mgfoMSr
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 7, 2016
I dunno, maybe more government spending actually protects civil society from being dissolved by the market?
— $Jeff Spross (@jeffspross) June 7, 2016
Escheaters never win: Alito, Thomas would hear challenge to state unclaimed property laws [my new @CatoInstitute] http://www.cato.org/blog/alito-thomas-constitutionality-unclaimed-property-laws-needs-look
— $Walter Olson (@walterolson) June 7, 2016
Is #SocMed really that important when it comes to #marketing? @shellykramer thinks so. Here's why http://bit.ly/1WEgfjK
— $Gina LaGuardia (@GinaLaGuardia) June 7, 2016
The Growing Threat From Emerging Cybercrime Markets - http://goo.gl/alerts/9mR6r #GoogleAlerts
— $Hacked Again (@HackedAgainBook) June 7, 2016
Marketing Strategies for Lawyers from #SuperMarket6 https://oregonlawpracticemanagement.com/2016/06/03/marketing-strategies-for-lawyers-from-supermarket6/ via @OreLawPracMgmt
— $Shelley Fuller (@AttorneyFuller) June 7, 2016
RT @RankWatch: Q1: What are your top 3 content marketing goals? #rankwatchchat https://t.co/mG9jCaVMMZ
— $Jeff Cutler (@JeffCutler) June 7, 2016
Q1: What are your top 3 content marketing goals? #rankwatchchat https://t.co/mG9jCaVMMZ
— $RankWatch (@RankWatch) June 7, 2016
Britain's growing Muslim market is driven strongly by women http://econ.st/1VDiUed https://t.co/ubTGyYX4ln
— $The Economist (@TheEconomist) June 7, 2016
RT @Indiana_EDC: .@Torchlite, a digital marketing firm is expanding operations in Indy, creating 140 high-wage jobs for Hoosiers. https://t.co/TPF3R27922
— $Governor Mike Pence (@GovPenceIN) June 7, 2016
15 Flea Market Booth Display Tips http://dlvr.it/LVn7Gj #smallbiz
— $Robert Rogers (@SmallBizCounsel) June 7, 2016
BlackBerry reportedly “really struggling” in Android market http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2016/06/blackberry-reportedly-really-struggling-in-android-market/ by @RonAmadeo
— $Ars Technica (@arstechnica) June 7, 2016
.@Torchlite, a digital marketing firm is expanding operations in Indy, creating 140 high-wage jobs for Hoosiers. https://t.co/TPF3R27922
— $Ind. Econ. Dev. Corp (@Indiana_EDC) June 7, 2016
"Africa's attractiveness to other markets came at moment went US and Europe were hit with 2008 financial crisis." Rassol
— $Howard French (@hofrench) June 7, 2016
Despite illegal marketing scandals & massive death / injury litigation, J&J was named 2016's Most Respect Company... https://twitter.com/JNJCares/status/739912141587808256
— $William G. Pintas (@NationalPILaw) June 7, 2016
Markets hit new highs, on all the racism I guess.
— $Ryan Avent (@ryanavent) June 7, 2016
B/c cybercrime increasingly depends on ransom model, there is market for "reputable" criminals who won't rip you off http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/06/ransomware-new-economics-cybercrime/485888/?utm_source=feed
— $Elizabeth Joh (@elizabeth_joh) June 7, 2016
7 Email Marketing Best Practices http://hubs.ly/H038b_Z0 by @Entrepreneur https://t.co/r9Dl1JuhyC
— $Brett A Cenkus (@bcenkus) June 7, 2016
RT @germanotes: On A1: Nike suing an Olympic hopeful is latest move in their cutthroat (and at times threatening) marketing regime http://on.wsj.com/1Y4wd7B
— $Reid J. Epstein (@reidepstein) June 7, 2016
Another Biglaw debut in Minneapolis as Jones Day opens office. This is the future of the MN legal market. http://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/news/2016/06/06/jones-day-daley-ekberg-ginsburg-barnes-thornburg.html
— $William McGeveran (@BillMcGev) June 7, 2016
On A1: Nike suing an Olympic hopeful is latest move in their cutthroat (and at times threatening) marketing regime http://on.wsj.com/1Y4wd7B
— $Sara Germano (@germanotes) June 7, 2016
Where Social Media Efforts Are Trending, According to 5,000+ Marketers http://marketingcharts.com/?p=68105 via @marketingcharts cc @spedwybabs
— $Colin Delany (@epolitics) June 7, 2016
McMillan welcomes Georges Dubé, capital markets and M&A lawyer, to our Toronto office http://ow.ly/hvYX3010raz
— $McMillan LLP (@mcmillanllp) June 7, 2016
RT @JuliaTerruso: Chocolate donkeys already on sale at Reading Terminal Market. #DemsInPhilly #DNC https://t.co/jmeoj5ESDa
— $Adam Bonin (@adambonin) June 7, 2016
RT @EmmaCaterine: NYT: Workers' Wages Are Better Than 2009 But Still Poor, Markets Depress by Marx's Theory of Falling Profits. FTFY https://twitter.com/metkelaw/status/740180159626498048
— $N. William Metke (@metkelaw) June 7, 2016
Chocolate donkeys already on sale at Reading Terminal Market. #DemsInPhilly #DNC https://t.co/jmeoj5ESDa
— $Julia Terruso (@JuliaTerruso) June 7, 2016
RT @veggingshore: Farmers Market Recipes @veggingshore http://veggingattheshore.com/2016/05/farmers-market-recipes/ #jerseyfresh #farmersmarkets
— $writercarrie (@writercarrie) June 7, 2016
NYT: Workers' Wages Are Better Than 2009 But Still Poor, Markets Depress by Marx's Theory of Falling Profits. FTFY https://twitter.com/metkelaw/status/740180159626498048
— $Collier On Jactancy (@EmmaCaterine) June 7, 2016
RT @SueAmato: Just when you think the Easton Public Market couldn't get any better! They add yoga! Join me and Carrie Havranek... http://fb.me/2VrLcIuOW
— $writercarrie (@writercarrie) June 7, 2016
Why Social Media Isn’t Working and What to Do About It http://dlvr.it/LVkfFd #marketing
— $Robert Rogers (@SmallBizCounsel) June 7, 2016
Marketing firms accept ‘secret cash rebates’ find US ad agencies http://on.ft.com/1XAzygg
— $Financial Times (@FinancialTimes) June 7, 2016
Hard to believe @Stitcher is only valued at $4.5 million. It is the most used app on my phone. http://ow.ly/fQ3u3010kdO #podcast #marketing
— $Henry Fawell (@henryfawell) June 7, 2016
Marketers Love the ’90s http://bit.ly/215jCjL @TargetMktg #marketing
— $((HeatherFletcher))) (@HeatherReporter) June 7, 2016
guardian: Report sheds light on shady practices in US media buying market http://trib.al/ZCgcM6E
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 7, 2016
How a network of food banks learned to feed more people by embracing the free market: http://slate.me/1t54xDO https://t.co/VJJYzbJ0Wr
— $Slate (@Slate) June 7, 2016