RT @ajjaffe: Trump seems to clarify his ban on immigration from countries w/history of terrorism only meant *Islamic terror* https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/742464168482201602
— $Ali Gharib (@Ali_Gharib) June 13, 2016
Trump seems to clarify his ban on immigration from countries w/history of terrorism only meant *Islamic terror* https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/742464168482201602
— $Alexandra Jaffe (@ajjaffe) June 13, 2016
Romney strategist: Four of Trump's children have immigrant mothers http://hill.cm/LcV2rcO https://t.co/8iI62sqCTB
— $The Hill (@thehill) June 13, 2016
RT @YvonneBynoe: Also, advanced lie that the NYC born shooter was an immigrant. https://twitter.com/morningmoneyben/status/742470180907974656
— $Ben White (@morningmoneyben) June 13, 2016
Also, advanced lie that the NYC born shooter was an immigrant. https://twitter.com/morningmoneyben/status/742470180907974656
— $Yvonne Bynoe (@YvonneBynoe) June 13, 2016
Over 30 Full Games Launching with Oculus Touch this Year https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2016/06/over-30-full-games-launching-with-oculus-touch-this-year/ | https://twibble.io https://t.co/mfiMtyqhkW
— $Micol Mion (@ImmSolutionsllc) June 13, 2016
RT @sahilkapur: Per immigration lawyers, answer is yes—president has broad power to ban entry to anyone suspected of being a threat. https://twitter.com/sahilkapur/status/742425882346856448
— $Reihan Salam (@reihan) June 13, 2016
Trump calls for immigration bans, Clinton for gun control in wake of Orlando shooting http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-clinton-idUSKCN0YZ1GE @Reuters
— $Joseph Ax (@josephax) June 13, 2016
RT @NBCPolitics: Trump Doubles Down on Immigration Ban After Orlando Massacre http://nbcnews.to/1Ugqyce
— $Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) June 13, 2016
RT @sahilkapur: Per immigration lawyers, answer is yes—president has broad power to ban entry to anyone suspected of being a threat. https://twitter.com/sahilkapur/status/742425882346856448
— $Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) June 13, 2016
RT @ReutersLegal: #DonaldTrump urges ban on immigration from countries with 'history of terrorism' http://reut.rs/1VUIDik https://t.co/5JL7FJiJg0
— $Mark Denniston (@CourtProf) June 13, 2016
Donald Trump broadens proposal to ban Muslim immigrants http://on.wsj.com/1tn05ka
— $Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) June 13, 2016
Also - @SenatorBurr calls Trump plan to pause all immigration from countries w/ known terrorism "reasonable" https://www.facebook.com/ABCNewsPolitics/videos/965081783590048/
— $Ali Rogin (@AliABCNews) June 13, 2016
RT @wpjenna: Trump says he wants to suspend immigration from countries with ties to terrorism -- that's far different than a blanket ban on all Muslims.
— $Jon Ward (@jonward11) June 13, 2016
Trump says Clinton can’t be a queer ally and support Muslim immigrants: http://slate.me/1tn3srj https://t.co/qb2m56yL35
— $Slate (@Slate) June 13, 2016
RT @ryanbeckwith: Trump is arguing that immigrants are a problem for terrorism, but also children of immigrants.
— $Mark Denniston (@CourtProf) June 13, 2016
RT @simon_schama: And regions of Britain that have fewest immigrants are most exercised by immigration fears.. https://twitter.com/SimonTilford/status/742390915214479360
— $Jonathan Hopkin (@jrhopkin) June 13, 2016
RT @ryanbeckwith: What caused Orlando? Clinton blames Guns. Trump blames Immigration. http://ti.me/1rmtjy5 @Philip_Elliott https://t.co/bmZhZC3Rr8
— $Mark Denniston (@CourtProf) June 13, 2016
RT @pkcapitol: This from DT: "...immigration laws of United States give president powers to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons." 2/2
— $Garance Franke-Ruta (@thegarance) June 13, 2016
RT @pkcapitol: On flight, missed Trump speech. At 1 point DT seemed to indirectly endorse constitutionality of Obama's exec actions on immigration 1/2
— $Garance Franke-Ruta (@thegarance) June 13, 2016
#DonaldTrump urges ban on immigration from countries with 'history of terrorism' http://reut.rs/1VUIDik https://t.co/5JL7FJiJg0
— $Reuters Legal (@ReutersLegal) June 13, 2016
RT @ryanbeckwith: What caused Orlando? Clinton blames Guns. Trump blames Immigration. http://ti.me/1rmtjy5 @Philip_Elliott https://t.co/bmZhZC3Rr8
— $Phil Elliott (@Philip_Elliott) June 13, 2016
This from DT: "...immigration laws of United States give president powers to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons." 2/2
— $Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) June 13, 2016
What caused Orlando? Clinton blames Guns. Trump blames Immigration. http://ti.me/1rmtjy5 @Philip_Elliott https://t.co/bmZhZC3Rr8
— $Ryan Teague Beckwith (@ryanbeckwith) June 13, 2016
On flight, missed Trump speech. At 1 point DT seemed to indirectly endorse constitutionality of Obama's exec actions on immigration 1/2
— $Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) June 13, 2016
Trump sees American go on shooting spree, re-ups call for immigration ban: http://slate.me/1XT0s34 https://t.co/BetD2Ehchu
— $Slate (@Slate) June 13, 2016
Romney strategist: Trump and Orlando gunman both children of immigrant parents http://hill.cm/MMGe4rS https://t.co/lLd80Yi4CF
— $The Hill (@thehill) June 13, 2016
Donald Trump broadens proposal to ban Muslim immigrants http://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-broadens-proposal-to-ban-muslim-immigrants-1465849074 via @WSJ
— $Gina Chen (@GinaMChen) June 13, 2016
Trump today cast himself as a better protector of gay people than Clinton. Story with @kevcirilli http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-06-13/trump-urges-immigration-ban-in-wake-of-orlando-attacks
— $Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) June 13, 2016
RT @NPRinskeep: Facing dilemma that Orlando attacker was US-born, Trump suggests US should've banned his immigrant ancestors. http://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000004469130/trump-makes-statement-on-orlando-shooting.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share
— $Mark Denniston (@CourtProf) June 13, 2016
Donald Trump gets sympathetic with LGBT and tougher on immigrants http://on.wsj.com/1UP6UB1 via @WSJ
— $Beth Reinhard (@bethreinhard) June 13, 2016
Facing dilemma that Orlando attacker was US-born, Trump suggests US should've banned his immigrant ancestors. http://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000004469130/trump-makes-statement-on-orlando-shooting.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share
— $Steve Inskeep (@NPRinskeep) June 13, 2016
Repeal of #Colorado’s #Employment Verification Law http://ow.ly/qjOv301dvEE @HollandHart #Immigration
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) June 13, 2016
Would you like U.S. Immigration advice? Like us to get a discount- http://dld.bz/bgeuS
— $John Manley (@JohnManley) June 13, 2016
Donald Trump Calls for banning all Muslim immigrants to keep America a "tolerant society": http://nym.ag/28zPFht https://t.co/I6Ki6cv6LA
— $New York Magazine (@NYMag) June 13, 2016
A few weeks later he proposed immigration ban. Via @BuzzFeedAndrew https://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/trump-people-can-figure-what-i-meant-by-my-comments-on-obama?utm_term=.viayB7Bak#.olv2r7r8z
— $Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) June 13, 2016
RT @JTSantucci: Trump proposes expanded immigration ban on areas with "proven history of terrorism" w/ @CandaceSmith_ http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-doubles-muslim-ban-wake-orlando-shooting/story?id=39815456
— $Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) June 13, 2016
Trump says Clinton can’t be a queer ally and support Muslim immigrants: http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2016/06/13/trump_says_clinton_can_t_be_an_lgbt_ally_if_she_supports_muslims.html
— $Bryan Lowder (@jbryanlowder) June 13, 2016
Romney strategist: Four of Trump's children have immigrant mothers http://hill.cm/PjEKKSN https://t.co/mZZbMlCWsX
— $The Hill (@thehill) June 13, 2016
Quoted on my #DACA /#DAPA projections (Univision) - what #USvTexas could mean for 5 million undocumented immigrants http://bit.ly/1WLHf2H
— $Steve Yale-Loehr (@syaleloehr) June 13, 2016