ICYMI, Wednesday front pages marked Hillary Clinton’s big night http://www.poynter.org/2016/front-pages-mark-hillary-clintons-big-night/415701/ https://t.co/3XrdxjpqYl
— $Poynter (@Poynter) June 8, 2016
ICYMI, my #FacebookLive with @avilewis starts at 5 ET. We'll be talking #Clinton, #Bernie and what's next - send us Qs!
— $Naomi Klein (@NaomiAKlein) June 8, 2016
ICYMI: @lanheechen weighing in on the current state of presidential race via @CNBC http://hvr.co/25MF2pn
— $Hoover Institution (@HooverInst) June 8, 2016
ICYMI - Marketing Strategies for Lawyers from #SuperMarket6 http://ow.ly/T8tI3012ZId (great stuff from @MassLOMAP conference)
— $Beverly Michaelis (@OreLawPracMgmt) June 8, 2016
ICYMI: Inside the charges against Trump University via @FortuneMagazine http://for.tn/1OXsvEe?xid=for_tw_sh
— $Pamela Kruger (@PamKrugerwriter) June 8, 2016
ICYMI: Here's Hillary Clinton on historic milestones and glass ceilings. http://reut.rs/1VMyBzz https://amp.twimg.com/v/26f888b4-916c-4051-b9e9-049a5ff3cb5d
— $Reuters Politics (@ReutersPolitics) June 8, 2016
RT @WashingTECH: ICYMI Ep 42: Challenging the Media’s Racial Narrative with Joe Torres http://washingtech.com/blog/ep-42-challenging-the-medias-racial-narrative-with-joe-torres/ @JosephATorres @freepress
— $Free Press (@freepress) June 8, 2016
ICYMI Ep 42: Challenging the Media’s Racial Narrative with Joe Torres http://washingtech.com/blog/ep-42-challenging-the-medias-racial-narrative-with-joe-torres/ @JosephATorres @freepress
— $WashingTECH Podcast (@WashingTECH) June 8, 2016
ICYMI Ep 42: Challenging the Media’s Racial Narrative with Joe Torres http://washingtech.com/blog/ep-42-challenging-the-medias-racial-narrative-with-joe-torres/ @JosephATorres @freepress
— $Joseph Miller (@joemillerjd) June 8, 2016
#ICYMI: Baggage bot, sea plastics become fashion and more by @mskerryd http://engt.co/1TVFHgx http://snpy.tv/1UAapex
— $Engadget (@engadget) June 8, 2016
RT @theflabar: ICYMI: Meet the Chinese lawyer who had his clothes ripped off in court - and why he left looking like this http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-china-blog-36466485
— $American Bar (@ABAesq) June 8, 2016
ICYMI - send Qs to me and @avilewis for our #FacebookLive today, on #Clinton, #Bernie and what's next. Tune in at 5 ET!
— $Naomi Klein (@NaomiAKlein) June 8, 2016
ICYMI @realDonaldTrump snagged delegates from SD, NM, MT, CA, NJ. @BernieSanders won ND, MT. @HillaryClinton took NM, SD, NJ. #ElectionDay
— $POLITICO Pro (@POLITICOPro) June 8, 2016
ICYMI: Meet the Chinese lawyer who had his clothes ripped off in court - and why he left looking like this http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-china-blog-36466485
— $The Florida Bar (@theflabar) June 8, 2016
ICYMI. Trump isn't a FP realist, he's a FP fabulist. http://atfp.co/25Ke7Oc
— $Micah Zenko (@MicahZenko) June 8, 2016
ICYMI: This from one of the journalists who hounded Hillary the most: http://bit.ly/1PI8Wag
— $Christiane Amanpour (@camanpour) June 8, 2016
RT @cmarinucci: ICYMI: IT'S UP! @POLITICO CA Playbook: CLINTON’s big day -- SANDERS’ tone shift -- HARRIS, SANCHEZ on to November http://www.politico.com/tipsheets/california-playbook/2016/06/clintons-big-day-sanders-tone-shift-harris-sanchez-on-to-november-214710
— $Jessica Levinson (@LevinsonJessica) June 8, 2016
ICYMI: IT'S UP! @POLITICO CA Playbook: CLINTON’s big day -- SANDERS’ tone shift -- HARRIS, SANCHEZ on to November http://www.politico.com/tipsheets/california-playbook/2016/06/clintons-big-day-sanders-tone-shift-harris-sanchez-on-to-november-214710
— $Carla Marinucci (@cmarinucci) June 8, 2016
RT @rmc031: ICYMI, I wrote about the fiscal impact of charter growth for @theprospect http://prospect.org/article/charter-and-traditional-public-schools-fight-over-money
— $American Prospect (@theprospect) June 8, 2016
RT @Chicagoist: ICYMI, Flier warns Humboldt Park of man bun-wearing 'Urban Colonists' http://chicagoist.com/2016/06/07/photo_flier_warns_humboldt_park_of.php https://t.co/DhTNZbmvXs
— $Lori D Ecker (@EmployeeRights) June 8, 2016
ICYMI, Flier warns Humboldt Park of man bun-wearing 'Urban Colonists' http://chicagoist.com/2016/06/07/photo_flier_warns_humboldt_park_of.php https://t.co/DhTNZbmvXs
— $Chicagoist (@Chicagoist) June 8, 2016
ICYMI - Linked - You Should Plan On Switching Jobs Every Three Years For The Rest Of Your Life http://buff.ly/1sFIjrU
— $Mike McBride (@mikemac29) June 8, 2016
#ICYMI: Canceled #Nashville may have just found a new home http://read.bi/1tha0rR https://t.co/Khs4NVtQcw
— $Jethro Nededog (@TheRealJethro) June 8, 2016
ICYMI @RealSheriffJoe challenger filed at last minute, week after moving to #AZ. Hmmm... http://bit.ly/1PHPsSY https://t.co/BsCcUJXzWw
— $BrahmResnik (@brahmresnik) June 8, 2016
ICYMI, my series @thecipherbrief on the Snowden leaks, three years on: http://bit.ly/212RZIl // http://bit.ly/215lNE3
— $Mackenzie Weinger (@mweinger) June 8, 2016
ICYMI: Baggage bot, sea plastics become fashion and more http://engt.co/1XE6wwe https://t.co/7q49iGtg8L
— $Engadget (@engadget) June 8, 2016
On the giving of prizes to artists. From 2006, ICYMI: http://wp.me/p4g1NS-5oO
— $Terry Teachout (@terryteachout) June 8, 2016
ICYMI, Robert Newton on the vocation of acting: http://wp.me/p4g1NS-5oK
— $Terry Teachout (@terryteachout) June 8, 2016
ICYMI: #RoadWarriors does late night as the primary season ends @mitchellreports @katyturnbc @kwelkernbc @kasie http://nbcnews.to/1VMahOp
— $Kasie Hunt (@kasie) June 8, 2016
ICYMI: @jdickerson on Clinton's 1st task "unify the Democratic Party" http://cbsn.ws/25LEAuX @CBSThisMorning #newsisback
— $Norah O'Donnell???????? (@NorahODonnell) June 8, 2016
#ICYMI: FTC Testifies before House Judiciary Subcommittee Regarding International Competition Policy and Enforcement https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2016/06/ftc-testifies-house-judiciary-subcommittee-regarding
— $FTC (@FTC) June 8, 2016
RT @AllAboutNJ: ICYMI - KIYC: Did FDA wait too long to warn about popular antibiotic #Levaquin ? - http://newjersey.news12.com/news/kane-in-your-corner-did-fda-wait-too-long-to-warn-about-popular-antibiotic-levaquin-1.11814914 https://t.co/sIOGQKxqkz
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) June 8, 2016
RT @WBTV_News: #ICYMI - Fallen firefighter's best friend: He had 'the heart of a servant' » http://3wb.tv/1UoriJA https://t.co/XRz6JkxTR2
— $Patrick McHenry (@PatrickMcHenry) June 8, 2016
#ICYMI - Fallen firefighter's best friend: He had 'the heart of a servant' » http://3wb.tv/1UoriJA https://t.co/XRz6JkxTR2
— $WBTV News (@WBTV_News) June 8, 2016
ICYMI: Hillary Clinton wins California - http://go.shr.lc/28k1TdZ
— $The Washington Times (@WashTimes) June 8, 2016
ICYMI: our @ReliableSources newsletter summed up the primary night coverage... Get caught up here: http://eepurl.com/b4Vp2H
— $Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) June 8, 2016
RT @LibrarianshipCA: ICYMI | Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Actions as Images by @CBCUnreserved https://librarianship.ca/news/cbc-unreserved-trc-visuals/
— $Connie Crosby (@conniecrosby) June 8, 2016
RT @LibrarianshipCA: ICYMI | Library and Archives Canada announces National Heritage Digitization Strategy https://librarianship.ca/news/lac-nhds/
— $Connie Crosby (@conniecrosby) June 8, 2016
ICYMI | Library and Archives Canada announces National Heritage Digitization Strategy https://librarianship.ca/news/lac-nhds/
— $Librarianship.ca (@LibrarianshipCA) June 8, 2016
ICYMI | Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Actions as Images by @CBCUnreserved https://librarianship.ca/news/cbc-unreserved-trc-visuals/
— $Librarianship.ca (@LibrarianshipCA) June 8, 2016