@ron_fournier icymi / Trump said he would give all Trump University profits to charity. He didn't give a penny. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/donald-trump-said-university-was-all-about-education-actually-its-goal-was-sell-sell-sell/2016/06/04/5b6545d0-2819-11e6-ae4a-3cdd5fe74204_story.html …
— $rosierifka (@rosierifka) June 5, 2016
ICYMI - Linked - Popular WordPress Plugin Comes with a Backdoor, Steals Site Admin Credentials http://wp.me/pNgzO-2MF #blogging #links
— $Mike McBride (@mikemac29) June 5, 2016
icymi https://twitter.com/cerenomri/status/730510377595899904
— $Omri Ceren (@omriceren) June 5, 2016
RT @LCCDomBautista: ICYMI In Search of the Ethical Lawyer Lecture by @ADodek- http://eepurl.com/b4suVL
— $Adam Dodek (@ADodek) June 4, 2016
RT @BRRubin: ICYMI-my article for the New Yorker on Mansur strike. An Assassination That Could Bring War Or Peace http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/what-the-u-s-strike-on-the-taliban-means-for-peace-in-afghanistan via @newyorker
— $Nicholas Thompson (@nxthompson) June 4, 2016
#icymi Truck driver charged for killing Heather Lough http://recklessdrivingny.com/blog/driver-charged-hitting-pedestrian-botanical-garden/ #brooklyn
— $Adam Rosenblum (@nytraffictix) June 4, 2016
RT @cspanwj: ICYMI: @adamliptak @nytimes on the 8-justice Supreme Court & upcoming #SCOTUS cases http://cs.pn/1r74hmC https://t.co/HO3rrIwJ3F
— $Adam Liptak (@adamliptak) June 4, 2016
ICYMI-my article for the New Yorker on Mansur strike. An Assassination That Could Bring War Or Peace http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/what-the-u-s-strike-on-the-taliban-means-for-peace-in-afghanistan via @newyorker
— $Barnett R. Rubin (@BRRubin) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: Innovative skills training in #BrewCity is connecting workers with good jobs. https://blog.dol.gov/2016/06/02/apprenticeshipworks-in-milwaukee/ #ApprenticeshipWorks
— $US Labor Department (@USDOL) June 4, 2016
RT @JZdziarski: ICYMI: You should untrust Blue Coat’s Intermediate CA certificate unless you like being MiTM’d. Here’s how: https://blog.filippo.io/untrusting-an-intermediate-ca-on-os-x/
— $CPJ Tech Program (@CPJTechnology) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: You should untrust Blue Coat’s Intermediate CA certificate unless you like being MiTM’d. Here’s how: https://blog.filippo.io/untrusting-an-intermediate-ca-on-os-x/
— $Jonathan Zdziarski (@JZdziarski) June 4, 2016
#ICYMI Victory for voters in Ohio, as federal court strikes down law limiting early voting. Read more: http://trib.al/rkqOpSj
— $Brennan Center (@BrennanCenter) June 4, 2016
ICYMI, Keith Olbermann chides the press for giving Trump a pass http://www.poynter.org/2016/keith-olbermann-chides-the-press-for-giving-trump-a-pass/414483/
— $Poynter (@Poynter) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: Don King's despicable treatment of boxers was an impetus for the Muhammad Ali Boxing Reform Act. See: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_…
— $Scott A. Andresen (@ScottAndresen) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: How can @CNN interview Don King about Muhammad Ali?!?!? King spent a career defrauding Ali and screwed over every boxer he ever met.
— $Scott A. Andresen (@ScottAndresen) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: #MuhammadAli was also The Greatest sound byte of all time!! 16 of the greatest Muhammad Ali quotes http://mashable.com/2016/06/04/muh…
— $Scott A. Andresen (@ScottAndresen) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: @adamliptak @nytimes on the 8-justice Supreme Court & upcoming #SCOTUS cases http://cs.pn/1r74hmC https://t.co/HO3rrIwJ3F
— $Washington Journal (@cspanwj) June 4, 2016
NRDC: #ICYMI: USFWS announced a groundbreaking ivory ban on commercial trade of African elephant ivory: http://on.nrdc.org/1TNmWf8 Huffingto…
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 4, 2016
RT @WLKY: ICYMI: Video captures driver running over bikers http://bit.ly/28bzG9b https://t.co/ZFQtb2pgJF
— $Frank Mascagni III (@Frankmascagniii) June 4, 2016
ICYMI. Global terrorism in 2015--new data on attacks, deaths, perpetrators. http://on.cfr.org/1XlFcmn
— $Micah Zenko (@MicahZenko) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: @brown4lawyers maintains ABA's strong defense of judicial independence and impartiality: http://bit.ly/1Y4RYED
— $American Bar (@ABAesq) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: Video captures driver running over bikers http://bit.ly/28bzG9b https://t.co/ZFQtb2pgJF
— $WLKY (@WLKY) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: I've hired a Lawyer, do I need a Mediator too? http://skylrk.us/28ap4HF
— $Justin Lee Kelsey (@skylarklaw) June 4, 2016
#ICYMI: Apps like @Venmo could affect #personalInjury case. https://goo.gl/ki4fzb #MillenialProblems https://t.co/pfYSIc8Tu8
— $Jason McMinn (@theaustinlawyer) June 4, 2016
#ICYMI: Raining tiny satellites, the laundry-folding machine and more by @mskerryd http://engt.co/25DJfM1 http://snpy.tv/1VDybvq
— $Engadget (@engadget) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: SEC halts Ponzi scheme aimed at middle class http://ow.ly/M2ic300Mc1I
— $SEC_News (@SEC_News) June 4, 2016
ICYMI On Friday when you wouldn't notice, Obama commuted the federal prison sentences of 42 more drug dealers. #230Days
— $Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) June 4, 2016
ICYMI @PennyPritzker spoke at @BrookingsInst about the importance of #CommercialDiplomacy in the global economy: http://youtu.be/s-Fja7HoU-c
— $BusinessUSA (@BizUSA) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: Rapper Wiz Khalifa sues to void management and recording contract he signed as a teenager: http://bit.ly/1UjF8N7
— $American Bar (@ABAesq) June 4, 2016
ICYMI - Linked - How to Recover Deleted Office Files http://buff.ly/1RqFWOi
— $Mike McBride (@mikemac29) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: The events that unfolded at #UCLA reflect a kind of violence that is rare but feared http://ihenow.com/25BRIzj https://t.co/Zfe0PoNFXa
— $Inside Higher Ed (@insidehighered) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: Interim final rule allows 10-K filers to provide business summaries, financial info in annual report http://ow.ly/JWK8300OTdg
— $SEC_News (@SEC_News) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: Raining tiny satellites and the laundry-folding machine http://engt.co/1Xrpu9o https://t.co/qaFw0XYj4N
— $Engadget (@engadget) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: Clinton argues Trump is a dangerous maniac unfit to control nukes, and Rs aren't really disputing it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2016/06/03/clinton-just-blasted-trump-as-a-dangerous-lunatic-do-republicans-disagree/
— $Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) June 4, 2016
ICYMI - Linked - Having multiple online identities is more normal than you think http://wp.me/pNgzO-2MB #blogging #links #socialnetworking
— $Mike McBride (@mikemac29) June 4, 2016
ICYMI: Read these 10 takeaways from the World Humanitarian Summit: http://ow.ly/lLvD300Lalj #ShareHumanity https://t.co/8O96jAOeiz
— $UN Foundation (@unfoundation) June 4, 2016
democracynow: ICYMI: Tests Show Prince Died from Opioid Overdose http://owl.li/lZWh300TbLW https://t.co/ET5hSPZENW
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 4, 2016
RT @GovGaryJohnson: ICYMI. @BostonGlobe: "Libertarians Johnson and Weld offer a credible alternative to Trump" http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/editorials/2016/05/31/editorial-libertarians-johnson-and-weld-offer-credible-alternative-trump/t86Er3cYrVMh9bXGYZ1awJ/story.html?event=event25
— $Mark Denniston (@CourtProf) June 3, 2016
RT @ClemsonTigerNet: ICYMI: LIVE from Doug Kingsmore and the NCAA Regional vs Western Carolina: http://bit.ly/1PsqjvA #Clemson https://t.co/jQTDxdxmdv
— $Wesley Few (@WesFewSC) June 3, 2016
ICYMI: LIVE from Doug Kingsmore and the NCAA Regional vs Western Carolina: http://bit.ly/1PsqjvA #Clemson https://t.co/jQTDxdxmdv
— $TigerNet.com (@ClemsonTigerNet) June 3, 2016