RT @Breaking911: BREAKING NEWS: Active Shooter Now In Morgan County, WV; At Least 3 Killed - http://breaking911.com/breaking-active-shooter-in-morgan-county-wv-at-least-3-killed/ https://t.co/CqbQkTcDz8
— $Andres Rene Guevara (@AndresRGuevara) June 13, 2016
RT @chrisgeidner: BREAKING: UN Security Council Condemns Orlando Attack In Unprecedented Statement https://www.buzzfeed.com/lesterfeder/un-security-council-condemns-orlando-attack-in-unprecedented?utm_term=.dj61eoNy0J by @jlfeder
— $Tony Romm (@TonyRomm) June 13, 2016
BREAKING: UN Security Council Condemns Orlando Attack In Unprecedented Statement https://www.buzzfeed.com/lesterfeder/un-security-council-condemns-orlando-attack-in-unprecedented?utm_term=.dj61eoNy0J by @jlfeder
— $Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) June 13, 2016
#BREAKING All 49 victims, ranging in age from 18 to 50, of the Orlando shooting have been identified http://usat.ly/28xF9r0
— $USA TODAY (@USATODAY) June 13, 2016
RT @nytimesworld: BREAKING NEWS: ISIS claims responsibility for murders of French police officer, companion outside Paris: http://nyti.ms/1UPD7Z4
— $The New York Times (@nytimes) June 13, 2016
"All hell is breaking loose" http://www.engadget.com/2016/06/13/playstation-sony-liveblog-e3/#!post=88234 #PlayStationE3 #E32016 https://t.co/8SsGG0Jixk
— $Engadget (@engadget) June 13, 2016
RT @nytimesworld: BREAKING NEWS: ISIS claims responsibility for murders of French police officer, companion outside Paris: http://nyti.ms/1UPD7Z4
— $Max Boot (@MaxBoot) June 13, 2016
RT @AP: BREAKING: Officials confirm Canadian hostage was beheaded by Muslim militants in the southern Philippines.
— $Scott Wong (@scottwongDC) June 13, 2016
BREAKING: Officials confirm Canadian hostage was beheaded by Muslim militants in the southern Philippines.
— $The Associated Press (@AP) June 13, 2016
I gather the show was supposed to focus on the victims, so the tack made sense, but once you change to breaking news it's different.
— $Ali Gharib (@Ali_Gharib) June 13, 2016
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS claims responsibility for murders of French police officer, companion outside Paris: http://nyti.ms/1UPD7Z4
— $New York Times World (@nytimesworld) June 13, 2016
RT @megynkelly: #BREAKING tonight: The feds are now looking at the possibility of an accomplice in the #OrlandoShooting. #KellyFile
— $David Catanese (@davecatanese) June 13, 2016
#BREAKING tonight: The feds are now looking at the possibility of an accomplice in the #OrlandoShooting. #KellyFile
— $Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) June 13, 2016
Smothering humidity in #orlando. Now thunder comes and the weather breaks. Let's see what tomorrow brings https://twitter.com/tomhullnyc/status/742519149155471360
— $Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) June 13, 2016
RT @CNNPolitics: #Breaking: President Obama will travel to Orlando on Thursday, the White House says http://cnnpolitics.com
— $CNN (@CNN) June 13, 2016
#Breaking: President Obama will travel to Orlando on Thursday, the White House says http://cnnpolitics.com
— $CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) June 13, 2016
BREAKING: Obama will travel to Orlando on Thursday to mourn victims http://hill.cm/qirY2fX https://t.co/3sxplfhOzJ
— $The Hill (@thehill) June 13, 2016
RT @CNBCnow: BREAKING: President Obama to travel to Orlando, Florida on Thursday - White House
— $Colin Jones (@colinjones) June 13, 2016
RT @CNBCnow: BREAKING: President Obama to travel to Orlando, Florida on Thursday - White House
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) June 13, 2016
BREAKING: President Obama to travel to Orlando, Florida on Thursday - White House
— $CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) June 13, 2016
The war on drugs snares immigrant for pot, breaking the Virginia family in two http://slnm.us/lzBCOdN
— $Salon (@Salon) June 13, 2016
Way to break up the no-no, Addison Russell! #GoCubsGo
— $Robert C. Milla (@RobertMillaEsq) June 13, 2016
RT @BreakingNews: President Obama to travel to Orlando on Thursday to pay respects to shooting victims' families, White House says - @learyreports
— $Breaking Politics (@breakingpol) June 13, 2016
President Obama to travel to Orlando on Thursday to pay respects to shooting victims' families, White House says - @learyreports
— $Breaking News (@BreakingNews) June 13, 2016
RT @WFTV: #BREAKING: Sources: Arrest to be made soon of alleged accomplice in Pulse mass shooting http://at.wftv.com/25YyW5m
— $Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) June 13, 2016
RT @JuddLegum: .@NRA breaks silence, blames "Obama administration’s political correctness" for Orlando massacre http://goo.gl/INeQtq
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) June 13, 2016
Breaking on @allinwithchris now: Orlando locals telling @chrislhayes they recognize the #PulseNightclub shooter from gay dating apps.
— $Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) June 13, 2016
.@NRA breaks silence, blames "Obama administration’s political correctness" for Orlando massacre http://goo.gl/INeQtq
— $Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) June 13, 2016
RT @USATODAY: #BREAKING Exclusive: Court records from a decade ago show Trump routinely destroyed emails http://usat.ly/28zKfTH
— $Patrick LaForge (@palafo) June 13, 2016
RT @loisbeckett: NRA breaks its Twitter silence: https://twitter.com/NRA/status/742491995508203520
— $Billy Flanagan (@waflanagan) June 13, 2016
NRA breaks its Twitter silence: https://twitter.com/NRA/status/742491995508203520
— $Lois Beckett (@loisbeckett) June 13, 2016
RT @VanessaWFOX25: #Breaking Source says arrest expected of person who helped coordinate attack- sometime in next 24 hours-somewhere else in Florida. #orlando
— $Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) June 13, 2016
RT @nycsouthpaw: Shot/Chaser (1: http://www.tcpalm.com/news/crime/st-lucie-county/police-investigate-break-in-at-orlando-gunmans-condo-352f354e-9a41-0fc4-e053-0100007f7f56-382756321.html 2: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3639587/A-dried-Christmas-wreath-door-child-s-Ninja-Turtle-backpack-hanging-wall-ceremonial-sword-books-Crucial-Matters-Life-Muslim-Palestinian-Makes-Smile-Inside-home-Orlando-terrorist-Omar-Mateen.html#ixzz4BV0EZE4f) https://t.co/CqPDHXPMLm
— $Matt DeLong (@mattdelong) June 13, 2016
“Breaking the Bar” – Hollywood Sign Hike + Biergarten in Koreatown http://pabala.org/2016/06/13/breaking-the-bar-hollywood-sign-hike-biergarten-in-koreatown https://t.co/h7ig9uSb4T
— $Arnold Veluz Pamplona (@PABALawyers) June 13, 2016
“Breaking the Bar” – Hollywood Sign Hike + Biergarten in Koreatown http://pabala.org/2016/06/13/breaking-the-bar-hollywood-sign-hike-biergarten-in-koreatown https://t.co/kh23Ss02Fc
— $Arnold Veluz Pamplona (@PABALawyers) June 13, 2016
“Breaking the Bar” – Hollywood Sign Hike + Biergarten in Koreatown http://pabala.org/2016/06/13/breaking-the-bar-hollywood-sign-hike-biergarten-in-koreatown https://t.co/3gYH2Qgq1C
— $Arnold Veluz Pamplona (@PABALawyers) June 13, 2016
BREAKING: Witness: Orlando shooter a regular at gay nightclub http://hill.cm/qI92ozc https://t.co/6XfiRjGTdu
— $The Hill (@thehill) June 13, 2016
BREAKING NEWS: Active Shooter Now In Morgan County, WV; At Least 3 Killed - http://breaking911.com/breaking-active-shooter-in-morgan-county-wv-at-least-3-killed/ https://t.co/CqbQkTcDz8
— $Breaking911 (@Breaking911) June 13, 2016
BREAKING: Amid Cigna merger, Gov. Malloy signs bill shielding his insurance industry donors from open records laws http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/cigna-anthem-deal-connecticut-gov-malloy-signs-secrecy-bill-could-shield-insurance
— $David Sirota (@davidsirota) June 13, 2016
RT @nycsouthpaw: Shot/Chaser (1: http://www.tcpalm.com/news/crime/st-lucie-county/police-investigate-break-in-at-orlando-gunmans-condo-352f354e-9a41-0fc4-e053-0100007f7f56-382756321.html 2: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3639587/A-dried-Christmas-wreath-door-child-s-Ninja-Turtle-backpack-hanging-wall-ceremonial-sword-books-Crucial-Matters-Life-Muslim-Palestinian-Makes-Smile-Inside-home-Orlando-terrorist-Omar-Mateen.html#ixzz4BV0EZE4f) https://t.co/CqPDHXPMLm
— $Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) June 13, 2016