Favorite part of campaign is progressives who had insurance attacking ACA which has helped so many who never had it http://nyti.ms/1SogCQ1
— $Neera Tanden (@neeratanden) April 18, 2016
RT @jonfavs: Nice to read after hearing Bernie supporters say the ACA was some corporate sellout written by lobbyists http://nyti.ms/1SU1BQl
— $Wiley Nickel (@wileynickel) April 18, 2016
RT @jonfavs: Nice to read after hearing Bernie supporters say the ACA was some corporate sellout written by lobbyists http://nyti.ms/1SU1BQl
— $Vinod Shankar (@almostaghost) April 17, 2016
RT @nsw43: @booksncheese @jonfavs A script for phonebank volunteers for Sanders calls the ACA a "travesty." Makes me crazy.
— $Austan Goolsbee (@Austan_Goolsbee) April 17, 2016
@booksncheese @jonfavs A script for phonebank volunteers for Sanders calls the ACA a "travesty." Makes me crazy.
— $Nat W (@nsw43) April 17, 2016
Nice to read after hearing Bernie supporters say the ACA was some corporate sellout written by lobbyists http://nyti.ms/1SU1BQl
— $Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) April 17, 2016
BREAKING: Justices Float ACA Birth Control Compromise - Law360 http://buff.ly/1RAw8CI #emplaw #hr #employees
— $Donna Marie Ballman (@EmployeeAtty) April 16, 2016
.@protruckin802 Bigger questions is, what did they want? For ex >> http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/02/24/1489983/-HRC-s-Final-Paid-Speech-260K-from-the-ACA
— $Gaius Publius (@Gaius_Publius) April 16, 2016
Join us on April 19 at 4pm as students argue a case involving a challenge to the ACA contraceptive mandate in the Stern Moot Court Finals.
— $Temple University Beasley School of Law (@templelaw) April 15, 2016
RT @FurchtgottRoth: .@Avik argues that Clinton is unwilling to make the changes to the ACA that would actually make it affordable http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2016/04/15/why-bernie-sanders-health-care-plan-is-just-as-practical-as-hillary-clintons/?utm_source=followingimmediate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20160415#7c98499445c8
— $Manhattan Institute (@ManhattanInst) April 15, 2016
.@Avik argues that Clinton is unwilling to make the changes to the ACA that would actually make it affordable http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2016/04/15/why-bernie-sanders-health-care-plan-is-just-as-practical-as-hillary-clintons/?utm_source=followingimmediate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20160415#7c98499445c8
— $Diana Furchtgott-R (@FurchtgottRoth) April 15, 2016
RT @LorenAdler: That post-subsidy ACA premiums ? by only $4 (or 4%) is a key reason exchanges will remain viable even w/ turbulence. https://t.co/3H19m0fGTf
— $Jordan Weissmann (@JHWeissmann) April 15, 2016
RT @AlecMacGillis: Sanders' discounting of Southern Dems at stark odds w/ his party's long-standing mission of aiding the overlooked in red states (ACA, etc.)
— $Ross A. Hammersley (@rhammer) April 15, 2016
That post-subsidy ACA premiums ? by only $4 (or 4%) is a key reason exchanges will remain viable even w/ turbulence. https://t.co/3H19m0fGTf
— $Loren Adler (@LorenAdler) April 15, 2016
Why ACA objectors told #SCOTUS they can live with a proposed contraception compromise: http://slate.me/22xLEEk https://t.co/YAe6BR25kF
— $Slate (@Slate) April 15, 2016
Sanders' discounting of Southern Dems at stark odds w/ his party's long-standing mission of aiding the overlooked in red states (ACA, etc.)
— $Alec MacGillis (@AlecMacGillis) April 14, 2016
RT @Kgalloway26: @imillhiser @stuartpstevens my mom was denied coverage bc she had cancer. My family would be bankrupt without the ACA. Thank you.
— $Ian Millhiser (@imillhiser) April 14, 2016
@imillhiser @stuartpstevens my mom was denied coverage bc she had cancer. My family would be bankrupt without the ACA. Thank you.
— $Kevin (@Kgalloway26) April 14, 2016
Dear Clinton: It was hard to pass ACA "w a Dem Congress" b/c he offered a Republican proposal. #NoPublicOptionForYou #DemDebate
— $Gaius Publius (@Gaius_Publius) April 14, 2016
RT @benweyl: Will the GOP finally put out an Obamacare alternative? "Maybe!" reports @jenhab: https://www.politicopro.com/tax/story/2016/04/house-gop-work-on-aca-alternative-107193
— $Jennifer Haberkorn (@jenhab) April 14, 2016
RT @mcimaps: It doesn't? Shit I guess my insurance under the ACA is no good. It covered all those doctor visits though https://twitter.com/andreawnyc/status/720397800819699712
— $Marc Caputo (@MarcACaputo) April 14, 2016
It doesn't? Shit I guess my insurance under the ACA is no good. It covered all those doctor visits though https://twitter.com/andreawnyc/status/720397800819699712
— $Matthew Isbell (@mcimaps) April 14, 2016
RT @IndianaStateBar: Dueling responses to the Court's #ACA #birthcontrol idea https://shar.es/1j6D1Y via @scotusblog @lylden #Zubik: http://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/zubik-v-burwell
— $American Bar (@ABAesq) April 14, 2016
Whoa. Will be interesting if Bernie goes after ACA during the debate tonight... https://twitter.com/AndreaWNYC/status/720397800819699712
— $igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) April 14, 2016
Dueling responses to the Court's #ACA #birthcontrol idea https://shar.es/1j6D1Y via @scotusblog @lylden #Zubik: http://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/zubik-v-burwell
— $Indiana State Bar (@IndianaStateBar) April 14, 2016
Will the GOP finally put out an Obamacare alternative? "Maybe!" reports @jenhab: https://www.politicopro.com/tax/story/2016/04/house-gop-work-on-aca-alternative-107193
— $Ben Weyl (@benweyl) April 14, 2016
RT @anacaprana: My former boss lost her seat in Congress bc she voted for ACA. She didn't deserve to be called a whore either, sir. https://twitter.com/paulysong/status/720413493325905920
— $Austan Goolsbee (@Austan_Goolsbee) April 14, 2016
RT @EmmyA2: ???? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? look, it's a bullshit for every 1 million people who have health coverage thanks to the ACA https://twitter.com/andreawnyc/status/720397800819699712
— $Billy Flanagan (@waflanagan) April 13, 2016
???? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? look, it's a bullshit for every 1 million people who have health coverage thanks to the ACA https://twitter.com/andreawnyc/status/720397800819699712
— $Emmy Bengtson (@EmmyA2) April 13, 2016
My former boss lost her seat in Congress bc she voted for ACA. She didn't deserve to be called a whore either, sir. https://twitter.com/paulysong/status/720413493325905920
— $Anne Caprara (@anacaprana) April 13, 2016
Ask 20 million people covered thanks to the ACA if it's "bullshit." https://twitter.com/AndreaWNYC/status/720397800819699712
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) April 13, 2016
RT @NewportBoard: Your overview of the ACA ruling and what business owners should do about it: http://hubs.ly/H02F2220 https://t.co/C3btOHqLz4
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) April 13, 2016
Your overview of the ACA ruling and what business owners should do about it: http://hubs.ly/H02F2220 https://t.co/C3btOHqLz4
— $Newport Board Group (@NewportBoard) April 13, 2016
Join us on April 19 at 4pm as students argue a case involving a challenge to the ACA contraceptive mandate in the Stern Moot Court Finals.
— $Temple University Beasley School of Law (@templelaw) April 13, 2016
RT @SaraCollins_: More evidence the ACA risk adjustment program is working as intended, American Academy of Actuaries http://actuary.org/files/imce/Insights_on_the_ACA_Risk_Adjustment_Program.pdf
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) April 13, 2016
#DOL Issues Guidance on Intersection of #ACA and Federal Prevailing Wage Laws http://ow.ly/10uGPD
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 12, 2016
More evidence the ACA risk adjustment program is working as intended, American Academy of Actuaries http://actuary.org/files/imce/Insights_on_the_ACA_Risk_Adjustment_Program.pdf
— $Sara Collins (@SaraCollins_) April 12, 2016
By 21, he'd covered more war zones than the U.S. military. The remarkable @cam_stephen joins the podcast. http://aca.st/7a343a
— $Marc Ambinder (@marcambinder) April 11, 2016
No, you can't "blame" the ACA for 29 million people still being uninsured. http://acasignups.net/16/04/11/no-you-cant-blame-aca-29-million-people-still-being-uninsured
— $Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) April 11, 2016
Join us on April 19 at 4pm as students argue a case involving a challenge to the ACA contraceptive mandate in the Stern Moot Court Finals.
— $Temple University Beasley School of Law (@templelaw) April 11, 2016