Not so easy to get to universal coverage whether building on the ACA or via single payer:
— $Drew Altman (@DrewAltman) February 11, 2016
RT @JonathanCohn: Bernie clear on the fact that Dodd-Frank was good but did not go far enough (like the ACA). #DemDebate
— $Gaius Publius (@Gaius_Publius) February 11, 2016
Bernie clear on the fact that Dodd-Frank was good but did not go far enough (like the ACA). #DemDebate
— $Jonathan Cohn (@JonathanCohn) February 11, 2016
Hillary makes case that ACA has been big boon to African Americans. Aimed directly at the electorates in coming contests.
— $Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) February 11, 2016
RT @jonmladd: Clinton's healthcare answer is much more reassuring to swing voters, while supporting ACA. A good gen election answer. Not great for primary
— $Greg Dworkin (@DemFromCT) February 11, 2016
Clinton's healthcare answer is much more reassuring to swing voters, while supporting ACA. A good gen election answer. Not great for primary
— $Jonathan Ladd (@jonmladd) February 11, 2016
RT @iamdanielsj: @ElieNYC Um, ACA is closer to her plan in 2008 than it is to what was Obama's plan as a candidate. Turns out she was right on the mandate
— $Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) February 11, 2016
@ElieNYC Um, ACA is closer to her plan in 2008 than it is to what was Obama's plan as a candidate. Turns out she was right on the mandate
— $Josh Daniels (@iamdanielsj) February 11, 2016
Clinton: "many people will be worse off" under Sanders health plan than under ACA
— $John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) February 11, 2016
RT @creynoldsnc: Just watched the clip of @BernieSanders say @POTUS has not shown presidential leadership. Please tell that to auto workers. Those on ACA.
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) February 11, 2016
#ACA affects sole proprietors, #smallbiz & larger #businesses. Read #taxseason #taxreturn
— $BusinessUSA (@BizUSA) February 11, 2016
RT @I_Heart_TimJost: Roses are red Violets are blue When we need ACA info TJ, we look to you. #HealthPolicyValentines
— $Tami Luhby (@Luhby) February 11, 2016
Roses are red Violets are blue When we need ACA info TJ, we look to you. #HealthPolicyValentines
— $Tim Jost Fan Club (@I_Heart_TimJost) February 11, 2016
RT @I_Heart_TimJost: TJ, there is nothing Minimal about your Essential Coverage of all things ACA-related. #HealthPolicyValentines
— $Tami Luhby (@Luhby) February 11, 2016
TJ, there is nothing Minimal about your Essential Coverage of all things ACA-related. #HealthPolicyValentines
— $Tim Jost Fan Club (@I_Heart_TimJost) February 11, 2016
Just watched the clip of @BernieSanders say @POTUS has not shown presidential leadership. Please tell that to auto workers. Those on ACA.
— $Christina Reynolds (@creynoldsnc) February 11, 2016
Clinton focus groups w/ SC black voters found them open to Sanders but shifted after hearing of ACA, gun control.
— $Ken Thomas (@KThomasDC) February 11, 2016
Steve Beshear's new mission: Kentucky #ACA savior. More from @rachanadixit. | Photo: AP
— $POLITICO Pro (@POLITICOPro) February 11, 2016
Millions lost insurance to the ACA: #HealthPolicyValentines #ReasonWhyIDoNotHaveAValentine
— $Cato Institute (@CatoInstitute) February 11, 2016
@ThePlumLineGS right, I'm just saying at a basic Clinton explicitly agrees that climate, Dodd-Frank, ACA are also inadequate.
— $George Zornick (@gzornick) February 11, 2016
RT @Health_Affairs: I love you more than Tim Jost loves analyzing ACA regulations #healthpolicyvalentines
— $Gergana Koleva (@gerganakoleva) February 11, 2016
I love you more than Tim Jost loves analyzing ACA regulations #healthpolicyvalentines
— $Health Affairs (@Health_Affairs) February 11, 2016
RT @parabasis: Serious ? about young voters: if you were a tween when the ACA was passed, does it seem like a monumental, historic, achievement?
— $Terry Teachout (@terryteachout) February 11, 2016
Serious ? about young voters: if you were a tween when the ACA was passed, does it seem like a monumental, historic, achievement?
— $Isaac Butler (@parabasis) February 11, 2016
RT @dankanenando: From @johnmurawski: Blue Cross CEO says insurer may leave ACA market in NC in 2017
— $Mr. Kevin Bunn (@KevinBunnLaw) February 11, 2016
From @johnmurawski: Blue Cross CEO says insurer may leave ACA market in NC in 2017
— $Dan Kane (@dankanenando) February 10, 2016
FAQs Regarding The ACA's Employer Reporting Requirements And Delay Of Reporting Requirements
— $JD Supra (@JDSupra) February 10, 2016
In 2015, 211K+ New Jerseyans with Medicare saved nearly $263 million on prescription drugs thanks to the #ACA.
— $Rep. Frank Pallone (@FrankPallone) February 10, 2016
Nearly 13 million people enrolled in ACA plans for 2016. Is that good enough? via @usatoday
— $Ray Locker (@rlocker12) February 4, 2016
Nearly 13 million people enrolled in ACA plans for 2016 via @JayneODonnell
— $USA TODAY Washington (@USATWashington) February 4, 2016
New Safe Harbor Still Hangs in the Balance - the latest #Privacy blog post. @labor_attorneys
— $Deb Dobson (@debdobson) February 4, 2016
10) If anything, we need more political space for compromise, for half loaf solutions (like ACA) that move the ball fwd on reform ..
— $Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) February 4, 2016
TPM: RT dylanlscott: Interesting Tierney_Megan piece on health plans complaining about ACA. Angling for seat at ta…
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) February 4, 2016
RT @dylanlscott: Interesting @Tierney_Megan piece on health plans complaining about ACA. Angling for seat at table under GOP prez?
— $Talking Points Memo (@TPM) February 4, 2016
The ACA didn’t merely shift the burden of funding existing health care costs to taxpayers– it increased those costs.
— $Manhattan Institute (@ManhattanInst) February 4, 2016
RT @Tierney_Megan: Why insurers' public griping about the Obamacare exchanges is not a sign they're about to jump ship on the ACA
— $Talking Points Memo (@TPM) February 4, 2016
Why insurers' public griping about the Obamacare exchanges is not a sign they're about to jump ship on the ACA
— $Tierney Sneed (@Tierney_Megan) February 4, 2016
Interesting @Tierney_Megan piece on health plans complaining about ACA. Angling for seat at table under GOP prez?
— $Dylan Scott (@dylanlscott) February 4, 2016
RT @HillaryClinton: The ACA has brought health coverage to millions of Americans. We are going to build on that progress, not start over. #DemTownHall
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) February 3, 2016
The ACA has brought health coverage to millions of Americans. We are going to build on that progress, not start over. #DemTownHall
— $Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 3, 2016