RT @laura_ungar: AHCJ blog on our Medicaid project: A look at those still falling through the cracks in ACA coverage http://healthjournalism.org/blog/2016/02/a-look-at-those-still-falling-through-the-cracks-in-aca-coverage/ @JayneODonnell
— $Ray Locker (@rlocker12) February 17, 2016
AHCJ blog on our Medicaid project: A look at those still falling through the cracks in ACA coverage http://healthjournalism.org/blog/2016/02/a-look-at-those-still-falling-through-the-cracks-in-aca-coverage/ @JayneODonnell
— $Laura Ungar (@laura_ungar) February 17, 2016
'Right-Sizing' Full-Time Employees to Reduce ACA Obligations May Lead to ERISA Class Action Exposure http://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/right-sizing-full-time-employees-to-62560/
— $JD Supra (@JDSupra) February 16, 2016
Reductions in #Employee Work Schedules May Not Negate #Employer’s #ACA Health Coverage Mandate http://ow.ly/YlPJy #emplaw
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) February 16, 2016
A look at those still falling through the cracks in ACA coverage http://bit.ly/1PDqnFp
— $Pia Christensen (@AHCJ_Pia) February 16, 2016
RT @noamscheiber: Cruz is stoking up conservatives over Scalia replacement. Great for him, lousy for party. But party can't resist. Just like ACA shutdown. 2/
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) February 16, 2016
'Right-Sizing' Full-Time Employees to Reduce #ACA Obligations May Lead to #ERISA Class Action Exposure http://ow.ly/YoMQJ @mcdermottlaw
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) February 16, 2016
RT @aarthikaran: This is amazing: # of uninsured children in TX fell by ~100k during first yr of ACA implementation via @HoustonChron http://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/medical/article/More-Texas-children-got-insurance-in-ACA-s-first-6832319.php?t=dabef1f526438d9cbb&cmpid=twitter-premium
— $Garance Franke-Ruta (@thegarance) February 16, 2016
This is amazing: # of uninsured children in TX fell by ~100k during first yr of ACA implementation via @HoustonChron http://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/medical/article/More-Texas-children-got-insurance-in-ACA-s-first-6832319.php?t=dabef1f526438d9cbb&cmpid=twitter-premium
— $Aarthi Gunasekaran (@aarthikaran) February 16, 2016
you always want to finish on a simple thing, thanks a lot buddy. says @JohnKasich to a guy who asks about ACA.
— $Kathy Gray (@michpoligal) February 16, 2016
Cruz is stoking up conservatives over Scalia replacement. Great for him, lousy for party. But party can't resist. Just like ACA shutdown. 2/
— $Noam Scheiber (@noamscheiber) February 16, 2016
We need comprehensive immigration reform so that workers at Trump hotels can come out of the shadows. http://money.cnn.com/2015/08/20/news/economy/donald-trump-immigration-ricardo-aca/
— $Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) February 15, 2016
RT @Geniusbastard: Rage at the failure of the church, the Black rural folks' treatment, how the political gamesmanship over ACA is costing ppl their lives...
— $June Cross (@junecross) February 15, 2016
Rage at the failure of the church, the Black rural folks' treatment, how the political gamesmanship over ACA is costing ppl their lives...
— $Brandon David Wilson (@Geniusbastard) February 15, 2016
Dave & Busted? Reductions in Employee Work Schedules May Not Negate Employer’s ACA Health Coverage Mandate http://nationallawforum.com/2016/02/15/dave-busted-reductions-in-employee-work-schedules-may-not-negate-employers-aca-health-coverage-mandate/
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) February 15, 2016
Reductions in #Employee Work Schedules May Not Negate #Employer’s #ACA Health Coverage Mandate http://ow.ly/YlPDG @Polsinelli #emplaw
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) February 15, 2016
RT @BruceEnberg: Medicare's overhead is 3%, ACA allows Ins Co to keep 20% plus expenses. @GottaLaff
— $Laffy (@GottaLaff) February 15, 2016
Medicare's overhead is 3%, ACA allows Ins Co to keep 20% plus expenses. @GottaLaff
— $Bruce Enberg (@BruceEnberg) February 15, 2016
What impact will the #scotus vacancy have on upcoming #ACA cases? W&L's Tim Jost weighs in http://ow.ly/YlEEf
— $Washington and Lee University School of Law (@wlulaw) February 15, 2016
Small business owner worried about ACA compliance? SBA is offering a webinar on 2/14 to help you figure it out. https://cc.readytalk.com/cc/s/registrations/new?cid=l7mo22eoyht9
— $Kelcey Patrick-Ferree (@KelceyPF) February 15, 2016
The Affordable Care Act’s Reporting Electronic Backbone—The AIR System http://ow.ly/YgrzD #ACA #Tax #Health
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) February 14, 2016
Staffing Firms, Ed Orgs & Breaks-in-Service under #ACA Employer Shared Resp Rules: Prop Changes http://ow.ly/YgwkC
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) February 14, 2016
RT @KaiserFamFound: Not so easy to get to universal coverage, whether building on #ACA or via #SinglePayer http://kaiserf.am/1R0nEGw @DrewAltman @WSJThinkTank
— $WSJ Think Tank (@WSJThinkTank) February 14, 2016
Word on the street is, Obama murdered Scalia. Very bad judgment not to murder him before the ACA cases though. Always puts compromise first.
— $Dante Atkins (@DanteAtkins) February 14, 2016
Not so easy to get to universal coverage, whether building on #ACA or via #SinglePayer http://kaiserf.am/1R0nEGw @DrewAltman @WSJThinkTank
— $Kaiser Family Found (@KaiserFamFound) February 14, 2016
I agree. And most aggressive Obama exec moves through regs (ACA) or policy (DACA/DAPA). So EOs odd distraction https://twitter.com/MiekeEoyang/status/698711740096196608
— $Josh Gerstein (@joshgerstein) February 13, 2016
The loss of Scalia and placing of Trump on a glide path to the nomination could mark the worst month for conservatives since passage of ACA
— $Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) February 13, 2016
Loose Lips Sink Ships: New Liabilities Under The #ACA http://ow.ly/YgWFo #emplaw
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) February 13, 2016
RT @IRStaxpros: Many people will receive new ACA information statements for the first time in 2016 http://go.usa.gov/c8Y8Q #Healthcare #IRS #tax
— $Maxine Aaronson (@MaxineAaronson) February 13, 2016
Why is Hillary hitting Bernie so hard on ACA? Hillary focus groups w Af-Americans indicate that Obamacare = Obama http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/02/13/us/politics/hillary-clinton-sharpens-focus-after-democratic-debate-tussles.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0&referer=http://www.nytimes.com/
— $Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) February 13, 2016
Many people will receive new ACA information statements for the first time in 2016 http://go.usa.gov/c8Y8Q #Healthcare #IRS #tax
— $IRS (@IRStaxpros) February 13, 2016
ESCALATION: Hillary uses speech before heavily black crowd in SC to hammer Bernie on Obama, ACA, more http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/02/13/us/politics/hillary-clinton-sharpens-focus-after-democratic-debate-tussles.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0&referer=http://www.nytimes.com/
— $Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) February 12, 2016
Loose Lips Sink Ships: New Liabilities Under The #ACA http://ow.ly/YgWqj @ebglaw #emplaw
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) February 12, 2016
RT @DrewAltman: Not so easy to get to universal coverage whether building on the ACA or via single payer:http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2016/02/11/behind-the-challenges-to-universal-health-coverage/
— $WSJ Think Tank (@WSJThinkTank) February 12, 2016
Under ACA, are employees receiving disability benefits still considered full-time employees? http://buff.ly/1X62HfH #emplaw #hr #employees
— $Donna Marie Ballman (@EmployeeAtty) February 12, 2016
Staffing Firms, Ed Orgs & Breaks-in-Service under #ACA Employer Shared Resp Rules: Prop Changes http://ow.ly/YgvPC @MintzLevin
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) February 12, 2016
Self-Employed Who Are Ineligible for ACA Subsidies Worry About Costs http://ift.tt/1RwyCWj
— $John Earle Morrison Jr (@JEMorrisonlaw) February 12, 2016
The Affordable Care Act’s Reporting Electronic Backbone—The AIR System http://ow.ly/YgroA @MintzLevin #ACA #Tax #Health
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) February 12, 2016
#BreakingNews: @WhiteHouse just announced that #Milwaukee has won the #ACA Healthy Communities Challenge! #Obamacare https://t.co/VNfWE3wpvl
— $Gwen Moore (@RepGwenMoore) February 12, 2016
BrookingsInst: 5 ways Obamacare has likely changed your doctor's office visits: http://brook.gs/1HfODHW #ACA #health #DemDebate
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) February 11, 2016