ICYMI > Is Time Running Out for CO-OPs? #healthcare #ACA #hcldr
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) February 26, 2016
Affordable Care Act & Jobs: unemployment rate when ACA launched, Oct 2013: 7.2%. Now: 4.9% http://1.usa.gov/L8BKrM
— $Arianna Huffington (@ariannahuff) February 25, 2016
RT @LemieuxLGM: "Let us dispel with the idea that either of us has a plan to replace the ACA."
— $Arianna Huffington (@ariannahuff) February 25, 2016
RT @LemieuxLGM: The Donald's answer on the ACA is 1)embarrassingly meaningless word salad 2)no worse than any other GOP answer.
— $Charles Thomas (@charlesthomas) February 25, 2016
"Let us dispel with the idea that either of us has a plan to replace the ACA."
— $Scott Lemieux (@LemieuxLGM) February 25, 2016
RT @ColinReusch: Is it just me or did @marcorubio basically just describe #Obamacare when outlining his plan to replace Obamacare? #ACA #GOPDebate
— $Billy Flanagan (@waflanagan) February 25, 2016
RT @LemieuxLGM: The Donald's answer on the ACA is 1)embarrassingly meaningless word salad 2)no worse than any other GOP answer.
— $Ian Millhiser (@imillhiser) February 25, 2016
The Donald's answer on the ACA is 1)embarrassingly meaningless word salad 2)no worse than any other GOP answer.
— $Scott Lemieux (@LemieuxLGM) February 25, 2016
Is it just me or did @marcorubio basically just describe #Obamacare when outlining his plan to replace Obamacare? #ACA #GOPDebate
— $Colin Reusch (@ColinReusch) February 25, 2016
Again, Trump sounds like a general election candidate when he says that he would keep preexisting conditions of ACA. Blunts attacks.
— $Ginger Gibson (@GingerGibson) February 25, 2016
Oregon #COOP files class-action suit over risk corridor payments http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20160225/NEWS/160229940 via @modrnhealthcr @lschencker #ACA
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) February 25, 2016
.@BosBizJournal Seemed like a good idea at the time http://healthblawg.com/2012/09/co-ops-the-stealth-public-option-under-the-aca.html but little support these days from DC #COOP #ACA
— $David Harlow (@healthblawg) February 25, 2016
RT @RealClearHealth: There are real opportunities for states to innovate under Section 1332 waivers of the #ACA, says @TomDaschle. https://t.co/7suYJjJakK
— $Greg Dworkin (@DemFromCT) February 25, 2016
There are real opportunities for states to innovate under Section 1332 waivers of the #ACA, says @TomDaschle. https://t.co/7suYJjJakK
— $RealClearHealth (@RealClearHealth) February 25, 2016
KFF poll: 49% of public tired of g the Obamacare debate, 46% says important to continue http://kaiserf.am/1T9HjI3 @KaiserFamFound #aca
— $Joanne Kenen (@JoanneKenen) February 25, 2016
MT @Legal_Alerts: Limiting Employees’ Hours to Dodge the ACA’s Employer Mandate Could Violate ERISA http://bit.ly/1WJIprB @cozen_oconnor
— $IE Law School (@IElaw) February 25, 2016
Leaders of health co-ops set up under the ACA warn federal effort to recoup money may come up short http://on.wsj.com/1QFTcot
— $Capital Journal (@WSJPolitics) February 25, 2016
#SmallBusiness owner worried about #ACA compliance? #SBA is offering a webinar on 3/3 to help you figure it out. http://ow.ly/Ylkmo
— $Kelcey Patrick-Ferree (@KelceyPF) February 25, 2016
RT @larry_levitt: Among Democrats, a majority would rather build on the ACA than repeal the law or move to single payer. https://t.co/R1VnpBPwSz
— $Jordan Weissmann (@JHWeissmann) February 25, 2016
Among Democrats, a majority would rather build on the ACA than repeal the law or move to single payer. https://t.co/R1VnpBPwSz
— $Larry Levitt (@larry_levitt) February 25, 2016
RT @haroldpollack: Proportion of Americans reporting that they fail to get needed care due to cost has fallen by third since ACA passed https://twitter.com/saracollins_/status/702658620480102400
— $Jeff Spross (@jeffspross) February 25, 2016
Proportion of Americans reporting that they fail to get needed care due to cost has fallen by third since ACA passed https://twitter.com/saracollins_/status/702658620480102400
— $Harold Pollack (@haroldpollack) February 25, 2016
RT @EnergyCommerce: WATCH: RM @FrankPallone asked @SecBurwell today to discuss the successes of this year’s #ACA open enrollment: http://on.fb.me/1VFi25O
— $Rep. Frank Pallone (@FrankPallone) February 24, 2016
Limiting Employees’ Hours to Dodge the ACA’s Employer Mandate Could Violate ERISA http://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/limiting-employees-hours-to-dodge-the-74389/
— $JD Supra (@JDSupra) February 24, 2016
Limiting Employees’ Hours to Dodge the ACA’s Employer Mandate Could Violate ERISA http://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/limiting-employees-hours-to-dodge-the-74389/
— $JD Supra (@JDSupra) February 24, 2016
WATCH: RM @FrankPallone asked @SecBurwell today to discuss the successes of this year’s #ACA open enrollment: http://on.fb.me/1VFi25O
— $Energy Commerce Dems (@EnergyCommerce) February 24, 2016
washingtonpost: HHS makes it tougher to sign up for ACA coverage outside of enrollment season http://wapo.st/1KL4XaB
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) February 24, 2016
HHS makes it tougher to sign up for ACA coverage outside of enrollment season http://wapo.st/1KL4XaB
— $Washington Post (@washingtonpost) February 24, 2016
Reproductive Justice Clinic files amicus brief asking SCOTUS to uphold ACA contraceptive coverage in Zubik v Burwell http://ow.ly/YIgiD
— $New York University School of Law (@nyulaw) February 24, 2016
Sandoval: http://www.ontheissues.org/Brian_Sandoval.htm Anti gay marr, pro death pen., pro gun, anti ACA, anti lateterm abor, no fed fund https://twitter.com/CateMartel/status/702557926767116289
— $Laffy (@GottaLaff) February 24, 2016
Dental benefits are expanding in a post-ACA market http://bit.ly/1Q0qzPc
— $Pia Christensen (@AHCJ_Pia) February 24, 2016
Until the Administration acknowledges failures in #ACA, it makes it impossible for Congress to reduce harm those failures caused #SubHealth
— $Michael Burgess, MD (@michaelcburgess) February 24, 2016
.@POTUS & I will never agree on #ACA, but I remain committed to making real improvements to healthcare for the American people. #subHealth
— $Michael Burgess, MD (@michaelcburgess) February 24, 2016
Even with ACA, Bad Debt Is the Pain Hospitals Can't Heal as Patients Don't Pay http://bloom.bg/1oFmM16 via @business
— $Charles Ornstein (@charlesornstein) February 24, 2016
Had a constructive meeting yesterday w/ health underwriters from #NC10 disucssing challenges they face due to ACA. https://t.co/CLUjMNPQnU
— $Patrick McHenry (@PatrickMcHenry) February 24, 2016
RT @RyanGKoopmans: How Justice Scalia's death may affect an Iowa college's challenge to the ACA contraceptives mandate http://www.iowaappeals.com/justice-scalias-death-may-effect-an-iowa-colleges-challenge-to-the-contraceptives-mandate/ by @LairdRox
— $Michelle Olsen (@AppellateDaily) February 23, 2016
How Justice Scalia's death may affect an Iowa college's challenge to the ACA contraceptives mandate http://www.iowaappeals.com/justice-scalias-death-may-effect-an-iowa-colleges-challenge-to-the-contraceptives-mandate/ by @LairdRox
— $Ryan Koopmans (@RyanGKoopmans) February 23, 2016
#Congress, #CMS Seek Input on Provider-Based Reimbursement Reductions http://ow.ly/YD0w7 #Health #ACA
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) February 23, 2016
Final Rule Reg Return Of #Medicare Overpayments Is More Favorable to Providers http://ow.ly/YCyCF #ACA #Health
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) February 23, 2016
Now Clinton wants public option, more ACA subsidies, & expanded Medicaid. I'm just sayin: http://theweek.com/articles/603313/how-progressive-critique-bernie-sanders-health-care-plan https://t.co/NhZDKbxXnM
— $Jeff Spross (@jeffspross) February 23, 2016