#ACA Suit Challenging Reduction in Hours Allowed to Proceed http://ow.ly/Zbyyz #emplaw #HR
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) March 8, 2016
As primary sponsor of #ACA I'm glad 20M people now have #healthcare. Numbers2Know: https://rangel.house.gov/news/blog/affordable-care-act-numbers-know https://t.co/itGhpgltAc
— $Charles Rangel (@cbrangel) March 8, 2016
.@HotlineJosh @BenjySarlin Deval Patrick's fave & re-elect were way, way underwater early 2010 (Scotto elex Jan '10). Nothing to do w/ACA.
— $David S. Bernstein (@dbernstein) March 8, 2016
.@HotlineJosh @BenjySarlin ACA anger was a symptom, not a cause; the economy was 1000x more important a factor in Scotto's win. IMO.
— $David S. Bernstein (@dbernstein) March 8, 2016
RT @GeeDee215: I KNOW WHAT I'M LISTENING TO THIS MORNING. @brokeymcpoverty + @heavenrants + @lin_manuel on @anotherround http://aca.st/4ddf49 via @acast
— $Erin Evans (@heyerinevans) March 8, 2016
RT @MiriamLaugesen: As uninsured numbers fall #ACA may be more durable @DavidBlumenthal analyzes: http://on.wsj.com/1M3UzG5 via @WSJ
— $WSJ Think Tank (@WSJThinkTank) March 8, 2016
I KNOW WHAT I'M LISTENING TO THIS MORNING. @brokeymcpoverty + @heavenrants + @lin_manuel on @anotherround http://aca.st/4ddf49 via @acast
— $Gene Demby (@GeeDee215) March 8, 2016
RT @WSJThinkTank: The falling # of uninsured could be raising the stakes for ACA repeal: http://on.wsj.com/1M3UzG5 by @DavidBlumenthal https://t.co/aXOpwYnzpk
— $Greg Dworkin (@DemFromCT) March 8, 2016
As uninsured numbers fall #ACA may be more durable @DavidBlumenthal analyzes: http://on.wsj.com/1M3UzG5 via @WSJ
— $Miriam J. Laugesen (@MiriamLaugesen) March 8, 2016
RT @cakir_rusen: Bugün saat 5'te @hc_huseyincelik ile skype üzerinden her ?eyi konu?aca??z https://twitter.com/Medyascopetv/status/707143709226356736
— $Mustafa Akyol (@AkyolMustafa) March 8, 2016
Bugün saat 5'te @hc_huseyincelik ile skype üzerinden her ?eyi konu?aca??z https://twitter.com/Medyascopetv/status/707143709226356736
— $rusen cakir (@cakir_rusen) March 8, 2016
The falling # of uninsured could be raising the stakes for ACA repeal: http://on.wsj.com/1M3UzG5 by @DavidBlumenthal https://t.co/aXOpwYnzpk
— $WSJ Think Tank (@WSJThinkTank) March 8, 2016
As the Number of Uninsured Falls, Potential Fallout to Repealing the ACA Grows http://on.wsj.com/1Yr3h8y
— $Capital Journal (@WSJPolitics) March 8, 2016
#healthcare- As the Number of Uninsured Falls, Potential Fallout to Repealing the ACA Grows http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2016/03/08/as-the-number-of-uninsured-falls-potential-fallout-to-repealing-the-aca-grows/ https://t.co/wtrDKkuH28
— $Farzana R Hossain MD (@fr_hossain) March 8, 2016
#ACA Suit Challenging Reduction in Hours Allowed to Proceed http://ow.ly/ZbyuA @FoleyandLardner #emplaw #HR
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) March 7, 2016
Limiting Employee Hours To Avoid ACA Could Violate ERISA, Court Rules http://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/limiting-employee-hours-to-avoid-aca-69951/
— $JD Supra (@JDSupra) March 7, 2016
RT @ctaslaman: Birazdan 21.00, Hilal TV'de de?erli sunucu Erdem Uygan'la birlikte yeni kitab?m hakk?nda konu?aca??z: Allah'?n Varl???n?n 12 Delili
— $Mustafa Akyol (@AkyolMustafa) March 7, 2016
Birazdan 21.00, Hilal TV'de de?erli sunucu Erdem Uygan'la birlikte yeni kitab?m hakk?nda konu?aca??z: Allah'?n Varl???n?n 12 Delili
— $Caner Taslaman (@ctaslaman) March 7, 2016
RT @nxthompson: GOP debate: lie, penis, little Marco, failed, disavow, breathe Dem debate: TPP, NAFTA, TARP, Brady Bill, ACA
— $BGrueskin (@BGrueskin) March 6, 2016
RT @nxthompson: GOP debate: lie, penis, little Marco, failed, disavow, breathe Dem debate: TPP, NAFTA, TARP, Brady Bill, ACA
— $Dave Levinthal (@davelevinthal) March 6, 2016
GOP debate: lie, penis, little Marco, failed, disavow, breathe Dem debate: TPP, NAFTA, TARP, Brady Bill, ACA
— $Nicholas Thompson (@nxthompson) March 6, 2016
RT @KaiserFamFound: .@DrewAltman on @realDonaldTrump's health plan & why GOP alternatives to the #ACA aren't really “repeal & replace” http://kaiserf.am/21LdDFC
— $WSJ Think Tank (@WSJThinkTank) March 6, 2016
RT @ByronYork: NPR/RWJohnson Foundation do health care poll. Ask: Have you been directly helped by ACA? Grand total of 15 percent say yes.
— $John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) March 6, 2016
NPR/RWJohnson Foundation do health care poll. Ask: Have you been directly helped by ACA? Grand total of 15 percent say yes.
— $Byron York (@ByronYork) March 6, 2016
.@DrewAltman on @realDonaldTrump's health plan & why GOP alternatives to the #ACA aren't really “repeal & replace” http://kaiserf.am/21LdDFC
— $Kaiser Family Found (@KaiserFamFound) March 6, 2016
Download right now from your podcast store. Thanks to @acast for hosting! http://aca.st/62133c
— $Marc Ambinder (@marcambinder) March 5, 2016
Need more of this both ways. Republican opponent of #ACA writes to @BarackObama: sorry, & thanks for saving my life: http://qz.com/630806/thank-you-for-serving-me-when-i-didnt-vote-for-you-a-republican-writes-the-president-after-obamacare-saved-his-life/
— $Deepak Malhotra (@Prof_Malhotra) March 4, 2016
"In the 6 years since the passage of the #ACA, we've seen 14.3 million jobs added." -@LaborSec to @TheRevAl on today's #JobsReport
— $US Labor Department (@USDOL) March 4, 2016
Now that 20 million Americans gained coverage under ACA, is it possible to lower the uninsured rate further? http://bit.ly/21KChGv
— $Pia Christensen (@AHCJ_Pia) March 4, 2016
RT @mattyglesias: Dems need to get smart and start doing typo-plagued tweets about the concrete benefits of the ACA.
— $Dante Atkins (@DanteAtkins) March 4, 2016
Dems need to get smart and start doing typo-plagued tweets about the concrete benefits of the ACA.
— $Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) March 4, 2016
RT @JeffYoung: Remember that time some sore losers invented a fake history of the ACA and almost destroyed the health insurance market?
— $Jordan Weissmann (@JHWeissmann) March 4, 2016
Remember that time some sore losers invented a fake history of the ACA and almost destroyed the health insurance market?
— $Jeffrey Young (@JeffYoung) March 4, 2016
The "pre-existing condition" portion of ACA is too important to let anyone take it away. See http://on.msnbc.com/1UEVlk5 https://twitter.com/MSNBC/status/705792517522980864
— $Mr. Mark N Goodman (@GoodmanLaw_) March 4, 2016
It was a pleasure participating in @ACUConservative #CPAC2016 & discussing future of #healthcare after #ACA Watch: http://bit.ly/1Qy2BsS
— $Michael Burgess, MD (@michaelcburgess) March 4, 2016
Happy Friday #ACA Thank you for serving me when I didn’t vote for you’ - A Republican writes the President http://ow.ly/Z4j9i
— $Asma Warsi (@AsmaWarsi) March 4, 2016
RT @crazylary51: #GOPDebate Listen to Brent Brown, a Republican who didn't vote for @POTUS, talk about how the #ACA saved his life. https://amp.twimg.com/v/928abe7a-281a-4d4c-957f-329b444a03f7
— $Billy Flanagan (@waflanagan) March 3, 2016
#GOPDebate Listen to Brent Brown, a Republican who didn't vote for @POTUS, talk about how the #ACA saved his life. https://amp.twimg.com/v/928abe7a-281a-4d4c-957f-329b444a03f7
— $Larry (@crazylary51) March 3, 2016
RT @mshannabrooks: The GOP: -Guts unions -Keeps wages low -Bailed out companies, not people -Wants to repeal the ACA ...& blames the left for Detroit.
— $Steve Singiser (@stevesingiser) March 3, 2016
The GOP: -Guts unions -Keeps wages low -Bailed out companies, not people -Wants to repeal the ACA ...& blames the left for Detroit.
— $Hanna Brooks Olsen (@mshannabrooks) March 3, 2016