Two-thirds of potential ACA enrollees in Florida have now signed up for health insurance. Top state in the country.
— $Larry Levitt (@larry_levitt) March 15, 2016
DOE Releases Updated Proposal on Borrower-Friendly Loan Practices, will discuss arbitration agreements
— $ACA International (@ACAIntl) March 15, 2016
ACA Suit Challenging Reduction in Hours Allowed to Proceed
— $JD Supra (@JDSupra) March 14, 2016
Is the ACA working? Is it time for Republicans to give up the effort to repeal and replace the health insurance law?
— $Manhattan Institute (@ManhattanInst) March 14, 2016
— $James Cushing (@FayeRivaCohen) March 14, 2016
RT @mkraju: Coming to an ad near you: Voter tells HRC her costs have spiked under ACA. "I would like to vote Democratic but it's cost me a lot of money"
— $Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) March 13, 2016
Coming to an ad near you: Voter tells HRC her costs have spiked under ACA. "I would like to vote Democratic but it's cost me a lot of money"
— $Manu Raju (@mkraju) March 13, 2016
The #LittleSisters case does not endanger or affect the ACA. Get the facts: #LetThemServe
— $BECKET (@TheBecketFund) March 13, 2016
RT @VerbDC: "In the summer of '09, Tea Party members angry about ACA took to town hall meetings to express their rage.
— $G. Denise Brown (@AttyDeniseBrown) March 12, 2016
"In the summer of '09, Tea Party members angry about ACA took to town hall meetings to express their rage.
— $J. Williams (@VerbDC) March 12, 2016
RT @stevekardell1: First ACA Whistleblower Claim Resolved with $6.88 Million Settlement
— $Timothy Soefje (@TimSoefje) March 11, 2016
Is the ACA working? Is it time for Republicans to give up the effort to repeal and replace the health insurance law?
— $Manhattan Institute (@ManhattanInst) March 11, 2016
POTUS asked about gov vs. tech cultures. Leads right off with the ACA rollout disaster...
— $Mike DeBonis (@mikedebonis) March 11, 2016
RT @tripgabriel: Trump knocking Kasich for expanding Medicaid in OH under ACA. Doesn't that jibe w Trump's call that the poor should not die in the street?
— $Alex Burns (@alexburnsNYT) March 11, 2016
Trump knocking Kasich for expanding Medicaid in OH under ACA. Doesn't that jibe w Trump's call that the poor should not die in the street?
— $Trip Gabriel (@tripgabriel) March 11, 2016
Obama vowed to create a more digital govt. after ACA rollout. What his @sxsw pitch says abt his quest: @eilperin
— $James Hohmann (@jameshohmann) March 11, 2016
First ACA Whistleblower Claim Resolved with $6.88 Million Settlement
— $steve kardell (@stevekardell1) March 11, 2016
RT @dcontorno: How the ACA reversed two decades of insurance bleeding for the near-poor (and cut uninsurance for the poor too)
— $Andrew Wingo (@HomesleyWingo) March 11, 2016
How the ACA reversed two decades of insurance bleeding for the near-poor (and cut uninsurance for the poor too)
— $David Contorno (@dcontorno) March 11, 2016
Recognition from some surprising places that ACA is a failure.
— $Eric Ridley (@eric_ridley) March 10, 2016
BloombergLaw: If a Republican Wins the Presidency, Will #ACA Survive?
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) March 10, 2016
#NWGHAAD shows the need to support the #ACA & orgs like @PPFA that provide services to people living with HIV – especially women & girls
— $Lambda Legal (@LambdaLegal) March 10, 2016
RT @marcambinder: My quick and dirty field guide to @realdonaldtrump -- the Knowledge Wonderland podcast w/ me. via @acast
— $Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) March 10, 2016
My quick and dirty field guide to @realdonaldtrump -- the Knowledge Wonderland podcast w/ me. via @acast
— $Marc Ambinder (@marcambinder) March 10, 2016
#SmallBusiness owner worried about #ACA compliance? #SBA is offering a webinar on 3/17 to help you figure it out.
— $Kelcey Patrick-Ferree (@KelceyPF) March 10, 2016
Senate hearing on Federal Health Exchanges #ACA – LIVE online here:
— $CSPAN (@cspan) March 10, 2016
He's been saying "I helped write the ACA."
— $Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) March 9, 2016
Interesting hat tip to the fact checkers from Bernie: who now says he was on the committee that helped write the ACA.
— $Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) March 9, 2016
New ACA Guidance Warrants Another "Checkup" of Employer Health Plans
— $JD Supra (@JDSupra) March 9, 2016
Northwest 2016 Agenda | ACA This is going to be two days of great panels in Seattle, starting today
— $Joseph M. Wallin (@joewallin) March 9, 2016
RT @SabrinaCorlette: Hatch, Rubio drew blood on ACA risk corridor progam, now go after reinsurance. h/t @jenhab,%20Rubio%20Press%20Administration%20on%20Obamacare%20Insurance%20Company%20Bailout.pdf #GtownCHIR
— $Jennifer Haberkorn (@jenhab) March 9, 2016
RT @rortybomb: Like "Bernie wants to dismantle ACA," attack was so odd and wrong it portends poorly for general election strategy.
— $George Zornick (@gzornick) March 9, 2016
Like "Bernie wants to dismantle ACA," attack was so odd and wrong it portends poorly for general election strategy.
— $Mike Konczal (@rortybomb) March 8, 2016
Popular--> Limiting Employee Hours To Avoid ACA Could Violate ERISA, Court Rules
— $Trending on JD Supra (@JDSupraBuzz) March 8, 2016
Popular Reads: cybersecurity legislation; ACA costs/employee hours; blockchain; CFPB priorities; ethics forecast;+
— $JD Supra (@JDSupra) March 8, 2016
When It Comes To The Affordable Care Act, Change Is The Only Constant: 5 Recent ACA Changes You Need to Know About
— $JD Supra (@JDSupra) March 8, 2016
RT @fr_hossain: #healthcare- As the Number of Uninsured Falls, Potential Fallout to Repealing the ACA Grows
— $WSJ Think Tank (@WSJThinkTank) March 8, 2016
Hatch, Rubio drew blood on ACA risk corridor progam, now go after reinsurance. h/t @jenhab,%20Rubio%20Press%20Administration%20on%20Obamacare%20Insurance%20Company%20Bailout.pdf #GtownCHIR
— $Sabrina Corlette (@SabrinaCorlette) March 8, 2016
RT @BrendanNyhan: @nickconfessore @HotlineJosh My co-authors and I found evidence for the role of ACA in 2010 House landslide
— $Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) March 8, 2016
@nickconfessore @HotlineJosh My co-authors and I found evidence for the role of ACA in 2010 House landslide
— $Brendan Nyhan (@BrendanNyhan) March 8, 2016