Medicaid expansion was a lifesaver for Ryan and his wife. Read their story: #20MillionStrong #ACA
— $US Labor Department (@USDOL) March 23, 2016
On 6th anniversary of the #ACA, let's recommit to build upon the progress we’ve achieved together. #20MillionStrong
— $Gwen Moore (@RepGwenMoore) March 23, 2016
6 years later the #ACA is #20MillionStrong
— $Sandy Levin (@repsandylevin) March 23, 2016
RT @TheBecketFund: The #LittleSisters case does not endanger or affect the ACA. Get the facts: #LetThemServe
— $Kathryn Jean Lopez (@kathrynlopez) March 23, 2016
Happy Sixth Birthday, ACA! #ACAanniversary
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) March 23, 2016
Here is the misguided good Christian in favor of forced childbearing behind today's #SCOTUS hearing #aca @NARAL
— $???? ???????? (@ninaburleigh) March 23, 2016
Today #SCOTUS hears #ACA #contraceptivemandate #religiousfreedom case Zubik v. Burwell; @lylden previews --
— $SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) March 23, 2016
Off to #SCOTUS! today: Zubik v. Burwell (the Little Sisters case), the challenge to the ACA contraception mandate's accommodation.
— $Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) March 23, 2016
RT @CEAChair: Thanks to the #ACA, 20 million people have gained health insurance. Uninsured rate is <10% for the first time ever.
— $Danny Weitzner (@djweitzner) March 23, 2016
RT @CEAChair: Exceptionally slow growth in health spending per-enrollee in both public and private sectors since the #ACA.
— $Danny Weitzner (@djweitzner) March 23, 2016
RT @newmediajim: Folks have been lined up all night at the Supreme Court for the ACA birth control requirement case Zubik v. Burwell
— $Irin Carmon (@irin) March 23, 2016
Folks have been lined up all night at the Supreme Court for the ACA birth control requirement case Zubik v. Burwell
— $Jim Long (@newmediajim) March 23, 2016
The latest challenge to the ACA’s contraception mandate could have awful consequences:
— $Slate (@Slate) March 23, 2016
The latest challenge to the ACA’s contraception mandate could have awful consequences:
— $Slate (@Slate) March 22, 2016
The signing of ACA happened 6 years ago tomorrow ---> Obamacare really did get a lot of people insured
— $Bill Harnsberger (@BillinPortland) March 22, 2016
CBO estimates imply that the #ACA will cut the deficit by over $3 trillion in the next two decades.
— $Jason Furman (@CEAChair44) March 22, 2016
Exceptionally slow growth in health spending per-enrollee in both public and private sectors since the #ACA.
— $Jason Furman (@CEAChair44) March 22, 2016
Thanks to the #ACA, 20 million people have gained health insurance. Uninsured rate is <10% for the first time ever.
— $Jason Furman (@CEAChair44) March 22, 2016
Aca-want to die.
— $John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) March 22, 2016
The Supreme Court has heard four ACA cases over six years-- all in…
— $Jennifer Haberkorn (@jenhab) March 22, 2016
stufy finds more job growth in states that expanded #medicaid than those that did not - 2.4 pct v 1.8 in 2014 #aca
— $Joanne Kenen (@JoanneKenen) March 22, 2016
RT @SecBurwell: Progress with #ACA is undeniable. #20MillionStrong. Billions saved. Transforming our health care system into one that works for everyone
— $WH Live (NARA) (@WHLive) March 22, 2016
Marcelas no longer has to fight for the #ACA, but now she has a new fight. I stand with her.
— $Sandy Levin (@repsandylevin) March 22, 2016
Progress with #ACA is undeniable. #20MillionStrong. Billions saved. Transforming our health care system into one that works for everyone
— $Sylvia Burwell (@SecBurwell) March 22, 2016
On 3/23 #SCOTUS will hear Zubik v. Burwell. @JCNSeverino explains the case about the #ACA contraceptive mandate.
— $Federalist Society (@FedSoc) March 22, 2016
RT @aterkel: The cute little kid who stood next to Obama for signing of ACA now is 17, identifies as transgender
— $Sarah Kliff (@sarahkliff) March 22, 2016
RT @PekalaLaw: Skyrocketing health insurance premiums result in law firms self insuring. #health #insurance #aca #economy #finance
— $John Lichtenberger (@AdvertisingLaw) March 22, 2016
The cute little kid who stood next to Obama for signing of ACA now is 17, identifies as transgender
— $Amanda Terkel (@aterkel) March 22, 2016
RT @DanCGoldberg: The 11-year-old who stood next to Obama as he signed ACA came out as a transgender girl, CNN reports.
— $Paul Demko (@pauldemko) March 22, 2016
The 11-year-old who stood next to Obama as he signed ACA came out as a transgender girl, CNN reports.
— $Dan Goldberg (@DanCGoldberg) March 22, 2016
RT @BrianneGorod: Terrific @washingtonpost op-ed by @UVALaw Doug Laycock on ACA contraceptive coverage case
— $Patrick Luff (@LuffLawFirm) March 22, 2016
Skyrocketing health insurance premiums result in law firms self insuring. #health #insurance #aca #economy #finance
— $Beverly A. Pekala (@PekalaLaw) March 22, 2016
RT @ZekeJMiller: Clinton tells CNN she supports allowing people in the U.S. illegally to go into marketplaces and buy insurance through ACA, but no subsidies
— $Alex Seitz-Wald (@aseitzwald) March 21, 2016
Clinton tells CNN she supports allowing people in the U.S. illegally to go into marketplaces and buy insurance through ACA, but no subsidies
— $Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) March 21, 2016
RT @JoanneKenen: health care establishment doesn't expect to fare well under either Cruz or trump. @rachanadixit @pauldemko #ACA
— $POLITICO Pro (@POLITICOPro) March 21, 2016
health care establishment doesn't expect to fare well under either Cruz or trump. @rachanadixit @pauldemko #ACA
— $Joanne Kenen (@JoanneKenen) March 21, 2016
RT @savethedatepc: Tina from @weddingspot talks about tech shortcuts for planning your big day #wedtech
— $I DO PR (@IDoWeddingPR) March 21, 2016
To crowdfund a movie, @EmilyJillette let perfect strangers into her home. Lessons from the frontline of moviemaking.
— $Marc Ambinder (@marcambinder) March 21, 2016
RT @JeffYoung: The House passed the ACA six years ago tonight.
— $Mike Sacks (@MikeSacksEsq) March 21, 2016
The House passed the ACA six years ago tonight.
— $Jeffrey Young (@JeffYoung) March 21, 2016