The #ACA matters for those whose lives have been saved because they were able to afford the essential care they needed #ACAanniversary
— $Sandy Levin (@repsandylevin) March 23, 2016
RT @CEAChair: CBO estimates imply that the #ACA will cut the deficit by over $3 trillion in the next two decades.
— $Barack H. Obama (@BarackObama) March 23, 2016
The #ACA matters for young Americans who have been able to remain on their parents’ health insurance plans until age 26 #ACAanniversary
— $Sandy Levin (@repsandylevin) March 23, 2016
RT @mfcannon: There is no sense in marking the #ACA's anniversary, because the ACA is no longer the law. #ObamaCare @CatoInstitute
— $Cato Institute (@CatoInstitute) March 23, 2016
There is no sense in marking the #ACA's anniversary, because the ACA is no longer the law. #ObamaCare @CatoInstitute
— $Michael F. Cannon (@mfcannon) March 23, 2016
Important change never comes easy, but 6 yrs later 20M people are covered & millions more have #bettercare thanks to the #ACA
— $Chellie Pingree (@chelliepingree) March 23, 2016
The ACA's Sixth Anniversary Is A Wake, Not A Birthday Party #hcr #tlot
— $Michael F. Cannon (@mfcannon) March 23, 2016
421,000 Virginians are now covered & many more have better health coverage thanks to the #ACA. #ACAanniversary
— $Mark Warner (@MarkWarner) March 23, 2016
RT @WhiteHouse: 6 years. 20 million people. We've come a long way. #ACAanniversary
— $Dept. of Agriculture (@USDA) March 23, 2016
We took a bold step forward as a nation six years ago today by passing into law the #ACA ?
— $Sandy Levin (@repsandylevin) March 23, 2016
6 years. 20 million people. We've come a long way. #ACAanniversary
— $White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) March 23, 2016
Historic progress: 20M Americans have gained health coverage thanks to the #ACA. #20MillionStrong
— $Rep. Ed Perlmutter (@RepPerlmutter) March 23, 2016
The #ACA's Sixth Anniversary Is A Wake, Not A Birthday Party @Forbes @CatoInstitute
— $Michael F. Cannon (@mfcannon) March 23, 2016
RT @vj44: Look how #ACA has improved the lives of so many Americans. #ACAAnniversary #20millionAndCounting
— $White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) March 23, 2016
Look how #ACA has improved the lives of so many Americans. #ACAAnniversary #20millionAndCounting
— $Valerie Jarrett (@vj44) March 23, 2016
Progress with #ACA: free preventive care ? no lifetime caps on coverage ? pre-existing conditions a thing of the past ? #ACATurns6
— $US Labor Department (@USDOL) March 23, 2016
RT @SCOTUSblog: Today #SCOTUS hears #ACA #contraceptivemandate #religiousfreedom case Zubik v. Burwell; @lylden previews --
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) March 23, 2016
RT @HillaryClinton: The ACA is on the line in this election. We won’t let it be repealed or start from scratch. We’ll expand until we hit universal coverage. -H
— $Billy Flanagan (@waflanagan) March 23, 2016
RT @HillaryClinton: Six years ago, the ACA became law—one of the greatest progressive accomplishments of this century. Now, more than 20 million are covered. -H
— $Billy Flanagan (@waflanagan) March 23, 2016
Because of the #ACA, insurance is better for everyone, no matter where it’s purchased. #ACAanniversary
— $Sylvia Burwell (@SecBurwell) March 23, 2016
(4/4) Thanks to the #ACA, 20M people have gained coverage. Today, we’re #20MillionStrong. #ACATurns6
— $Sherrod Brown (@SenSherrodBrown) March 23, 2016
(3/4) Thanks to the #ACA, 6 million young adults have been able to stay on their parents’ plan until they turn 26. #ACATurns6
— $Sherrod Brown (@SenSherrodBrown) March 23, 2016
(2/4) Thanks to the #ACA, no one can be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. #ACATurns6
— $Sherrod Brown (@SenSherrodBrown) March 23, 2016
(1/4) #OTD 6 years ago @POTUS signed #ACA into law. #ACATurns6
— $Sherrod Brown (@SenSherrodBrown) March 23, 2016
#OnThisDay @POTUS signed #ACA into law, forced thru Congress the same way it forces irrational mandates onto Americans & their health care
— $Michael Burgess, MD (@michaelcburgess) March 23, 2016
RT @larry_levitt: The biggest surprise to me is that 6 years in we're still debating whether the ACA should exist at all.
— $Greg Dworkin (@DemFromCT) March 23, 2016
The biggest surprise to me is that 6 years in we're still debating whether the ACA should exist at all.
— $Larry Levitt (@larry_levitt) March 23, 2016
The ACA guaranteed women access to birth control, no matter whom they work for. Bosses shouldn't be able to take that away. #HandsOffMyBC
— $Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) March 23, 2016
Argued today: Zubik v. Burwell Learn the facts of the case from @JCNSeverino. #SCOTUS #ACA
— $Federalist Society (@FedSoc) March 23, 2016
RT @WhiteHouse: 6 years ago today, @POTUS signed the ACA into law. Got questions? Ask @Denis44 by 3:30pm ET with #ACAanniversary.
— $WH Live (NARA) (@WHLive) March 23, 2016
6 years ago today, @POTUS signed the ACA into law. Got questions? Ask @Denis44 by 3:30pm ET with #ACAanniversary.
— $White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) March 23, 2016
ACA at 6 yrs: 20M insured, no more coverage denials, costs down. 72 months of job growth. A lasting achievement:
— $Michael Shapiro (@mpshapiro) March 23, 2016
The #ACA helped @4everVaughn pursue his career goals - and getting covered was easy he says: #20MillionStrong
— $US Labor Department (@USDOL) March 23, 2016
The ACA is on the line in this election. We won’t let it be repealed or start from scratch. We’ll expand until we hit universal coverage. -H
— $Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 23, 2016
Six years ago, the ACA became law—one of the greatest progressive accomplishments of this century. Now, more than 20 million are covered. -H
— $Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 23, 2016
On the 6th anniversary of the ACA, more than 20 million people now have access to affordable care. #20MillionStrong.
— $Rep. Keith Ellison (@keithellison) March 23, 2016
RT @larry_levitt: The challenge for a Republican president is that repealing the ACA would be highly disruptive and take coverage away from 20 million people.
— $Greg Dworkin (@DemFromCT) March 23, 2016
RT @larry_levitt: The challenge for a Democratic president is that further progress under the ACA would be tough and likely require help from Congress.
— $Greg Dworkin (@DemFromCT) March 23, 2016
The challenge for a Republican president is that repealing the ACA would be highly disruptive and take coverage away from 20 million people.
— $Larry Levitt (@larry_levitt) March 23, 2016
The challenge for a Democratic president is that further progress under the ACA would be tough and likely require help from Congress.
— $Larry Levitt (@larry_levitt) March 23, 2016