SCOTUS has had to 6 yrs and 4 cases to learn how the ACA works. And yet...
— $Tierney Sneed (@Tierney_Megan) March 24, 2016
Healthcare News from the National Law Review @Natlawreview @NatLawCheckUP #Health #ACA #HIPAA
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) March 24, 2016
RT @larry_levitt: Is it possible a Republican White House would try to repeal the ACA without actually repealing the ACA? @DrewAltman
— $WSJ Think Tank (@WSJThinkTank) March 24, 2016
Small business owner worried about #ACA compliance? #SBA is offering a webinar on 3/31 to help you figure it out.
— $Kelcey Patrick-Ferree (@KelceyPF) March 24, 2016
RT @CEAChair: CBO estimates imply that the #ACA will cut the deficit by over $3 trillion in the next two decades.
— $Jim Himes (@jahimes) March 23, 2016
Progreso histórico: 20 millones estadounidenses han recibido cuidado de saludos gracias al #ACA.
— $La Casa Blanca (@lacasablanca) March 23, 2016
#ACA accomplishments: free preventive care ? no lifetime caps ? pre-existing conditions a thing of the past ?
— $Rep. Ed Perlmutter (@RepPerlmutter) March 23, 2016
RT @HHSGov: Historic progress: 20M Americans have gained health coverage thanks to the #ACA. #20MillionStrong
— $White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) March 23, 2016
RT @kuleci: Awesome. I had health insurance for years and now pay 3x more than before. I support #ACA but its a disaster.
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) March 23, 2016
Historic progress: 20M Americans have gained health coverage thanks to the #ACA. #20MillionStrong
— $ (@HHSGov) March 23, 2016
RT @gracenapolitano: Before ACA was signed into law 6 years ago, insurance companies routinely denied coverage for #mentalhealth services. #20MillionStrong
— $Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) March 23, 2016
Awesome. I had health insurance for years and now pay 3x more than before. I support #ACA but its a disaster.
— $Christopher Kuleci (@kuleci) March 23, 2016
RT @KaiserFamFound: After six years of super-charged debate, @DrewAltman looks at #ACA’s role in health system
— $WSJ Think Tank (@WSJThinkTank) March 23, 2016
#ObamaCare gives members of Congress a special exemption from the #ACA.
— $Michael F. Cannon (@mfcannon) March 23, 2016
After six years of super-charged debate, @DrewAltman looks at #ACA’s role in health system
— $Kaiser Family Found (@KaiserFamFound) March 23, 2016
President Obama and the Supreme Court have effectively replaced the #ACA with something we now call "#ObamaCare."
— $Michael F. Cannon (@mfcannon) March 23, 2016
Before ACA was signed into law 6 years ago, insurance companies routinely denied coverage for #mentalhealth services. #20MillionStrong
— $Rep.Grace Napolitano (@gracenapolitano) March 23, 2016
Over the last few years, health care costs have been growing at the slowest rate in over 50 years #ACA #ACAanniversary
— $Sandy Levin (@repsandylevin) March 23, 2016
RT @SenatorDurbin: Today, the #ACATurns6. We’ve come a long way since the ACA was signed into law 6 years ago
— $Paul M. Secunda (@psecundaWrkProf) March 23, 2016
RT @mpshapiro: ACA at 6 yrs: 20M insured, no more coverage denials, costs down. 72 months of job growth. A lasting achievement:
— $Abraham White (@abwhite7) March 23, 2016
Today, the #ACATurns6. We’ve come a long way since the ACA was signed into law 6 years ago
— $Senator Dick Durbin (@SenatorDurbin) March 23, 2016
Proud to sign on to amicus brief in support of #ACA's contraceptive mandate, hopeful #SCOTUS will uphold it this term.
— $Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) March 23, 2016
As #SCOTUS hears latest challenge to #ACA's contraceptive mandate, an impt message: "No Contraception? No Equality"
— $Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) March 23, 2016
RT @Denis44: What a difference 6 years makes for the millions who have benefited from the #ACA and have more healthy years ahead.
— $WH Live (NARA) (@WHLive) March 23, 2016
39.2 million seniors on Medicare have received free preventive services with no co-pay thanks to the #ACA #ACAanniversary
— $Sandy Levin (@repsandylevin) March 23, 2016
RT @Denis44: .@emilayamei That's great Your're not alone. Private sector has added jobs every month since the #ACA became law.
— $White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) March 23, 2016
What a difference 6 years makes for the millions who have benefited from the #ACA and have more healthy years ahead.
— $Denis McDonough (@Denis44) March 23, 2016
RT @SecBurwell: Because of the #ACA, insurance is better for everyone, no matter where it’s purchased. #ACAanniversary
— $Barack H. Obama (@BarackObama) March 23, 2016
Is it possible a Republican White House would try to repeal the ACA without actually repealing the ACA? @DrewAltman
— $Larry Levitt (@larry_levitt) March 23, 2016
Thanks to the #ACA, 20 million Americans gained health care coverage, raising the insured rate above 90% for the first time. #ACAanniversary
— $Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) March 23, 2016
6 years. 20 million people. We’ve come a long way: #ACAanniversary
— $Barack Obama News (@ObamaNews) March 23, 2016
.@emilayamei That's great Your're not alone. Private sector has added jobs every month since the #ACA became law.
— $Denis McDonough (@Denis44) March 23, 2016
RT @WhiteHouse: "It's now provided 20 million people with health care who didn’t have it before.” —@POTUS on the ACA 6 years later
— $WH Live (NARA) (@WHLive) March 23, 2016
RT @janschakowsky: Less people gain coverage when states don't expand #Medicare. #ACA
— $Francine McKenna (@retheauditors) March 23, 2016
Less people gain coverage when states don't expand #Medicare. #ACA
— $Jan Schakowsky (@janschakowsky) March 23, 2016
Thanks to the #ACA, women's preventive care is now covered, meaning being a woman is no longer a pre-existing condition. #ACAanniversary
— $Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) March 23, 2016
"It's now provided 20 million people with health care who didn’t have it before.” —@POTUS on the ACA 6 years later
— $White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) March 23, 2016
"It's now provided 20 million people with health care who didn’t have it before.” —@POTUS on the ACA 6 years later
— $White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) March 23, 2016
Read Sister Simone Campbell’s op-ed on how the ACA isn’t a threat to religious freedom:
— $Rep. Keith Ellison (@keithellison) March 23, 2016
"It's now provided 20 million people with healthcare who didn’t have it before.” —@POTUS on the ACA 6 years later
— $White House Archived (@ObamaWhiteHouse) March 23, 2016