.@usacanoekayak (olympic paddlesports group) is broke. Merger vote with ACA is tomorrow support the merger!
— $Mr. James H. Moss JD (@RecreationLaw) April 11, 2016
#ACA needs to merge with @usacanoekayak to support Olympic paddlesports Let Everyone Know membership@usack.org
— $Mr. James H. Moss JD (@RecreationLaw) April 11, 2016
Numbers seem tiny compared to overall ACA sign-ups. More People Buy Short-Term Health Policies, Risk Fines http://www.wsj.com/articles/sales-of-short-term-health-policies-surge-1460328539
— $Charles Ornstein (@charlesornstein) April 11, 2016
#DOL Issues Guidance on Intersection of #ACA and Federal Prevailing Wage Laws http://ow.ly/10uGPD
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 11, 2016
Consumer Loan Delinquencies Decline in Fourth Quarter - ACA International http://www.acainternational.org/creditors-consumer-loan-delinquencies-decline-in-fourth-quarter-39191.aspx
— $Mr Peter S. Grain (@PeterGrain) April 11, 2016
How the ACA Is Really Performing http://bit.ly/23kZD2B https://t.co/1ReUqpoTdP
— $Manhattan Institute (@ManhattanInst) April 10, 2016
#DOL Issues Guidance on Intersection of #ACA and Federal Prevailing Wage Laws http://ow.ly/10uGct @jacksonlewis
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 10, 2016
How the ACA Is Really Performing http://bit.ly/23kZD2B https://t.co/LoVON9mUqU
— $Manhattan Institute (@ManhattanInst) April 8, 2016
RT @RobertTGarrett: "We have much better subsidies."-@rospenz, MA's Health Care for All. MA premiums 4 indi making 30 grand: $123/mo vs $240 in ACA #ahcj16 2/2
— $Joanne Kenen (@JoanneKenen) April 8, 2016
RT @annieinoakland: T Riley @NASHPhealth: Medicaid enrollment b/c of #ACA is seen as bad. It just shows how poor this country is. That story gets lost. #AHCJ16
— $Joanne Kenen (@JoanneKenen) April 8, 2016
RT @annieinoakland: Affordability key. Some states offering additional subsidies on top of fed subsidies. And Must fix family glitch. #ACA #AHCJ16
— $Joanne Kenen (@JoanneKenen) April 8, 2016
RT @annieinoakland: Here's Manatt paper on benefits in states that expanded Medicaid https://www.manatt.com/white-papers/States-Expanding-Medicaid-See-Significant-Budget-Savings.aspx #ACA #AHCJ16
— $Joanne Kenen (@JoanneKenen) April 8, 2016
RT @mlevander: How to make the ACA better -- simplify. Massachusetts does better, says @rospenz of Health Care for All. #ahcj2016
— $Joanne Kenen (@JoanneKenen) April 8, 2016
Here's Manatt paper on benefits in states that expanded Medicaid https://www.manatt.com/white-papers/States-Expanding-Medicaid-See-Significant-Budget-Savings.aspx #ACA #AHCJ16
— $Anne Sunderland (@annieinoakland) April 8, 2016
RT @CraigPalosky: @JoanneKenen @NASHPhealth here's an overview of what's going on in those six states http://kff.org/medicaid/issue-brief/the-aca-and-medicaid-expansion-waivers/ #AHCJ16
— $Joanne Kenen (@JoanneKenen) April 8, 2016
Affordability key. Some states offering additional subsidies on top of fed subsidies. And Must fix family glitch. #ACA #AHCJ16
— $Anne Sunderland (@annieinoakland) April 8, 2016
@JoanneKenen @NASHPhealth here's an overview of what's going on in those six states http://kff.org/medicaid/issue-brief/the-aca-and-medicaid-expansion-waivers/ #AHCJ16
— $Craig Palosky (@CraigPalosky) April 8, 2016
T Riley @NASHPhealth: Medicaid enrollment b/c of #ACA is seen as bad. It just shows how poor this country is. That story gets lost. #AHCJ16
— $Anne Sunderland (@annieinoakland) April 8, 2016
"We have much better subsidies."-@rospenz, MA's Health Care for All. MA premiums 4 indi making 30 grand: $123/mo vs $240 in ACA #ahcj16 2/2
— $Bob Garrett (@RobertTGarrett) April 8, 2016
How to make the ACA better -- simplify. Massachusetts does better, says @rospenz of Health Care for All. #ahcj2016
— $Michelle Levander (@mlevander) April 8, 2016
Massachusetts health coverage outperforms #Aca in part because of better and simpler subsidies #AHCJ16 @HCFA Brian Rosman says
— $Joanne Kenen (@JoanneKenen) April 8, 2016
YourAnonNews: Police shoot and kill Native man in Algonquin community of Lac Simon, Quebec #NativeLivesMatter #ACA… http://aptn.ca/news/2016/04/07/police-shoot-and-kill-man-in-algonquin-community-of-lac-simon-quebec/
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) April 7, 2016
RT @wheisel: #AHCJ16 Go hear what @JoanneKenen @NASHPhealth @HCFA have to say about the ACA on Friday. http://bit.ly/1Xi2Yfg via @ReportingHealth
— $Joanne Kenen (@JoanneKenen) April 7, 2016
#AHCJ16 Go hear what @JoanneKenen @NASHPhealth @HCFA have to say about the ACA on Friday. http://bit.ly/1Xi2Yfg via @ReportingHealth
— $William Heisel (@wheisel) April 7, 2016
POTUS talking about ACA and social security now... wide array of topics for his first even on the SCOTUS battle
— $Ari Melber (@AriMelber) April 7, 2016
How the ACA Is Really Performing- Charles Blahous @Economics21 http://hvr.co/1qwqIlr
— $Hoover Institution (@HooverInst) April 7, 2016
How the ACA Is Really Performing http://bit.ly/23kZD2B https://t.co/iyKeZDJwgH
— $Manhattan Institute (@ManhattanInst) April 7, 2016
Join us on April 19 at 4pm as students argue a case involving a challenge to the ACA contraceptive mandate in the Stern Moot Court Finals.
— $Temple University Beasley School of Law (@templelaw) April 7, 2016
Small business owner worried about #ACA compliance? #SBA is offering a webinar on 4/14 to help you figure it out. http://ow.ly/Yllbq
— $Kelcey Patrick-Ferree (@KelceyPF) April 7, 2016
#SupremeCourt Looks for #ACA Contraceptive Coverage Compromise for Religious #Nonprofits http://ow.ly/10joHZ #SCOTUS
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 6, 2016
RT @rachanadixit: New California exchange analysis documents challenges with undocumented coverage ACA waiver. https://www.politicopro.com/health-care/whiteboard/2016/04/california-exchange-analysis-outlines-challenges-with-undocumented-waiver-069986
— $POLITICO Pro (@POLITICOPro) April 6, 2016
New California exchange analysis documents challenges with undocumented coverage ACA waiver. https://www.politicopro.com/health-care/whiteboard/2016/04/california-exchange-analysis-outlines-challenges-with-undocumented-waiver-069986
— $Rachana D. Pradhan (@rachanadixit) April 6, 2016
RT @CraigPalosky: #ACA has faded as an election issue, but health care more broadly could return this fall http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2016/04/06/how-health-care-factors-into-the-presidential-campaign/ @DrewAltman in @WSJPolitics
— $Capital Journal (@WSJPolitics) April 6, 2016
#ACA has faded as an election issue, but health care more broadly could return this fall http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2016/04/06/how-health-care-factors-into-the-presidential-campaign/ @DrewAltman in @WSJPolitics
— $Craig Palosky (@CraigPalosky) April 6, 2016
Join us on April 19 at 4pm as students argue a case involving a challenge to the ACA contraceptive mandate in the Stern Moot Court Finals.
— $Temple University Beasley School of Law (@templelaw) April 6, 2016
#GovCon: Some #DOL/Wage and Hour Guidance on How to Coordinate #FringeBenefit Reqs with #ACA http://ow.ly/10hShY
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 5, 2016
Today's episode also features a dramatic reading of some LambdaMOO chatlogs if that's your thing https://aca.st/7ae3f7
— $Rose Eveleth ???? (@roseveleth) April 5, 2016
#SupremeCourt Looks for #ACA Contraceptive Coverage Compromise for Religious #Nonprofits http://ow.ly/10joD6 @JacksonLewisPC #SCOTUS
— $Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview) April 5, 2016
Emerging ACA consensus: hasn't upturned core of country's health insurance system, while insuring millions of poor http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/05/business/employers-keep-health-insurance-despite-affordable-care-act.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
— $Paul Demko (@pauldemko) April 5, 2016
Popular--> Recent Government-Issued FAQs Clarify ACA Employer Mandate, Market Reforms http://bit.ly/1RSllWG
— $Trending on JD Supra (@JDSupraBuzz) April 4, 2016