Police ‘Specifically’ Withholding Immigration Status, Nationality Of Walmart Shooter http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/14/amarillo-police-refuse-to-release-immigration-status-of-walmart-shooter/ via @dailycaller
— $Christopher Helt (@HeltLawGroup) June 15, 2016
TPM: Poll: 62 percent of respondents disagree with Trump's proposal to ban Muslim immigration … https://t.co/JsDiBnGu5n
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 15, 2016
States Acting to Get Professional Licenses for Immigrants http://bit.ly/1XXCqEc
— $Prerna Lal (@prernaplal) June 15, 2016
Poll: 62 percent of respondents disagree with Trump's proposal to ban Muslim immigration http://bit.ly/1UdseWQ https://t.co/O4SxHcO7Qh
— $Talking Points Memo (@TPM) June 15, 2016
In U.K., surge of immigrants fuels support for leaving the European Union. http://on.wsj.com/1U9QALM
— $Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) June 15, 2016
Non-U.S. citizens facing adverse immigration consequences as a result of a criminal conviction may challenge an old criminal conviction.
— $Andrew Melchior MacDonald (@MacDonaldLaw) June 15, 2016
Rebekah Grafton is a former DHS ICE Trial Attorney. Immigration Consultations are $100. Set one up at 919.828.5570. https://t.co/8hQp5e4Zg6
— $William Lenox Fay (@FayGrafton) June 15, 2016
RT @NatImmForum: US officials agree to improve phone access for #immigration detainees, help #immigrants obtain legal representation http://bit.ly/1Uzbkwi
— $Lynn Garfinkel (@garfinkel_law) June 15, 2016
RT @owenjbennett: Gove saying people have their wages held down by immigration. If only some sort of minimum wage could be increased by the government...
— $Guardian politics (@GdnPolitics) June 15, 2016
RT @wdjstraw: Some of my best friends are immigrants, say Michael Gove as he tries to defend his dog whistling & scaremongering on immigration #bbcqt
— $Guardian politics (@GdnPolitics) June 15, 2016
Paul Ryan Breaks with Trump on Muslim Immigrant Ban http://buff.ly/1Op7OYP
— $Taegan Goddard (@politicalwire) June 15, 2016
Gove saying people have their wages held down by immigration. If only some sort of minimum wage could be increased by the government...
— $Owen Bennett (@owenjbennett) June 15, 2016
Some of my best friends are immigrants, say Michael Gove as he tries to defend his dog whistling & scaremongering on immigration #bbcqt
— $Will Straw (@wdjstraw) June 15, 2016
A blog from the archive: Identifying the #Immigration Consequences of #Divorce: http://ow.ly/BK6k301iojq
— $Patricia S. Fernandez (@patfernandezlaw) June 15, 2016
TPM: RT allegrakirkland: Clinton: Trump's proposed border wall, ban on Muslim immigration wldnt have stopped Orlan… https://t.co/KhA7r6jp6v
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 15, 2016
Trump on Muslim immigrants and Sharia law: "Don’t kid yourself. That’s what they believe. That’s what they want. That’s what they practice.”
— $John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) June 15, 2016
politico: RT burgessev: Progress? Cornyn drops immigration language from his guns bill and is talking to Feinstein… http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/sen-chris-murphy-starts-talking-filibuster-over-gun-control-224369
— $Ali Ebrahimzadeh, Esq. (@PrometheusLaw) June 15, 2016
US officials agree to improve phone access for #immigration detainees, help #immigrants obtain legal representation http://bit.ly/1Uzbkwi
— $NatImmForum (@NatImmForum) June 15, 2016
RT @MULawPoll: On undocumented immigrants, 60% favor path to citizenship, 18% favor permanent guest worker status, 17% deportation. #mulawpoll
— $Josh Dorner (@JoshDorner) June 15, 2016
RT @burgessev: Progress? Cornyn drops immigration language from his guns bill and is talking to Feinstein on unlikely compromise http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/sen-chris-murphy-starts-talking-filibuster-over-gun-control-224369
— $POLITICO (@politico) June 15, 2016
RT @MULawPoll: On undocumented immigrants, 60% favor path to citizenship, 18% favor permanent guest worker status, 17% deportation. #mulawpoll
— $Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) June 15, 2016
U.K.'s Immigration Unease Animates 'Brexit' Vote http://on.wsj.com/1UV4ZLn
— $WSJ World News (@WSJworld) June 15, 2016
RT @allegrakirkland: Clinton: Trump's proposed border wall, ban on Muslim immigration wldnt have stopped Orlando http://bit.ly/23aD40g https://t.co/l07B6Hh6Fr
— $Talking Points Memo (@TPM) June 15, 2016
Clinton: Trump's proposed border wall, ban on Muslim immigration wldnt have stopped Orlando http://bit.ly/23aD40g https://t.co/l07B6Hh6Fr
— $Allegra Kirkland (@allegrakirkland) June 15, 2016
Do Trump supporters know their leader is a third-generation immigrant? Do they not understand that we are a nation of immigrants?
— $Alex Cacioppo (@lexiconstable) June 15, 2016
While researching I-9 verification for a client, came across this helpful video from #USCIS https://lnkd.in/eP6JZyC #immigration
— $Richard Irving Fleischer Esq (@nfleischer) June 15, 2016
On undocumented immigrants, 60% favor path to citizenship, 18% favor permanent guest worker status, 17% deportation. #mulawpoll
— $MULawPoll (@MULawPoll) June 15, 2016
RT @burgessev: Progress? Cornyn drops immigration language from his guns bill and is talking to Feinstein on unlikely compromise http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/sen-chris-murphy-starts-talking-filibuster-over-gun-control-224369
— $Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) June 15, 2016
Progress? Cornyn drops immigration language from his guns bill and is talking to Feinstein on unlikely compromise http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/sen-chris-murphy-starts-talking-filibuster-over-gun-control-224369
— $Burgess Everett (@burgessev) June 15, 2016
Not content with pissing on our leg & telling us it's raining, Leave is now blaming immigrants for the weather. http://bit.ly/262EwUe
— $Gary Younge (@garyyounge) June 15, 2016
In yesterday's @HouseHomeland hearing, feds admit immigrants who overstay visas are hardly ever caught http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/14/illegal-immigrants-who-overstay-visas-almost-never/
— $Lamar Smith (@LamarSmithTX21) June 15, 2016
Valedictorians prove value of investing in young immigrants http://fb.me/2Xgbi8ZFI
— $Ms. Ruchi Thaker (@ThakerLaw) June 15, 2016
@CornellLaw prof @DorfonLaw analyzes Trump’s Post-Orlando statements on Muslim immigration http://j.st/4BT6
— $Justia Inc (@justiacom) June 15, 2016
Clinton on how Trump's immigration proposals: "I don't know how one builds a wall to keep the internet out."
— $NPR Politics (@nprpolitics) June 15, 2016
Immigration challenges undocumented Orlando massacre survivors now face: http://ow.ly/m5T3301igzQ
— $Christine Swenson (@USImmigLaw) June 15, 2016
RT @pewglobal: Immigrant share of population jumps in some European countries. New @pc_connor @jensmanuel http://pewrsr.ch/1U9yqtK https://t.co/4n3SNCOJC3
— $Reihan Salam (@reihan) June 15, 2016
RT @RozHunter: How the Federal Bureau of Prisons ignored years of internal warnings about deaths at private immigrant-only prisons http://www.thenation.com/article/federal-officials-ignored-years-of-internal-warnings-about-deaths-at-private-prisons/
— $The Nation (@thenation) June 15, 2016
Immigrant share of population jumps in some European countries. New @pc_connor @jensmanuel http://pewrsr.ch/1U9yqtK https://t.co/4n3SNCOJC3
— $PewResearch Global (@pewglobal) June 15, 2016
Trump doubles down on Muslim immigration ban, calls for building "safe zones" in & at expense of Middle East.
— $David R Martin (@DRMartinLLC) June 15, 2016
Reuters - Trump adds new twist to immigration proposals, but legal doubts persist http://ow.ly/3BzX301ifvt
— $Meetesh V Patel (@MVPLawGroup) June 15, 2016