AHCA records show that 4 Planned Parenthood orgs received $ from Medicaid HMOs for services other than abortion
— $Gary Fineout (@fineout) March 9, 2016
Bad Boss of the Month - Suzanne Hurley, Florida AHCA http://badbossofthemonth.com/2015/11/masking-the-problem/
— $Carol A Lawson (@ClwtrBkAtty) February 26, 2016
Flashback to last summer when AHCA Sec. Dudek and agency altered press release clearing Planned Parenthood at direction of gov's office
— $Gary Fineout (@fineout) February 17, 2016
Flashback to last year when AHCA Sec. Dudek contended she didn't know about problems with CMS - yet emails/documents showed otherwise
— $Gary Fineout (@fineout) February 17, 2016
Looks like AHCA Sec. Liz Dudek will get confirmed by Fla. Senate despite questions about agency handling of Medicaid/Planned Parenthood
— $Gary Fineout (@fineout) February 17, 2016
Liz Dudek's confirmation as AHCA Secretary clears health policy committee via @MichaelAuslen http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/the-buzz-florida-politics/liz-dudek-confirmation-clears-health-policy-committee-bean-says-armstrong/2260871
— $Jeff Harrington (@JeffMHarrington) January 11, 2016
RT @Mdixon55: AHCA's communications director out http://politi.co/1isSgVa via @politicofl
— $Gary Fineout (@fineout) September 15, 2015
AHCA's communications director out http://politi.co/1isSgVa via @politicofl
— $Matt Dixon (@Mdixon55) September 15, 2015
RT @christinesexton: Administration pursued doctors at Planned Parenthood clinics, emails show http://politi.co/1hEZtQT .@FlGovScott .@AHCA .@politicofl #power
— $Gary Fineout (@fineout) September 4, 2015
Administration pursued doctors at Planned Parenthood clinics, emails show http://politi.co/1hEZtQT .@FlGovScott .@AHCA .@politicofl #power
— $Christine Sexton (@christinesexton) September 4, 2015
RT @Mdixon55: Secretary travel/budget in 14: AHCA $9k/$24 billion Dept Education: $14k/$20 billion Lottery: $30k/$163 million http://politi.co/1LwTs5O
— $Marc Caputo (@MarcACaputo) August 25, 2015
Secretary travel/budget in 14: AHCA $9k/$24 billion Dept Education: $14k/$20 billion Lottery: $30k/$163 million http://politi.co/1LwTs5O
— $Matt Dixon (@Mdixon55) August 25, 2015
RT @amy_hollyfield: AHCA to Planned Parenthood: Abortions weren't illegal http://bit.ly/1ECIB2p
— $Paul Flemming (@PaulFlemming) August 19, 2015
AHCA to Planned Parenthood: Abortions weren't illegal http://bit.ly/1ECIB2p
— $Amy Hollyfield (@amy_hollyfield) August 19, 2015
RT @christinesexton: My story on an AHCA letter to Planned P'hood @politcofl Scott administration concedes on Planned Parenthood licensing http://bit.ly/1K5TFv2
— $Gary Fineout (@fineout) August 19, 2015
My story on an AHCA letter to Planned P'hood @politcofl Scott administration concedes on Planned Parenthood licensing http://bit.ly/1K5TFv2
— $Christine Sexton (@christinesexton) August 19, 2015
The FL Planned Parenthood deficiency reports available here: http://ahca.myflorida.com/Executive/Communications/Press_Releases/pdf/PlannedParenthoodReports.pdf (pdf)
— $Charles Ornstein (@charlesornstein) August 6, 2015
3 Planned Parenthood clinics in FL cited by state, told "to immediately cease performing second trimester abortions." http://ahca.myflorida.com/Executive/Communications/Press_Releases/pdf/PlannedParenthoodpressreleasefinal.pdf
— $Charles Ornstein (@charlesornstein) August 6, 2015
RT @MichaelAuslen: AHCA found problems at 4 Florida Planned Parenthood sites in its fetal organ sale investigation.
— $Jeff Harrington (@JeffMHarrington) August 5, 2015
AHCA found problems at 4 Florida Planned Parenthood sites in its fetal organ sale investigation.
— $Michael Auslen (@MichaelAuslen) August 5, 2015
Let me correct that - AHCA Sec. Liz Dudek's name is on contract, but it looks like it was signed by someone else on her behalf
— $Gary Fineout (@fineout) June 25, 2015
According to contract, it was signed by AHCA Sec. Dudek & an attorney with Bancroft today - the same day Fla. filed to dismiss suit
— $Gary Fineout (@fineout) June 25, 2015
Rep. @cathymcmorris: (Speaking of care providers) You’re there to help people when they make their return to normalcy.” #WeAreSolution
— $AHCA/NCAL (@ahcancal) June 15, 2015
RT @GlennaOn10: QSL > @MaryEllenKlas: FL health insurance alphabet: CMS reducing LIP, IGTs face cuts,prompting FHIX plan to put ACA $ into MMAs w/AHCA rates
— $Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) June 4, 2015
QSL > @MaryEllenKlas: FL health insurance alphabet: CMS reducing LIP, IGTs face cuts,prompting FHIX plan to put ACA $ into MMAs w/AHCA rates
— $Glenna Milberg (@GlennaOn10) June 4, 2015
Florida's health insurance alphabet: Because CMS is reducing LIP, IGTs face cuts, prompting FHIX plan to put ACA $ into MMAs with AHCA rates
— $Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) June 4, 2015
State's top Medicaid chief backs off main criticism of the Senate's proposed health care exchange via @MaryEllenKlas http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/the-buzz-florida-politics/senate-opens-fhix-debate-with-news----ahca-has-backed-off/2232151
— $Jeff Harrington (@JeffMHarrington) June 3, 2015
RT @jlrosicaTBO: Court upholds verdict against AHCA in ‘gas mask’ case | http://shar.es/12rgRP via @TBOcom http://t.co/lM0vVus6nj
— $Gary Fineout (@fineout) June 3, 2015
Court upholds verdict against AHCA in ‘gas mask’ case | http://shar.es/12rgRP via @TBOcom http://t.co/lM0vVus6nj
— $Jim Rosica (@JimRosicaFL) June 3, 2015
AHCA confirms that Medicaid czar worked on Senate amendments but remains concerned about fed approval of FHIX http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2015/06/senate-opens-health-care-debate-with-claim-that-medicaid-czar-is-now-on-board.html
— $Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) June 3, 2015
AHCA confirms they worked with Senate and amendments 'removes our concerns about death spiral' but they say they still doubt feds approve
— $Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) June 3, 2015
Sen. Richter suggests it would be “fiscally irresponsible” not to pursue the FHIX plan and that AHCA has now ‘come on board.’
— $Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) June 3, 2015
Sen. Aaron Bean says AHCA backs off claims that plan creates 'death spiral' but AHCA spox sent me email this a.m. saying exactly opposite
— $Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) June 3, 2015
Months of pent up frustration erupts as Senate berates AHCA Medicaid chief: Months of frustration over stalled... http://bit.ly/1Joc0SW
— $Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) June 2, 2015
Months of pent up frustration erupts as Senate berates AHCA Medicaid chief http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2015/06/months-of-pent-up-frustration-erupts-as-senate-berates-ahca-medicaid-chief.html
— $Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) June 2, 2015
AHCA deputy says 'only a small sliver would gain coverage' but doesn't know how many; Sen. Lee suggests 'you brought nothing but confusion'
— $Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) June 2, 2015
Gov's office says the Senate only gave AHCA '15 minutes notice' and that Justin Senior 'will be there shortly'
— $Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) June 2, 2015
Senate counters House criticism and calls out AHCA for 'disrepectful' no-show http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2015/06/the-florida-senate-used-a-budget-hearing-on-its-fhix-health-insurance-expansion-plan-to-counter-criticism-from-the-house-but.html
— $Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) June 2, 2015
Senate bashes AHCA again and again. Richter calls it 'disrespectful." Latvala threatens Dudek's confirmaton, Joyner suggests subpoena.
— $Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) June 2, 2015
Sen. @JackLatvala says Senate will remember absence of AHCA officials and their "disrespect" when AHCA Sec. Dudek is up for confirmation
— $Gary Fineout (@fineout) June 2, 2015